Electoral College Certification is shocking unifying

Rubio is saying what I have written on this board in the past few days. Trump has turned this nation’s politics into a third world-like joke. Kudos for that admission and truth.
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Mitt up now. Calls this a body of integrity. Charges the President with misleading his followers and causing an “insurrection”. Compliments those who withdrew their objections. Says no audit will make the Trump followers believe the election wasn’t fixed. Tharp can only do one thing, tell them the Truth. Gets long applause.

Romney would sell your mother to make a buck.
It's sad how Josh Hawley saying violence is not the answer when he encouraged Trump and his call for violence.
I’m all for violence really. Let the violence roll. The left has been doing it for years. Time for us to show what violence can look like. I don’t discourage anyone on the right from violence. Go for it.

Right, you are a hypocrite.
No I’m not. I told you stupid fuckers to stop with your riots and all your bullshit or else it would come back on you. Now I hope it comes back on you hard.

The hypocrisy is on your side. Allowing and cheering on those riots and telling us riots are uncivilized. Fuck off. You were warned.

I supported the people's right to protest here. It didn't bother me. It also completely neutralized Trump also so all is good.
What you supported wasn’t protests. It was riots. It was arson and it was looting. Now you seem to have a problem with those kinds of protests. Apparently because you got a new president. I’m thinking we should escalate your tactics to ensure the Democrats lose office as soon as possible. Sound fair?

I never had a problem with them. I support the people's right to resort to violence if need be. I completely disagree with what they were protesting but I support their right to protest.

I didn't get a president. I didn't vote for Biden.

Riot some more. Go for it. I'm not sure you realize how much damage it did to Trump.

Jesus. 81! We are up to 81 people who want to throw out Arizona’s electors based on zero evidence.

I don't understand what the protestors have to do with what she believed happen in the election.


ON top of that, the folks that breached the Capital, were a very, VERY small subset of the protesters.

I am of a mind that the folks that did the assault on the capital were probably led by Antifa and Deep State agent provocateurs. But. . . I could be wrong.

This whole thing looks staged.

Life seems to be imitating art, much like Germany's march into Nazism.

I've been saying for months that the Wuhan Designer Virus is the democrats Reichstag Fire.

And of course you are spot on in your analysis.

Some of them have got to be freaked out that they enabled Trump and put up with his shit for so long.
You want Trump to go away? That ain't gonna happen. Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump are favorites in 2024. The Trump brand is still strong.
---Two of President Drumpf's children, Ivanka Drumpf and Donald Drumpf Jr., would have support from some Republicans and people who lean Republican if they were to run for president in 2024, according to a new survey.---
2024 should be a very comical election year. With the impeached (probably imprisoned) former president trump's devoted RWNJs supporting whichever trump evil spawn wins the coin toss.

His kids are so stupid.. I can't imagine.. Trump and Ivanka certainly could be in prison.

Do you plan to kill Trumps entire family the way Lenin slaughtered the family of the Tsar?

Yes, democrats do salivate at that...
It's sad how Josh Hawley saying violence is not the answer when he encouraged Trump and his call for violence.
I’m all for violence really. Let the violence roll. The left has been doing it for years. Time for us to show what violence can look like. I don’t discourage anyone on the right from violence. Go for it.
Lindsay Graham is speaking on the Senate floor on why the election should not be overturned. The hypocritical asshole has been stirring the conspiracy theories up along with overturning the vote until today.
It is because of assholes like Lindsay Graham that nut cases like Missouri Mike think the way they do.
It’s because of assholes like you. I want to see a full investigation on the votes cast in swing states. I want every vote verified. How is that too much to ask.
You keep pushing for that CrazyMike. It will be wasting more of your wasted life. Get help. Maybe you and the Donald can go to the same Psych hospital.
Almost 2-1 voting but Republicans to not seat Az electors.
Some of them have got to be freaked out that they enabled Trump and put up with his shit for so long.
You want Trump to go away? That ain't gonna happen. Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump are favorites in 2024. The Trump brand is still strong.
---Two of President Drumpf's children, Ivanka Drumpf and Donald Drumpf Jr., would have support from some Republicans and people who lean Republican if they were to run for president in 2024, according to a new survey.---
2024 should be a very comical election year. With the impeached (probably imprisoned) former president trump's devoted RWNJs supporting whichever trump evil spawn wins the coin toss.

His kids are so stupid.. I can't imagine.. Trump and Ivanka certainly could be in prison.

Do you plan to kill Trumps entire family the way Lenin slaughtered the family of the Tsar?

Yes, democrats do salivate at that...
Nah...jail a few maybe....after a fair trial.
Rubio is saying what I have written on this board in the past few days. Trump has turned this nation’s politics into third world-like joke. Kudos for that admission and truth.
It is amazing how all of these Republicans have seen the light 2 weeks before Trump leaves office.
I’m all for violence really. Let the violence roll. The left has been doing it for years. Time for us to show what violence can look like. I don’t discourage anyone on the right from violence. Go for it.

IF you are ready to engage in full blown civil war, what happened today was tactically stupid. If not, what happened today was morally reprehensible and politically stupid.

You don't go into a battle with no objective. These clowns were morons, what did they hope to achieve? You want to take the Capital? It's a stupid move, but if you're dumb enough to do it you need a disciplined force that hits in a lightening strike and takes Congress, not the building. Of course that's suicide, the federal government WILL kill them. But if the objective is to be martyrs for the cause, sitting in Nancy Pigshit's seat (fucking gross) with your feet on the desk is a losing move.

These clowns were a bunch of morons, the whole thing stinks of a false flag.
I thought Trump promised to do that.

If you thought, it was the first time.

No, Trump made no such promise,

Funny how you lie about what Trump said, and lie about what he didn't say.

As long as you can slander and libel him, you'll say anything.

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