Electoral College Certification is shocking unifying

From prison?
Hopefully some DOJ holdovers will put Hillary in prison.
Investigation after investigation, the GOP has always failed to dig up any evidence of her crimes.

We've all seen how the courts treat "evidence" provided by idiots in the many suits lost by the impeached president trump's crack(pot) legal team.

Not even the FBI can find any incriminating evidence on Hillary. The evidence there is, came from the same source as the election fraud evidence for last November's election. That source the RWNJs find so reliable, the impeached president trump's a$$.

Senate is uniting against Trump's attempt to overturn the election.

Senate is debating the one objection to approve the electoral college vote.

After todays actions, Trump inciting his supporters storming the capitol, no one is arguing to overturn the election.

Trump's actions did just the opposite of what he wanted.
Hawley talked like he was gonna go for all of them.
It's sad how Josh Hawley saying violence is not the answer when he encouraged Trump and his call for violence.
I’m all for violence really. Let the violence roll. The left has been doing it for years. Time for us to show what violence can look like. I don’t discourage anyone on the right from violence. Go for it.

Right, you are a hypocrite.
No I’m not. I told you stupid fuckers to stop with your riots and all your bullshit or else it would come back on you. Now I hope it comes back on you hard.

The hypocrisy is on your side. Allowing and cheering on those riots and telling us riots are uncivilized. Fuck off. You were warned.

I supported the people's right to protest here. It didn't bother me. It also completely neutralized Trump also so all is good.
What you supported wasn’t protests. It was riots. It was arson and it was looting. Now you seem to have a problem with those kinds of protests. Apparently because you got a new president. I’m thinking we should escalate your tactics to ensure the Democrats lose office as soon as possible. Sound fair?
Lindsey Graham really slamming the conspiracy theories. I don't care for the guy but you still have to get a kick out of this.
Senate is uniting against Trump's attempt to overturn the election.

Senate is debating the one objection to approve the electoral college vote.

After todays actions, Trump inciting his supporters storming the capitol, no one is arguing to overturn the election.

Trump's actions did just the opposite of what he wanted.
Hawley talked like he was gonna go for all of them.

Hawley is probably finished too.
Some of them have got to be freaked out that they enabled Trump and put up with his shit for so long.
You want Trump to go away? That ain't gonna happen. Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump are favorites in 2024. The Trump brand is still strong.
---Two of President Drumpf's children, Ivanka Drumpf and Donald Drumpf Jr., would have support from some Republicans and people who lean Republican if they were to run for president in 2024, according to a new survey.---
2024 should be a very comical election year. With the impeached (probably imprisoned) former president trump's devoted RWNJs supporting whichever trump evil spawn wins the coin toss.

Hopefully by then we will have dragged democrats through the streets by their hair and are done playing China's play toy.
Senate is uniting against Trump's attempt to overturn the election.

Senate is debating the one objection to approve the electoral college vote.

After todays actions, Trump inciting his supporters storming the capitol, no one is arguing to overturn the election.

Trump's actions did just the opposite of what he wanted.
Hawley talked like he was gonna go for all of them.

Hawley is probably finished too.
We can only hope. Fuckin' weasel.
It's sad how Josh Hawley saying violence is not the answer when he encouraged Trump and his call for violence.
I’m all for violence really. Let the violence roll. The left has been doing it for years. Time for us to show what violence can look like. I don’t discourage anyone on the right from violence. Go for it.

Right, you are a hypocrite.
No I’m not. I told you stupid fuckers to stop with your riots and all your bullshit or else it would come back on you. Now I hope it comes back on you hard.

The hypocrisy is on your side. Allowing and cheering on those riots and telling us riots are uncivilized. Fuck off. You were warned.

I supported the people's right to protest here. It didn't bother me. It also completely neutralized Trump also so all is good.
What you supported wasn’t protests. It was riots. It was arson and it was looting. Now you seem to have a problem with those kinds of protests. Apparently because you got a new president. I’m thinking we should escalate your tactics to ensure the Democrats lose office as soon as possible. Sound fair?

I never had a problem with them. I support the people's right to resort to violence if need be. I completely disagree with what they were protesting but I support their right to protest.

I didn't get a president. I didn't vote for Biden.

Riot some more. Go for it. I'm not sure you realize how much damage it did to Trump.
Thank God.

The anti-American Trump cult loons have been attacking this country, as has Orange Jesus.

Finally, the adults are taking over, and the crazy fucking loons are being shown the door.
Some of them have got to be freaked out that they enabled Trump and put up with his shit for so long.
You want Trump to go away? That ain't gonna happen. Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump are favorites in 2024. The Trump brand is still strong.
---Two of President Drumpf's children, Ivanka Drumpf and Donald Drumpf Jr., would have support from some Republicans and people who lean Republican if they were to run for president in 2024, according to a new survey.---
2024 should be a very comical election year. With the impeached (probably imprisoned) former president trump's devoted RWNJs supporting whichever trump evil spawn wins the coin toss.

Hopefully by then we will have dragged democrats through the streets by their hair and are done playing China's play toy.
You're a sick person.
Lindsey Graham: "Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are lawfully elected and will become the President and Vice President on January 20th."

Trump supporters will turn on him now. Lindsey Graham is a RINO commie cuck who works for China.
They are really trying to stave off the inevitable. Angry Americans scared the crap out of them. There is NO UNIFYING. There were tens of thousands of people out there and hundreds of thousands at home saying you can pretend but NO.

These are the people who used a fake plague to lock you up, take your businesses, take your homes, deprive your children of an education, keep you from seeing your elderly relatives. The SAME PEOPLE. Half the people in that chamber is from the party that paid 3.7 million dollars to China to create that virus.

What happened to day isn't even a TENTH of what they deserve.
What scared them..silly kitty..was seeing up close the results of the game of chicken they have been playing..while Trump raged unchecked.

That..was the mob--set lose on Trump's command. It cannot be tolerated in a nation of laws.

the shit you believe is a pack of garbage..and it's your right to believe every lying word of it. It is not your right..not anyone else's--to destroy our mechanisms and traditions of govt.--you call yourself an American? Act like it...fer chrissakes!
Mob? No mob. Merely a mostly peaceful protest like all Americans seem to consider a right. Now if they come back tomorrow armed and serious THAT might be considered a mob. Do you doubt that that could happen?
Yes...I do doubt it....you seem to forget that this was the Capital? A lot of egg on a lot of faces, after today..if a bunch of armed thugs approached the Capital....a united Govt. would destroy them. But, I doubt your ilk have either the will or the courage.

You seem oblivious to the fact that Trump is being destroyed as we speak..in the eyes of most Americans....he may still have his hard core..but he is through..as far as normal Americans are concerned.
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Some of them have got to be freaked out that they enabled Trump and put up with his shit for so long.
You want Trump to go away? That ain't gonna happen. Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump are favorites in 2024. The Trump brand is still strong.
---Two of President Drumpf's children, Ivanka Drumpf and Donald Drumpf Jr., would have support from some Republicans and people who lean Republican if they were to run for president in 2024, according to a new survey.---
2024 should be a very comical election year. With the impeached (probably imprisoned) former president trump's devoted RWNJs supporting whichever trump evil spawn wins the coin toss.

Hopefully by then we will have dragged democrats through the streets by their hair and are done playing China's play toy.
You're a sick person.
Oh you like being China's dildo! My mistake.
Thank God.

The anti-American Trump cult loons have been attacking this country, as has Orange Jesus.

Finally, the adults are taking over, and the crazy fucking loons are being shown the door.
Those adults are criminals. The election was illegitimate. Scan the ballots audit the machines. It is the right thing to do.
Some of them have got to be freaked out that they enabled Trump and put up with his shit for so long.
You want Trump to go away? That ain't gonna happen. Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump are favorites in 2024. The Trump brand is still strong.
---Two of President Drumpf's children, Ivanka Drumpf and Donald Drumpf Jr., would have support from some Republicans and people who lean Republican if they were to run for president in 2024, according to a new survey.---
2024 should be a very comical election year. With the impeached (probably imprisoned) former president trump's devoted RWNJs supporting whichever trump evil spawn wins the coin toss.

Hopefully by then we will have dragged democrats through the streets by their hair and are done playing China's play toy.

What do you think Trump will try next?
They are really trying to stave off the inevitable. Angry Americans scared the crap out of them. There is NO UNIFYING. There were tens of thousands of people out there and hundreds of thousands at home saying you can pretend but NO.

These are the people who used a fake plague to lock you up, take your businesses, take your homes, deprive your children of an education, keep you from seeing your elderly relatives. The SAME PEOPLE. Half the people in that chamber is from the party that paid 3.7 million dollars to China to create that virus.

What happened to day isn't even a TENTH of what they deserve.
What scared them..silly kitty..was seeing up close the results of the game of chicken they have been playing..while Trump raged unchecked.

That..was the mob--set lose on Trump's command. It cannot be tolerated in a nation of laws.

the shit you believe is a pack of garbage..and it's your right to believe every lying word of it. It is not your right..not anyone else's--to destroy our mechanisms and traditions of govt.--you call yourself an American? Act like it...fer chrissakes!
Mob? No mob. Merely a mostly peaceful protest like all Americans seem to consider a right. Now if they come back tomorrow armed and serious THAT might be considered a mob. Do you doubt that that could happen?
Yes...I do doubt it....you seem to forget that this was the Capital? A lot of egg on a lot of faces, after today..if a bunch of armed thugs approached the Capital....a united Govt. would destroy them. But, I doubt your ilk have either the will or the courage.

You seem oblivious to the fact that Trump is being destroyed as we speek..in the eys of most americans....he may still have his hard core..but he is through..as far as normal Americans are concerned.
I do not think the communists are destroying Donald Trump. They are trying but the size of the crowd must have given some of them pause. How many support the cause of freedom and weren't there? The nation is ripping apart. It needs to if anything remotely resembling America is to survive.

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