Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives

Should congress pass laws incentivising buying electric cars over gas powered cars?

  • yes, it makes environmental and economic sense, cars can charge at night balancing electric usage

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • no, keep the government out of the car business

    Votes: 24 77.4%

  • Total voters
Always get a kick out of those falsely believing that electric cars are environmentally freindly.

They depend on enviromnmentally unfriendly mining. They need electricity that is not enviromnmentally friendly. The manufacturing is not environmentally friendly. They batteries require replacement, again not really enviromnmentally friendly. They require roads which are made from oil products. The use tires made from oil. They use plastics made from oil.

If you live on n the cold northern climates they do not have the heat or range. Charging stations are not readily available and require time out of your travel. All in all a fun to play with article that you can pretend to be helping the environment with.

So if we can't be purer than the driven snow we should give up and screw the planet.
There is no screwing the planet or saving it. All technologies have a cost. We manage the costs. The Cost is shifted to the front, middle, or end of any process, and sometimes hidden from the end user depending on what technology is employed.

It's a Shell Game, and anyone who believes in Green Energy is just playing a game they just think they are going to win, but the cost is the same, and the operators will just keep taking your money so long as you think you have a chance to win.
I will deny only that you need me to be that person, for some reason, are yous gay also?

Am I gay? Well, not that I'm aware of. Can I call you ? lol

YOU are the one claiming to have 4 kids (above) AND...the one posting a pic of yourself with another man as your partner. You just seem contradictory and I called you out on it.

be careful what you post...it can come back to bite ya....even YEARS later :113:
You want to date my kids? Well okay they start at 35 and go down to 17 so take yer pick..I don't recommend it though..
Always get a kick out of those falsely believing that electric cars are environmentally freindly.

They depend on enviromnmentally unfriendly mining. They need electricity that is not enviromnmentally friendly. The manufacturing is not environmentally friendly. They batteries require replacement, again not really enviromnmentally friendly. They require roads which are made from oil products. The use tires made from oil. They use plastics made from oil.

If you live on n the cold northern climates they do not have the heat or range. Charging stations are not readily available and require time out of your travel. All in all a fun to play with article that you can pretend to be helping the environment with.

So if we can't be purer than the driven snow we should give up and screw the planet.
There is no screwing the planet or saving it. All technologies have a cost. We manage the costs. The Cost is shifted to the front, middle, or end of any process, and sometimes hidden from the end user depending on what technology is employed.

It's a Shell Game, and anyone who believes in Green Energy is just playing a game they just think they are going to win, but the cost is the same, and the operators will just keep taking your money so long as you think you have a chance to win.
I prefer the electric autos and gadgets cause they are easier to work on...
How did the Trumpsters or CINO (Conservatives in Name Only) get such a hard on for destroying the planet...

Any Economist would tell you wreaking the planet is like borrowing from the bank... Eventually you have to pay... The CINO just want there kids to pay... They are fuck the kids party...

Nobody wants to wreck the planet. Harming people so you can be a Green Warrior just might not be necessary. I'm all for incentives for enviro tech, but until you no longer need oil, doesn't it make sense to make it cleaner and utilize it. Otherwise, you will just drive energy prices through the roof and make us dependent on the Middle East again.
How did the Trumpsters or CINO (Conservatives in Name Only) get such a hard on for destroying the planet...

Any Economist would tell you wreaking the planet is like borrowing from the bank... Eventually you have to pay... The CINO just want there kids to pay... They are fuck the kids party...
There is no destroying the planet with one energy source over another. The costs are just shifted or hidden, or did you just completely ignore the pictures of the lead, zinc, lithium and copper mines, and silica (silicone) mines I posted which are required for so called, "Green Energy"

And I didn't even get in to rare Earth Metals, or even the manufacture of glass for your smart phones.

Our society has become Severely Under Educated and easily manipulated.

I don't understand why people don't take the time to research the horse shit propagandists with Agendas feed them.
How did the Trumpsters or CINO (Conservatives in Name Only) get such a hard on for destroying the planet...

Any Economist would tell you wreaking the planet is like borrowing from the bank... Eventually you have to pay... The CINO just want there kids to pay... They are fuck the kids party...

Nobody wants to wreck the planet. Harming people so you can be a Green Warrior just might not be necessary. I'm all for incentives for enviro tech, but until you no longer need oil, doesn't it make sense to make it cleaner and utilize it. Otherwise, you will just drive energy prices through the roof and make us dependent on the Middle East again.
I'm ok with Green Energy being On The Market, but I think it is an egregious error for any society to promote it over other energy sources.

Liberals say they are all about CHOICE. They aren't. They are all about MANDATES, and Subsidizing Their AMORAL CODE.
Whoever made the post pointing out that electric vehicles need a significant amount of supporting infrastructure that is not so "eco-friendly" probably made the best point so far in the thread pertaining to the topic.

Energy is not created nor destroyed....simply converted.

It's that "conversion" process that the Left seems to always ignore.
Whoever made the post pointing out that electric vehicles need a significant amount of supporting infrastructure that is not so "eco-friendly" probably made the best point so far in the thread pertaining to the topic.

Energy is not created nor destroyed....simply converted.

It's that "conversion" process that the Left seems to always ignore.
The Law of Conservation.

Also called The Law of Thermodynamics.
The power grid was not designed to charge 300 million cars at night.

Funny chit.

What else goes on at night?

Past history not strong with you on black outs? Power lines down in storms, our power grid can't handle a EMP pulse? Our crumbling infrastructure?

You really are that dumb or just a propaganda mouth piece like Rderp, RW and Billy huh?

Your post was so fucking stupid that even I was surprised you posted it.

Any house with even two cars charging still would use less power at night than in the day.
GM hit a homerun with the Volt....I test-drove one....it was like a space ship...quiet, powerful (no combustion engine can match the torque of an electric-traction motor) and safe with 6 airbags. Great sound system, comfortable, and fun to roam around in. Their problem was deciding between performance and range which was 30 miles at first....I didn't buy it because in Phoenix, I thought a 50 mile range was necessary. And the price was too high to be a Chevy....if they'd marketed it as a Cadillac, they'd still be making them.
"Green energy" as defined today encompasses what? Mostly Solar and Wind, right?

In Northern climates, solar power is a poor choice in the winter. Efficiency drops off a lot. And it takes a lot of those nasty batteries to store solar power.

Wind power? Only good as long as there is ....you guessed it......"wind".

Neither of these Green Energy sources are capable of providing 100% of their potential energy in naturally non interruptible means. Nature can quickly leave you powerless.

Only Fossil fuels, Coal, Natural gas and Nuclear power can provide 100% availability (barring major catastrophe)

That is a major factor that the Left seems to also ignore. "Decreasing" our dependence on non green energy sources is actually a path to depleting those sources over time as the cost per watt hour will go up exponentially if a significant amount of demand is removed for fossil fuels and coal etc.
"Green energy" as defined today encompasses what? Mostly Solar and Wind, right?

In Northern climates, solar power is a poor choice in the winter. Efficiency drops off a lot. And it takes a lot of those nasty batteries to store solar power.

Wind power? Only good as long as there is ....you guessed it......"wind".

Neither of these Green Energy sources are capable of providing 100% of their potential energy in naturally non interruptible means. Nature can quickly leave you powerless.

Only Fossil fuels, Coal, Natural gas and Nuclear power can provide 100% availability (barring major catastrophe)

That is a major factor that the Left seems to also ignore. "Decreasing" our dependence on non green energy sources is actually a path to depleting those sources over time as the cost per watt hour will go up exponentially if a significant amount of demand is removed for fossil fuels and coal etc.

its all about context,,,
GM hit a homerun with the Volt....I test-drove one....it was like a space ship...quiet, powerful (no combustion engine can match the torque of an electric-traction motor) and safe with 6 airbags. Great sound system, comfortable, and fun to roam around in. Their problem was deciding between performance and range which was 30 miles at first....I didn't buy it because in Phoenix, I thought a 50 mile range was necessary. And the price was too high to be a Chevy....if they'd marketed it as a Cadillac, they'd still be making them.

Ok, so they didn't actually hit "a homerun" then because it will not ever be marketed as a Cadillac.

The Toyota Prius and other Hybrids may be better choices. Their range is MUCH better and they are also better at fuel efficiency. Around 40-55mpg
Ok, so they didn't actually hit "a homerun" then because it will not ever be marketed as a Cadillac.

The Toyota Prius and other Hybrids may be better choices. Their range is MUCH better and they are also better at fuel efficiency. Around 40-55mpg

Of course it was a homerun...there was nothing like it on the market. If you want to drive a Jap car that's your prerogative....I never have and never would. The Volt range eventually hit 50 and their gas motor was up around 46-50 mpg...except it wasn't connected to the drive shaft..it only powered the electric motor.
Ok, so they didn't actually hit "a homerun" then because it will not ever be marketed as a Cadillac.

The Toyota Prius and other Hybrids may be better choices. Their range is MUCH better and they are also better at fuel efficiency. Around 40-55mpg

Of course it was a homerun...there was nothing like it on the market. If you want to drive a Jap car that's your prerogative....I never have and never would.

you know that makes you a racist,,,
Ok, so they didn't actually hit "a homerun" then because it will not ever be marketed as a Cadillac.

The Toyota Prius and other Hybrids may be better choices. Their range is MUCH better and they are also better at fuel efficiency. Around 40-55mpg

Of course it was a homerun...there was nothing like it on the market. If you want to drive a Jap car that's your prerogative....I never have and never would.

you know that makes you a racist,,,

I know...but I do hold Shodan rank in GoJu Ryu Karate and know several Jap words....they're in fact the most racist people on earth...they think we Gaijin smell bad.
Ok, so they didn't actually hit "a homerun" then because it will not ever be marketed as a Cadillac.

The Toyota Prius and other Hybrids may be better choices. Their range is MUCH better and they are also better at fuel efficiency. Around 40-55mpg

Of course it was a homerun...there was nothing like it on the market. If you want to drive a Jap car that's your prerogative....I never have and never would.

you know that makes you a racist,,,

I know...but I do hold Shodan rank in GoJu Ryu Karate and know several Jap words....they're in fact the most racist people on earth...they think we Gaijin smell bad.
to them we do smell bad,,,

face it most jap cars leave american cars in the dust and are far superior in every aspect,,, more so in the 80's

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