Elections have consequences and the Populists won!


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
As the Biden economy surges and the President's approval remains steady, his success is predicated upon a devious political strategy:

Democrats just got a serious jolt of good electoral news. Fresh off a big win with the American Rescue Plan, which enjoys nearly 70 percent support nationally, Gallup released its political affiliation polling for the first quarter of 2021 and the results were mighty good for left-leaners like us.
The data show that 49 percent of American adults identify with the Democratic Party or are independents who lean towards the Democratic Party. That’s a 9-point advantage over the 40 percent who identify with the Republican party or are Republican-leaning independents. This represents the largest quarterly gap in party affiliation since 2012. The typical advantage for Democrats is usually around 4 to 6 points.
This is undoubtedly good news for Democrats and bad news for Republicans; GOP identification is close to the lowest ever recorded in Gallup history. …The Trump administration was a dark four years in American history, creating unprecedented dissatisfaction among many traditional GOP voters such as white suburbanites who may have no long-term loyalty to Democrats once Donald Trump is out of the picture…
Democrats must keep doing popular things. Joe Biden was the only candidate in the Democratic field, and certainly in the general election, who understood that Twitter isn’t real life. He has grounded his agenda in opinion polling that shows tremendous support for the policies he’s putting forward...
From the high approval for the American Rescue Plan to his handling of the coronavirus to rejoining the Paris Agreement and World Health Organization to restarting the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Biden hasn’t taken an action unpopular with the majority of Americans since his inauguration. That’s also how he has kept his approval rating above 50 percent….
Eschew policies that are polarizing and appeal only to the fringes. Extinguish any discussion of “defund the police,” which is supported by only 18 percent of Americans. Stick to popular gun reform policies such as universal background checks and closing the so-called Charleston loophole. Common sense keeps Democrats in charge and independents happy with the direction in which the country is going
65 percent of registered voters support funding Biden’s infrastructure plan by raising taxes on corporations. That includes 42 percent of Republican voters. This will be another feather in Biden’s cap and will position Democrats well for state and national elections over the next two years.

Meanwhile, leading the fight against Biden popularism is the senior Republican in office, the individual who, in a display of Party unity, has been extolled by the disgruntled former guy (who achieved the MAGA hat trick of losing his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate in a single term) as a “dumb son of a bitch!” - while attacking his wife as well.
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"You can't always get what you want!"

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Is the pay good, Schmidlap?
The fringe benefits of having a competent President who respects the will of the People is excellent. Making good on Trump's incessant, vapid raving about Afghanistan is the latest instance.

...Trump called Afghanistan “a complete waste.” He added: “Time to come home!”
In a March 2013 tweet, he said the U.S. “should leave Afghanistan immediately.”
“No more wasted lives,” Trump tweeted. “If we have to go back in, we go in hard & quick. Rebuild the US first.”
Here are just a few of his other tweets criticizing the conflict:​
The former guy failed on his repeated promise to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Maybe the President can do better.

He has been doing what is popular with the American People in regard to issue after issue.

Americans want troops home from Afghanistan
January 23, 2020A new YouGov poll commissioned by the Charles Koch Institute shows Americans are strongly supportive of bringing our troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq, oppose war with Iran, and generally want the United States to be less militarily engaged around the world. The poll comes following President Trump sending an additional 3,500 troops to the Middle East amid rising tensions in the region, but avoiding additional military action following the Iran missile strikes.​
Will Ruger, vice president of research and policy at the Charles Koch Institute had this to say about the poll’s findings:​
“The American people are tired of our ‘endless wars’ and seem to understand that long-term military commitments like those in Afghanistan and Iraq don’t serve our national interests and aren’t worth the costs. With nearly 70 percent responding in favor of bringing our troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq, it’s clear that our approach to the Middle East doesn’t square with the will of the American people who bear the human and financial costs of these decisions. Unfortunately, the Washington foreign policy establishment, including many in government, has resisted real change.”
Though there seems to be some uncertainty about the implications of open-ended military presences in Iraq and Afghanistan, respondents were much more certain about whether or not our troops should be in the country, with 68 and 69 percent in support of bringing our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, respectively...​
Meanwhile, the American people remain supportive of the President they elected and of his populist agenda:

Approaching one hundred days in the presidency, President Biden maintains fairly strong approval ratings for what look like fairly straightforward reasons: most Americans like the way he's handling the country's top priorities, with especially strong marks on the pandemic and vaccine rollout; his major legislative pieces are popular so far. And then, more stylistically perhaps, a majority of Americans pick words to describe him like "presidential," "focused" and "competent."
Of course, the stark contrast with the Former Guy accentuates the positive:
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Xiden isn't a populist and RCP aggregates purposely fake polls.
... and the sultry Hermann Goering could captivate with his fetching 'Dance of the Seven Veils.'

Meanwhile, crossing back from the Twilight Zone, the populist President remains popular:

Nearly three-quarters who watched or heard about President Joe Biden’s joint session to Congress approve of the President’s remarks, according to an Ipsos snap poll for Reuters fielded in the hours immediately following the speech. Among all respondents, three in five (or more) support the policies the president outlined in his speech – from 12 weeks of paid family leave to passing the American Jobs Plan.

Many Republican voters agree with Biden - 'trickle-down economics' has failed
A majority of Americans support measures favored by President Joe Biden to substantially redistribute U.S. wealth, according to an Ipsos poll for Reuters released on Thursday, including tax hikes on the wealthy and a higher minimum wage.
The national opinion poll also found that Republican voters were divided over the "trickle-down economics" championed by their party's leaders since President Ronald Reagan some 40 years ago.
A 2020 study by the London School of Economics of 50 years of data from 18 countries showed that the only significant effect of significant tax cuts to the rich was to increase income inequality with little benefit to unemployment or economic growth.
According to the Ipsos poll, 51% of adults agreed with the statement that "trickle-down economics have never worked in America," while 26% disagreed.
Among Republicans, four in 10 agreed that it was a failed theory, while three in 10 disagreed.
If this is about what the people want, then the Democrats should support border security and stricter immigration policies.

They should also fight against the trans nonsense. Most people are against letting minors use hormone blockers or letting transwomen compete with biological females in sports.
If this is about what the people want, then the Democrats should support border security and stricter immigration policies.

They should also fight against the trans nonsense. Most people are against letting minors use hormone blockers or letting transwomen compete with biological females in sports.
The popularly-elected President is still getting away with his diabolical scheme of pandering to the American electorate, most of whom voted for him.

Sixty-percent of registered voters in the April 26-28 survey said they approve of the job Biden is doing as president, down 1 percentage point from last week's poll...
Biden's highest marks are on his handling the coronavirus pandemic, with 67 percent approving his efforts. His lowest rating, 48 percent, comes on immigration.

Border security and a coherent immigration policy have been desperately needed for many years, and silly nonsense about making Mexico pay for a big, beautiful wall avoided a real solution.

New poll shows Americans overwhelmingly oppose anti-transgender laws
Two-thirds of Americans are against laws that would limit transgender rights, a new PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll found. That opposition includes majorities of every political ideology from liberal to conservative and every age group...

[New poll shows Americans overwhelmingly oppose anti-transgender laws]

Americans respect an American's right to a gender identity that is not dictated by the State.

The populists take Biden as one of their own, and the republican fascist party is much less in numbers than the fake far right media want us to believe.
If this is about what the people want, then the Democrats should support border security and stricter immigration policies.

They should also fight against the trans nonsense. Most people are against letting minors use hormone blockers or letting transwomen compete with biological females in sports.
The popularly-elected President is still getting away with his diabolical scheme of pandering to the American electorate, most of whom voted for him.

Sixty-percent of registered voters in the April 26-28 survey said they approve of the job Biden is doing as president, down 1 percentage point from last week's poll...
Biden's highest marks are on his handling the coronavirus pandemic, with 67 percent approving his efforts. His lowest rating, 48 percent, comes on immigration.

Border security and a coherent immigration policy have been desperately needed for many years, and silly nonsense about making Mexico pay for a big, beautiful wall avoided a real solution.

New poll shows Americans overwhelmingly oppose anti-transgender laws
Two-thirds of Americans are against laws that would limit transgender rights, a new PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll found. That opposition includes majorities of every political ideology from liberal to conservative and every age group...

[New poll shows Americans overwhelmingly oppose anti-transgender laws]

Americans respect an American's right to a gender identity that is not dictated by the State.

If the public actually doesn't have a problem with transwomen competing with biological females in sports, then they shouldn't have a problem with desegregating sports by sex.

Allowing transwomen to compete with biological females is already halfway doing that anyway. Might as well go all the way with that.

Personally, I'm ok with desegregating sports by sex, and I would thoroughly enjoy watching males dominate nearly every sport.
The populists take Biden as one of their own, and the republican fascist party is much less in numbers than the fake far right media want us to believe.
It all depends on if the globalists regain control of the GOP or not. If they do, they'll allow more Republicans to enter office in the House and Senate to continue the illusion that we have 2 parties.

If nationalists continue to hold more power in the GOP, they'll keep out as many of them as is possible.
If the public actually doesn't have a problem with transwomen competing with biological females in sports, then they shouldn't have a problem with desegregating sports by sex.
You can set your conditions for the public, but the public may not bow to your demands.
It all depends on if the globalists regain control of the GOP or not.
If the American public continues to approve of the United States taking a leadership role in global affairs, and forming international alliances, especially with other democratic nations, the GOP will defer to the American public as an existential necessity.
It all depends on if the globalists regain control of the GOP or not.
If the American public continues to approve of the United States taking a leadership role in global affairs, and forming international alliances, especially with other democratic nations, the GOP will defer to the American public as an existential necessity.
You're assuming the public is what the system actually is led by. It's usually the other way around. Most people either don't follow politics or let the media do the thinking for them.

Also, only a slim majority even votes in presidential elections. In midterms and other elections, the percentage is usually far lower. So, the actual majority is either apathetic or not invested in the system.

Vocal elements of the public will go back and forth about things like war. A lot of it is determined by media coverage. Shortly after 9/11, the majority of the public supported entering Afghanistan, and media coverage was generally positive in the early months of the war.

Media coverage of the Iraq War became negative early on.

Yet, a strange thing happened when Obama entered office. The Democrats weren't nearly as anti-war at that point as they had claimed to be during Bush's era. Trump was comparably less interventionist than Obama. Even now, the GOP is less interventionist, at least in rhetoric.

If the GOP returns to being more hawkish, that will be a likely sign that the status quo has returned and that globalists have retaken the power in the GOP.
You can set your conditions for the public, but the public may not bow to your demands.
The Democrats should heed that more then.
So far, for the public, it's largely a matter of "what you see is what you get" as their President fulfills the expectations of the American electorate that placed him in the White House:

Country optimistic after Biden’s 1st 100 days: POLL
Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction.
[Country optimistic after Biden’s 1st 100 days: POLL]

Biden has passed the 100-day mark of his presidency with an approval rating north of 50%, unlike his predecessor Donald Trump. There are a lot of reasons why that may be the case, such as an improving economic and coronavirus pandemic situation.

But let me offer up another simple explanation: Biden is who voters believed he would be as president.
You can see this best ideologically. Much has been made by some that Biden's agenda has ended up being more progressive than promised. Yet when you look at polls like the new ABC News/Washington Post poll, basically the same percentage of Americans believe Biden's stances on the issues are about right.
You can also see this when you ask people about Biden's ideology straight up.

Different polls ask about this in different ways, but I've converted them all into a 0 to 100 score with 0 being most conservative, 25 being somewhat conservative, 50 being moderate, 75 being somewhat liberal and 100 being most liberal. I've also allocated undecideds.
Biden averages a score of 69, according to an average of polls taken since he entered the White House. You see this well in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll where Biden scores a 66, according to my methodology.
In the polls taken in the months leading up to the 2020 election, his ideological score averaged a 69.
Americans see Biden as the same ideologically now as they did in the lead up to the election...
Nice try, Skinflap. There is nothing "popular" or "moderate" about the trillion dollar
pig trough Biden wants democrats to wallow in, at the expense of tax payers who will
be stuck with the bills long after union cronies and other democrat beneficiaries have
had a good chuckle as Biden makes it rain fiat currency all over them.

Your "funny" photos and colorful fonts don't disguise the excrement your threads specialize in.
The stink is unmistakable.

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