Electirc cars pollute MORE than gas poweered cars!!!

switch over to green electricity, problem solved. The cars don't produce the pollution, the electricity generation does.
What produces electricity? Hydro is in short supply and is fading because we are finding it create problems. Wind has huge NIMBY issues and just doesn't produce much.

Are you going to go for Nuke? That may be our only salvation
What produces electricity? Hydro is in short supply and is fading because we are finding it create problems. Wind has huge NIMBY issues and just doesn't produce much.

Are you going to go for Nuke? That may be our only salvation

Wind also kills around 500,000 birds every year. Not too environmentally friendly if you ask me.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NAAzBArYdw]Bird vs Wind Turbine - YouTube[/ame]
The study was referring to the pollution from China's coal burning electric plants. How you determined that "the internal combustion engine rules" from that is puzzling.

plus, the internal combustion engine, as great as it is, is the reason the middle east has so much power internationally.
The study was referring to the pollution from China's coal burning electric plants. How you determined that "the internal combustion engine rules" from that is puzzling.

plus, the internal combustion engine, as great as it is, is the reason the middle east has so much power internationally.

Only because our government won't allow us to drill for our own oil.
The study was referring to the pollution from China's coal burning electric plants. How you determined that "the internal combustion engine rules" from that is puzzling.

plus, the internal combustion engine, as great as it is, is the reason the middle east has so much power internationally.

Only because our government won't allow us to drill for our own oil.

i think we're already the 2nd or 3rd biggest oil producer in the world. and since the oil industry, in our country, isn't run by our government (like it is in other countries) the additional oil would go out on the would market.

so, are you thinking that by drilling for more oil here, we reduce the political power of the middle east?
plus, the internal combustion engine, as great as it is, is the reason the middle east has so much power internationally.

Only because our government won't allow us to drill for our own oil.

i think we're already the 2nd or 3rd biggest oil producer in the world. and since the oil industry, in our country, isn't run by our government (like it is in other countries) the additional oil would go out on the would market.

so, are you thinking that by drilling for more oil here, we reduce the political power of the middle east?

We're not going to drill our way out of this. The only real long term solution to the energy problem is the development of fusion power. We can't put too much money into the research, IMO. It'll get paid back in spades when nearly unlimited, cheap energy is available. Side benefit, we'll have all the hydrogen we need to run cleaner automobles.


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The study was referring to the pollution from China's coal burning electric plants. How you determined that "the internal combustion engine rules" from that is puzzling.

plus, the internal combustion engine, as great as it is, is the reason the middle east has so much power internationally.

Only because our government won't allow us to drill for our own oil.

Really stupid thing to state. We use 24% of the world's oil, and have about 3% of the reserves. So drilling more here only shortens the time until we are 100% dependent on others for oil.
Thankfully I own a V8 instead of some hybrid or electric car. Stop the wussification of America!


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switch over to green electricity, problem solved. The cars don't produce the pollution, the electricity generation does.

Too bad the Hussein doesn't want nuclear power.

The so called "progressives" in this country don't want us to progress in energy. They hate all the progress we've made via the internal combustion engine, electricity, and nuclear power. They stop at nothing to hinder the progress of technology.
plus, the internal combustion engine, as great as it is, is the reason the middle east has so much power internationally.

Only because our government won't allow us to drill for our own oil.

i think we're already the 2nd or 3rd biggest oil producer in the world. and since the oil industry, in our country, isn't run by our government (like it is in other countries) the additional oil would go out on the would market.

so, are you thinking that by drilling for more oil here, we reduce the political power of the middle east?

Probably not, we don't use their oil anyway, that mainly goes to Europe and Japan. However, if our government allowed our oil companies to use what we have, the net result would be to have our companies working here and they would be left to their own devices. Our people work better then theirs as a whole so it may have an impact. I truly don't know.

However, it would be a step in the right direction.
plus, the internal combustion engine, as great as it is, is the reason the middle east has so much power internationally.

Only because our government won't allow us to drill for our own oil.

Really stupid thing to state. We use 24% of the world's oil, and have about 3% of the reserves. So drilling more here only shortens the time until we are 100% dependent on others for oil.

We export gasoline. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
There was a study done a while back that proved the Toyota Prius actually puts out more emmisions over its lifetime when you consider the manufacturing of the batteries.

I would imagine though, that over time if electric cars would become the norm, the battery production would become more efficient as companies refined their manufacturing process, so that eventually electric cars would become (1) better for environment, and (2) cheaper for consumers to use, because they no longer have to pay for gas, just added electric costs (which will be cheaper than gas because you don't have to maintain gas stations, gas transport networks, ect, you just need powerlines).
The study was referring to the pollution from China's coal burning electric plants. How you determined that "the internal combustion engine rules" from that is puzzling.

plus, the internal combustion engine, as great as it is, is the reason the middle east has so much power internationally.

Only because our government won't allow us to drill for our own oil.

Once again we have our resident liar demostrating that he is either an ignoramous or a tool of the energy corporations.

Sure, we aren't drill enough, and don't have enough refinery capacity. That is why gasoline and diesel have become our biggest export. 500,000 wells in the US, versus under 40,000 in the Middle East.
There was a study done a while back that proved the Toyota Prius actually puts out more emmisions over its lifetime when you consider the manufacturing of the batteries.

I would imagine though, that over time if electric cars would become the norm, the battery production would become more efficient as companies refined their manufacturing process, so that eventually electric cars would become (1) better for environment, and (2) cheaper for consumers to use, because they no longer have to pay for gas, just added electric costs (which will be cheaper than gas because you don't have to maintain gas stations, gas transport networks, ect, you just need powerlines).

The EV is a real problem for the energy corporations. First, as solar is rapidly diminishing in price, and the battery technology is developing 1 kw per kg batteries, a home owner will soon be able to have a solar setup that not only powers his home, but also his vehicle. And his vehicle becomes a backup in case of a grid failure.

This is a technology that will happen, and sooner than later. More freedom for the individual, and the 'Conservatives' will fight it tooth and nail.
Only because our government won't allow us to drill for our own oil.

Really stupid thing to state. We use 24% of the world's oil, and have about 3% of the reserves. So drilling more here only shortens the time until we are 100% dependent on others for oil.

We export gasoline. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Exactly. And now pay nearly four dollars a gallon for gasoline. So, how has the increase in drilling done anything for anybody except the oligarchs in the energy business?
There was a study done a while back that proved the Toyota Prius actually puts out more emmisions over its lifetime when you consider the manufacturing of the batteries.

Study: The Toyota Prius has a dirty side after all:Â*manufacturing

OK. How does the emissions from manufacturing compare to the emissions in the overall lifespan of the vehicle? Your article failed to address that, and for good reason. The Prius would shine compared to the average vehicle in it's class when manufacturing pollution and use pollution over the lifespan of the vehicle were compared.

But not to worry. $5+ gasoline will drive the hybrid and EV market.
Thankfully I own a V8 instead of some hybrid or electric car. Stop the wussification of America!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rVTIpS5zb4]White Zombie electric car - Run 2: 10.400 @ 117.21 - PIR 2010/07/30 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_FWGNXYu1E]The Beach Boys-Shut Down - YouTube[/ame]

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