Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives

Should congress pass laws incentivising buying electric cars over gas powered cars?

  • yes, it makes environmental and economic sense, cars can charge at night balancing electric usage

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • no, keep the government out of the car business

    Votes: 24 77.4%

  • Total voters
This is to everyone in this thread.

The Law of Thermodynamics will teach you one thing.

It's often called The Law of Conservation.

There is cost in everything.

The cost is expended either at the front end, the middle or the end of any process.

No matter what energy source we use, it's just a shell game, a trick, an illusion.

The cost to manufacture, operate and distribute all technologies is always the same to the environment, and everyone involved in the acquisition, distribution, and manufacture of such technologies.

The Three Laws of Thermodynamics | Introduction to Chemistry

We gain Nothing by favoring one technology or energy source over another. The cost occurs at one end or another or is simply hidden from plain view.

It's a big cosmic con game.
Just not true kid because wind produces no elemental conversion, wind energy is merely converted to electric energy

Which is how ALL electric power works

We use some source of energy to spin a turbine
Wind does not involve a lethal power source
So you never heard of a tornado? How about a hurricane?
Again wind power emits no elemental fuel conversion byproducts

Only those involved in mining the rare earth metals the forging of steel and the manufacture of concrete

Wind is an intermittent source of power that is all it will ever be. On average a wind turbine only produces 25% of its rated capacity in actual power generated,

A nuclear power plant will produce 90% of its rated capacity 24/7/365
Which is why we need to rethink the design.

How about a nuclear reactor than can be buried underground on a 1 acre plot of land and capped with concrete that can burn the nuclear waste from our older reactors and only needs to be refueled every 25 years?
There is no design safe from a hypersonic kinetic penetrator

Yeah an terrorists just happen to have those and the planes to fly over the US to drop them right?

Maybe they'll drop them from their flying carpets too
The point is an enemy could kill tens of millions of Americans with our own radiation

Yeah what enemy has ever executed a successful bombing run on the Continental USA?
And how likely is one to happen today or in the future?

You might as well worry about alien invasions and use that as a reason not to do anything new
The Russians have smuggled in nukes here already, no need for missiles and zero warning time

But you wont hear that on TV
The Russians would not do that for one good reason. The Russians and The US have a common enemy, Islam. We also are engaged in numerous economic ventures that are never spoken about in the Media, which mutually benefit Russia and The US Economically.

Just the joint US - Russia Operations at the Space Station provide Russia with millions in revenue.

Russia would have to go off The Deep End to attack The US. That would mean Mutually Assured Destruction.

We are being hard on Russian now, because it is politically expedient, but The US would be better off finding ways to improve our relations with them and work together.

However, Islam is Satanism on Crack, and they would not give a fuck. They would Blow up the Entire World to get their Mythological "Savior" to come and Establish World Wide Islamic Rule and World Wide Islam. That is The Goal and Doctrine of Islam.

The Risk of Nuclear Detonation in the US would be from Islamic Radicals sneaking a Nuke through The Southern Border in to a Targeted US City.

If you think what is going on with Trump securing The Southern Border is just about illegal Immigration, you better wake the fuck up, and so should everyone else.
High speed rail won't work.

Americans like to drive it's in our DNA

It works in Japan, Europe and China. All of whom are FAR more congested than the USA.

Know why it will work there and not here?

We have dimocrap scum

They don't

HSR would be a GODsend on the East Coast. Have you ever been on I-95? If you haven't, avoid it all costs. ALL costs.

But since that entire coast line is run by CRIMINAL dimocrap scum..... It just ain't gonna happen. Too much corruption, Too much graft. Too many greedy gumbahs in too many thieving Unions.



Below is a Map of the High Speed Rail system in the USA --

The Russians have smuggled in nukes here already, no need for missiles and zero warning time
But you wont hear that on TV

Scuze me but....
Is that a conspiracy theory?
Because I thought radioactive materials were HIGHLY detectable and nearly impossible to hide.
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Who the hell cares? The cars have limited range, they take hours to recharge, if you are taking a trip you have to plan around charging a vehicle and charging stations at hotels are not all that common. Plus you state will tax you for not using gas.

obviously you care,,,and who would take an EV on a long trip???

The new ones now can take 160 miles on a 10 min charge... So stop, plug in, toilet and coffee now drive for 2 hours... The tech is really improving very fast and the parts are interchangeable so you can upgrade different parts or recycle them in a new car..

See that is wasting my time. I would never get anywhere. Who the hell stops every two hours? I get in and drive for 400 plus miles at a time. I stop, fuel, pee, grab beef jerky and sunflower seeds and continue on down the road.

My electric I will use in the city but that is as far as I will go.
High speed rail won't work.

Americans like to drive it's in our DNA

It works in Japan, Europe and China. All of whom are FAR more congested than the USA.

Know why it will work there and not here?

We have dimocrap scum

They don't

HSR would be a GODsend on the East Coast. Have you ever been on I-95? If you haven't, avoid it all costs. ALL costs.

But since that entire coast line is run by CRIMINAL dimocrap scum..... It just ain't gonna happen. Too much corruption, Too much graft. Too many greedy gumbahs in too many thieving Unions.



Below is a Map of the High Speed Rail system in the USA --

High speed rail failed in California because of Californians and Left Tard Politicians, and Whacko Environmental restrictions and regulations.

They will never be able to finish their high speed rail because of themselves, and as long as The EPA has too much power in this country, And Environmental Groups resemble Religious Cults, THE US will never have high speed rail. The EPA and Environmental Groups will not allow new Rail Lines required for High Speed Rail to be built.
The Russians have smuggled in nukes here already, no need for missiles and zero warning time
But you wont hear that on TV

Scuze me but....
Is that a conspiracy theory?
Because I though radioactive materials were HIGHLY detectable and nearly impossible to hide.

All you need is an open border, and a distraction, and you could get a Nuke in to The US.
They are not being built because they are all targets of terrorism
Which is why we need to rethink the design.

How about a nuclear reactor than can be buried underground on a 1 acre plot of land and capped with concrete that can burn the nuclear waste from our older reactors and only needs to be refueled every 25 years?
There is no design safe from a hypersonic kinetic penetrator

Yeah an terrorists just happen to have those and the planes to fly over the US to drop them right?

Maybe they'll drop them from their flying carpets too
The point is an enemy could kill tens of millions of Americans with our own radiation

Yeah what enemy has ever executed a successful bombing run on the Continental USA?
And how likely is one to happen today or in the future?

You might as well worry about alien invasions and use that as a reason not to do anything new
Osama Bin Ladin…

You have any more really stupid questions
See that is wasting my time. I would never get anywhere. Who the hell stops every two hours? I get in and drive for 400 plus miles at a time. I stop, fuel, pee, grab beef jerky and sunflower seeds and continue on down the road.

My electric I will use in the city but that is as far as I will go.

Then it's not for you.

But it could be the answer for a LOT of people. Like Soccer Moms that make 10 runs a day to the Store(s), to pick up kids, drop them off, etc, etc. All within 10 miles. Good stuff for them

I drive a Ram 2500 with a Cummins Turbocharged Diesel. The only reason I tell you that is so you understand where I'm coming from.

EV's, HSR's they're all-good for a lot of people.

The problem will be that dimocrap SCUM will try to create a one-size-fits-all mandate and screw over too many people. Like you. And me.

Make the technology available and let The People choose.

But, dimocrap scum can't stand the idea of People having a choice. They want to make everything Law and enforce it with Jack Booted thugs.
If climate concerns are very important to democrats, then we all should be driving electric cars. We need tax incentives to get car buyers into EVs. Also, raising the gas tax to fund infrastructure would be a good thing too.
Charging An Electric Vehicle Is Far Cleaner Than Driving On Gasoline, Everywhere In America
Lets take a poll.
There is a new internal combustion engine that will replace the current engines.
It's smaller, lighter, more efficient, cheaper to build, more reliable and it gets much better MPG.

Achates Power building 2.7L opposed-piston light-duty engine; exceeding CAFE 2025, Tier 3 targets at lower cost
The Russians have smuggled in nukes here already, no need for missiles and zero warning time
But you wont hear that on TV

Scuze me but....
Is that a conspiracy theory?
Because I though radioactive materials were HIGHLY detectable and nearly impossible to hide.
They don't bring em in thru ports silly

PS about a billion tons of drugs get in somehow as well
Which is why we need to rethink the design.

How about a nuclear reactor than can be buried underground on a 1 acre plot of land and capped with concrete that can burn the nuclear waste from our older reactors and only needs to be refueled every 25 years?
There is no design safe from a hypersonic kinetic penetrator

Yeah an terrorists just happen to have those and the planes to fly over the US to drop them right?

Maybe they'll drop them from their flying carpets too
The point is an enemy could kill tens of millions of Americans with our own radiation

Yeah what enemy has ever executed a successful bombing run on the Continental USA?
And how likely is one to happen today or in the future?

You might as well worry about alien invasions and use that as a reason not to do anything new
Osama Bin Ladin…

You have any more really stupid questions
Obama Bin Lying was a bigger threat.

The enemy within.

Thankfully he didn't get his pawn Clinton shoe horned in to the White House, so there is no legacy for him.
They don't bring em in thru ports silly

PS about a billion tons of drugs get in somehow as well

I'm not too worried about Nukes.

What most people don't get is; what we did to Iraq, Asscrackistan and others (and we might do to Iran) is send a message.

"You kill three thousand of ours, we're gonna kill three HUNDRED thousand of yours."

It's what Bush meant when he said, "They're gonna be hearing from us......." at the wreckage of the towers.

Personally, I think we should have killed three MILLION. But three hundred thousand it is.

They Nuke us and we'll kill BILLIONS. Not millions. BILLIONS.

Unless there's a dimocrap scumbag in Office, in which case I expect us to preemptively surrender
They don't bring em in thru ports silly

PS about a billion tons of drugs get in somehow as well

I'm not too worried about Nukes.

What most people don't get is; what we did to Iraq, Asscrackistan and others (and we might do to Iran) is send a message.

"You kill three thousand of ours, we're gonna kill three HUNDRED thousand of yours."

It's what Bush meant when he said, "They're gonna be hearing from us......." at the wreckage of the towers.

Personally, I think we should have killed three MILLION. But three hundred thousand it is.

They Nuke us and we'll kill BILLIONS. Not millions. BILLIONS.

Unless there's a dimocrap scumbag in Office, in which case I expect us to preemptively surrender
All Bush did was send in troops to kill their soldiers and terrorist, leaving the mothers with their kids who all grew up hearing that America killed your Father. Creating more terrorist...………………
They don't bring em in thru ports silly
PS about a billion tons of drugs get in somehow as well

Still, that wasn't my point.

Once again, I said a device with enough radioactive material to create a nuclear bomb is VERY difficult to hide from detection.
So how is it that the Russians have already planted them in the US without detection?
The power grid was not designed to charge 300 million cars at night.

Funny chit.

What else goes on at night?

Past history not strong with you on black outs? Power lines down in storms, our power grid can't handle a EMP pulse? Our crumbling infrastructure?

You really are that dumb or just a propaganda mouth piece like Rderp, RW and Billy huh?


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