Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives

Should congress pass laws incentivising buying electric cars over gas powered cars?

  • yes, it makes environmental and economic sense, cars can charge at night balancing electric usage

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • no, keep the government out of the car business

    Votes: 24 77.4%

  • Total voters
Have you ever heard of this funny thing called LEAD?
The Periodic Table

Did you know lead (and fissionable materials) are REALLY heavy?
How many tons of lead would it take to completely shield a nuke device? Honestly, I dunno.
So now you need tractors and heavy lifting equipment. Dunno....it just gets more complicated doesn't it?

You can get all kinds of things in to The US through our Porous Southern Border.

Nuclear Weapons and the materials can be smuggled in one little part at a time.
Other parts can be manufactured here.

Assembly can occur inside the border.

As far as Fissile Material, not a lot is needed. Enough to wipe out a LibTard City could be carried in a lunch box.

You could smuggle in all the components for a Nuclear Weapon in a matter of weeks, or take more time if you like, piece by piece month by month until you had everything you wanted.
The push for electric cars is pretty ignorant. People brought up the production, roads, power, ect of producing and running these vehicles. We will have dumps full of batteries. I'm sure that will be lovely. I'm all for environment friendly tech and incentives for such tech, but we are energy independent, with affordable energy, so maybe we could make fossil fuels cleaner and worry about the plastic in the oceans.

They didn't used to, but I think the new batteries can be recycled.

EV's would be a wonderful thing in Bigger Cities. In the 'burbs or the Country? Maybe not so much
I agree with that assessment. But I don't fear it.
If anybody were to do it, we'd send another message by turning their homeland into a a Parking Lot.
Told you, it's what we did in the MidEast. We were sending a message...... "Yeah, you can hurt us. But we can hurt you a lot more."

so...if no one took credit for crippling our electrical grid would we just....ummm....nuke everyone else...just for good measure?
If our electrical grid were crippled we would kill each other unfortunately
Just Liberals would die.

Country Folk would work together, hunt, fish, gather firewood, and make moonshine, and plant corn with horses and plows if they had to.

That is why Metrosexual girly men LibTards are fucked if any kind of apocalypse goes down. They'll all starve, kill each other or be overcome by pestilence.
you believe that if you choose
I look forward to working on EV's they have to be easier than the inefficient gasoline internal combustion ancient history machine..
You can get all kinds of things in to The US through our Porous Southern Border.

Nuclear Weapons and the materials can be smuggled in one little part at a time.
Other parts can be manufactured here.

Assembly can occur inside the border.

As far as Fissile Material, not a lot is needed. Enough to wipe out a LibTard City could be carried in a lunch box.

You could smuggle in all the components for a Nuclear Weapon in a matter of weeks, or take more time if you like, piece by piece month by month until you had everything you wanted.

There's just too many MUCH easier ways to get Americans to wipe out other Americans. We already hate one another.
Nukes aren't needed.
Only way I see nukes come into play is a major miscalculation "Russian radar thinks we attacked them" or a couple or crazies get assigned to one of our nuke silos and launches... sorta like that German wings nut killed all those passengers by flying himself (and all of them) into a mountain side.

Not sure how any of this pertains to the topic tho......(oops)
The push for electric cars is pretty ignorant. People brought up the production, roads, power, ect of producing and running these vehicles. We will have dumps full of batteries. I'm sure that will be lovely. I'm all for environment friendly tech and incentives for such tech, but we are energy independent, with affordable energy, so maybe we could make fossil fuels cleaner and worry about the plastic in the oceans.

They didn't used to, but I think the new batteries can be recycled.

EV's would be a wonderful thing in Bigger Cities. In the 'burbs or the Country? Maybe not so much
They are finally developing solid state batteries..
And if we need to charge at work during the day or while shopping? My 10 story work parking garage is only equipped with two chargers on each level. Every parking lot would need to be fitted with chargers. What's the cost for that?
And if we need to charge at work during the day or while shopping? My 10 story work parking garage is only equipped with two chargers on each level. Every parking lot would need to be fitted with chargers. What's the cost for that?
Less than the set of a fuel tanks, pumps and disbursement devices.The EPA paperwork alone is enough not to do it.
Too late I already had four kids, still got time to pop out a few more for the tax breaks.

Wait.....you posted a picture a while back of you and your partner.....in that pic you are both men ?
Are you saying that was not your picture?
Isn't the internet all shitz and giggles...??
Except for the OP who continuously puts his threads in the wrong forum...
Always get a kick out of those falsely believing that electric cars are environmentally freindly.

They depend on enviromnmentally unfriendly mining. They need electricity that is not enviromnmentally friendly. The manufacturing is not environmentally friendly. They batteries require replacement, again not really enviromnmentally friendly. They require roads which are made from oil products. The use tires made from oil. They use plastics made from oil.

If you live on n the cold northern climates they do not have the heat or range. Charging stations are not readily available and require time out of your travel. All in all a fun to play with article that you can pretend to be helping the environment with.

So if we can't be purer than the driven snow we should give up and screw the planet.
You can get all kinds of things in to The US through our Porous Southern Border.

Nuclear Weapons and the materials can be smuggled in one little part at a time.
Other parts can be manufactured here.

Assembly can occur inside the border.

As far as Fissile Material, not a lot is needed. Enough to wipe out a LibTard City could be carried in a lunch box.

You could smuggle in all the components for a Nuclear Weapon in a matter of weeks, or take more time if you like, piece by piece month by month until you had everything you wanted.

There's just too many MUCH easier ways to get Americans to wipe out other Americans. We already hate one another.
Nukes aren't needed.
Only way I see nukes come into play is a major miscalculation "Russian radar thinks we attacked them" or a couple or crazies get assigned to one of our nuke silos and launches... sorta like that German wings nut killed all those passengers by flying himself (and all of them) into a mountain side.

Not sure how any of this pertains to the topic tho......(oops)
The Topic is all over the place.

Besides that, when The End comes, all the believers are off this planet for a spell, if you believe in prophecy, so what will really happen is LibTardia Land will all be in Monolithic agreement with each other all across the globe.

They will worship The Anti-Christ and kill and pursue and torture anyone who refuses to if they catch them until the 2nd coming, and The Great Judgment occurs.

But for the discussion about a Apocalypse that does not involve any spiritual forces, or prophecy, it will be The Liberals that will be killing each other, or Country Boys defending their land and property killing liberals who bring a knife to a gun fight.
Isn't the internet all shitz and giggles...??
Except for the OP who continuously puts his threads in the wrong forum...

That WAS your picture.
You will deny your lifestyle three times before the rooster crows. :114:
I will deny only that you need me to be that person, for some reason, are yous gay also?

I love my electric bike it helps when your old and tired..
How did the Trumpsters or CINO (Conservatives in Name Only) get such a hard on for destroying the planet...

Any Economist would tell you wreaking the planet is like borrowing from the bank... Eventually you have to pay... The CINO just want there kids to pay... They are fuck the kids party...
I will deny only that you need me to be that person, for some reason, are yous gay also?

Am I gay? Well, not that I'm aware of. Can I call you ? lol

YOU are the one claiming to have 4 kids (above) AND...the one posting a pic of yourself with another man as your partner. You just seem contradictory and I called you out on it.
Don't get mad bro. What you do behind closed doors is your business and I don't care.

Just be careful what you post...it can come back to bite ya....even YEARS later :113:

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