Electoral College Declares Trump Loser

Now Americans will finally face true tyranny and real suffering. Something they haven't in hundreds of years.
Ferchrissakes, it's a Democrat President, that's all! The world isn't about to end.

Have you visited a Democrat city lately ???

I suggest LA, SanFran, Newyork (new muder capital of the world), detroit, Chicago, Baltimore .....then get back to me

I'm sick to death of hearing about THE CITIES!!! That all you got? Every city has problems. I live in a state with a Democrat Governor, majority legislature and gave 3 of its 4 electoral votes to Biden. We have consistently had one of the lowest Covid rates in the country, one of the lowest homicide rates, too.

You fail.

They have a deep seated need for Bogeymen OL. Learned that from Rump. Most of them haven't even visited a big city in years.
Trump is being declared the official loser of America's 2020 Presidential Election today, December 14, 2020.
God Blessed America.

Based on lies.
Trump won, and Democrats cheated and stole the election

The problem I have with that is that patriots knew the Left would stop at nothing.....and still continue to do nothing.

"ALL that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

Now Americans will finally face true tyranny and real suffering. Something they haven't in hundreds of years.

Uh....so, we haven't been facing real suffering the last 11 months? So the out of control pandemic, the 300K+ people dead, millions out of work, thousands of businesses shuttered, 6.7% unemployment (down from a high of 20%)...have all been figments of our imagination?? Who knew. :)


If you want to see REAL suffering visit Venezuela where Leftists won it all and rule supreme.

What you think is suffering is a walk in the park.

But hang in there champ, you got your man in and now you will get to learn what REAL suffering is all about.
Patience grasshopper
I'm fattening up the dog while I still can.
Trump is being declared the official loser of America's 2020 Presidential Election today, December 14, 2020.
God Blessed America.

Based on lies.
Trump won, and Democrats cheated and stole the election

The problem I have with that is that patriots knew the Left would stop at nothing.....and still continue to do nothing.

"ALL that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

Now Americans will finally face true tyranny and real suffering. Something they haven't in hundreds of years.

Uh....so, we haven't been facing real suffering the last 11 months? So the out of control pandemic, the 300K+ people dead, millions out of work, thousands of businesses shuttered, 6.7% unemployment (down from a high of 20%)...have all been figments of our imagination?? Who knew. :)


If you want to see REAL suffering visit Venezuela where Leftists won it all and rule supreme.

What you think is suffering is a walk in the park.

But hang in there champ, you got your man in and now you will get to learn what REAL suffering is all about.
Patience grasshopper

Keep harping on Venezuela. No comparison except in the fact that you get what you get when you have a strongman at the top who's willing to subject the masses to accumulate power. Sorry bud, that's what Trump is. Fortunately, he will not get another turn at the wheel.
Now Americans will finally face true tyranny and real suffering. Something they haven't in hundreds of years.
Ferchrissakes, it's a Democrat President, that's all! The world isn't about to end.

Have you visited a Democrat city lately ???

I suggest LA, SanFran, Newyork (new muder capital of the world), detroit, Chicago, Baltimore .....then get back to me

I'm sick to death of hearing about THE CITIES!!! That all you got? Every city has problems. I live in a state with a Democrat Governor, majority legislature and gave 3 of its 4 electoral votes to Biden. We have consistently had one of the lowest Covid rates in the country, one of the lowest homicide rates, too.

You fail.

Allergic to FACTS ?

People are fleeing Democrat cities in DROVES because they are tired of tyrants ruining their lives.
And here you are tying to deflect away from the obvious like a true lying leftist.
Ya know, you just proved how utterly ignorant you are.

Tesla, Hewlett packard, oracle and many more are fleeing your Utopias.

Chicago is THE MOST DEMOCRAT controlled city in America and is more dangerous than Afghanistan.

Are you just fucking nuts or are you really that ignorant ???
Keep harping on Venezuela. No comparison except in the fact that you get what you get when you have a strongman at the top who's willing to subject the masses to accumulate power. Sorry bud, that's what Trump is. Fortunately, he will not get another turn at the wheel.

Oh I WILL !!!

Venezuelan Immigrant exposes the lies and deception of the Left and exposes how they are doing the exact same things in America they did in Venezuela to ruin lives

Now Americans will finally face true tyranny and real suffering. Something they haven't in hundreds of years.
Ferchrissakes, it's a Democrat President, that's all! The world isn't about to end.

Have you visited a Democrat city lately ???

I suggest LA, SanFran, Newyork (new muder capital of the world), detroit, Chicago, Baltimore .....then get back to me

Yes, in the past five years I've been in LA, SanFran, Detroit and Chicago. I've been in Portland 7 times this year and Seattle three.
Met with clients, went shopping, dined in some of the world's most amazing restaurants and felt entirely safe.

America can expect a surge of weeping sore loser sheeple echoing their cult leader wallowing in pathetic self-pity, denial, and delusion.


Plenty of crying....but NEVER any action about it.

And trust me, taking their guns will be just as easy as stealing their elections.

Better bunker up and hide the arsenal dude. Uncle Joe and Aunt Kamala are goin' door to door fer yer guns!! :rofl:

Is it not what they promised to do ?
Now Americans will finally face true tyranny and real suffering. Something they haven't in hundreds of years.
Ferchrissakes, it's a Democrat President, that's all! The world isn't about to end.

Have you visited a Democrat city lately ???

I suggest LA, SanFran, Newyork (new muder capital of the world), detroit, Chicago, Baltimore .....then get back to me

Yes, in the past five years I've been in LA, SanFran, Detroit and Chicago. I've been in Portland 7 times this year and Seattle three.
Met with clients, went shopping, dined in some of the world's most amazing restaurants and felt entirely safe.


OH....you made sure to only visit the Republican enclaves and stay away from the democrat controlled inner cities........

Got it

Oh how you love your "Peaceful Protests" and sweet Democrat towns and cities !!

America can expect a surge of weeping sore loser sheeple echoing their cult leader wallowing in pathetic self-pity, denial, and delusion.


Plenty of crying....but NEVER any action about it.

And trust me, taking their guns will be just as easy as stealing their elections.

Better bunker up and hide the arsenal dude. Uncle Joe and Aunt Kamala are goin' door to door fer yer guns!! :rofl:

Is it not what they promised to do ?

They may have promised universal background checks wanted by 90% of the country.
But gun-grabbing? NO
It should be noted that you claimed the same thing about Obama. Didn't happen did it? - Ya loon ;)

Now Americans will finally face true tyranny and real suffering. Something they haven't in hundreds of years.
Ferchrissakes, it's a Democrat President, that's all! The world isn't about to end.

Have you visited a Democrat city lately ???

I suggest LA, SanFran, Newyork (new muder capital of the world), detroit, Chicago, Baltimore .....then get back to me

Yes, in the past five years I've been in LA, SanFran, Detroit and Chicago. I've been in Portland 7 times this year and Seattle three.
Met with clients, went shopping, dined in some of the world's most amazing restaurants and felt entirely safe.


OH....you made sure to only visit the Republican enclaves and stay away from the democrat controlled inner cities........

Got it

Oh how you love your "Peaceful Protests" and sweet Democrat towns and cities !!


I was in that part of town 3 weeks ago. It's all cleaned up and peaceful.
Trump is being declared the official loser of America's 2020 Presidential Election today, December 14, 2020.
God Blessed America.

So will trump now acknowledge that Biden won and concede?

He originally said that's what he will do when he initially lost the election last month.

Don't hold your breath.
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the entire world is laughing at America as they watched Joe steal this election from Trump.

......And wonder how the Dems didn't steal the Senate too! Worst theft of an election ever! Stupid Americans!
I guess that would depend on what the fake ballots looked like and how they were marked before running them through the machines over and over again. Didn't want it to look suspicious now did they ?
Similar to the OJ trial, the entire world is laughing at America as they watched Joe steal this election from Trump.
At this point Im concerned about the dark cloud that will forever loom over Joes head.
Neither America or the entire world will declare Joe as a legitimate president...ever, except China of course.
Thank goodness our Founding Fathers did such an excellent job at the convention with our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land.
Trump is being declared the official loser of America's 2020 Presidential Election today, December 14, 2020.
God Blessed America.

So will trump now acknowledge that Biden won and concede?

He originally said that's what he will do when he initially lost the election last month.

Don't hold your breath.
I think he said he'd leave, not concede. I guess that's something.

What Trump COULD do tonight to steal Joe's thunder is to make a concession speech at the same time Joe is addressing the nation.

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