Elections should be held every year, John Adams held that where annual elections end tyranny begins


VIP Member
Sep 4, 2013
John Adams held, at least at some point, that "where annual elections end tyranny begins" according to Century illustrated magazine ... I've also read this was a common saying at the time of the founding.

also according to that magazine.

When the Constitution was framed only South Carolina had the biennial system. Connecticut and Rhode Island held elections half-yearly.

We should bring back this idea....it wouldnt have to be for every seat in Congress but some could be designated to go every year. I think this would keep the legislature more beholden to the electorate.
Yeah. That's what I want. Campaign ads and political poll phone calls 24/7/365. :cheeky-smiley-018::cheeky-smiley-018::cheeky-smiley-018:
"John Schmuckatelli has been in office for 27 days now and hasn't done shit for America. Vote for Albert Dipstick this November."
John Adams held, at least at some point, that "where annual elections end tyranny begins" according to Century illustrated magazine ... I've also read this was a common saying at the time of the founding.

also according to that magazine.

When the Constitution was framed only South Carolina had the biennial system. Connecticut and Rhode Island held elections half-yearly.

We should bring back this idea....it wouldnt have to be for every seat in Congress but some could be designated to go every year. I think this would keep the legislature more beholden to the electorate.
If we did that, all Obama would do is campaign.......oh wait....
And that is exactly what would happen. Think nothing gets done now? Can you imagine? We would ultimately be paying them to campaign full time.
John Adams held, at least at some point, that "where annual elections end tyranny begins" according to Century illustrated magazine ... I've also read this was a common saying at the time of the founding.

also according to that magazine.

When the Constitution was framed only South Carolina had the biennial system. Connecticut and Rhode Island held elections half-yearly.

We should bring back this idea....it wouldnt have to be for every seat in Congress but some could be designated to go every year. I think this would keep the legislature more beholden to the electorate.
If we did that, all Obama would do is campaign.......oh wait....
And that is exactly what would happen. Think nothing gets done now? Can you imagine? We would ultimately be paying them to campaign full time.
John Adams held, at least at some point, that "where annual elections end tyranny begins" according to Century illustrated magazine ... I've also read this was a common saying at the time of the founding.

also according to that magazine.

When the Constitution was framed only South Carolina had the biennial system. Connecticut and Rhode Island held elections half-yearly.

We should bring back this idea....it wouldnt have to be for every seat in Congress but some could be designated to go every year. I think this would keep the legislature more beholden to the electorate.
If we did that, all Obama would do is campaign.......oh wait....

Well, like I said, it wouldnt have to be for all at once....a rotation of elections....so individual members wouldnt have to campaign any more than they do now.....but if Congress did something idiotic....like pass a free trade agreement that no one in the country wanted ....then half the house would face reelection soon enough to make them pause in their idiocy.
FYI to the OP – it's clear that your goofy 'proposals' are motivated by partisanism, not a good faith effort to 'improve' the American condition.

how?....how could this possibly be seen as helping one side over the other

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