Electric cars are far cleaner than gas powered cars, we need incentives

Should congress pass laws incentivising buying electric cars over gas powered cars?

  • yes, it makes environmental and economic sense, cars can charge at night balancing electric usage

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • no, keep the government out of the car business

    Votes: 24 77.4%

  • Total voters
All you need is an open border, and a distraction, and you could get a Nuke in to The US.

Yeah. But she implied Russia had a bunch of em already HIDDEN here.

They very well might.

I would bet that we also have them hidden in Russia.

We make Nukes that are man-portable sized containers. More than one per bomb, but that size. We can parachute them it.


H-912 transport container for Mk-54 SADM
All you need is an open border, and a distraction, and you could get a Nuke in to The US.

Yeah. But she implied Russia had a bunch of em already HIDDEN here.
That would be suicide for Russia. Even if you detonated one in every LibTard City in The US, we still have subs, and warships with Nukes that we could hit back with, and our ICBMs are in hardened underground silos.

The biggest threat is from Radical Islam getting their hands on a Nuke because they do not care if they are retaliated against and they kill off 3/4s of the World's Population as long as the only thing left standing is a Monolithic World with Only Islam.
I'm not too worried about Nukes.
What most people don't get is; what we did to Iraq, Asscrackistan and others (and we might do to Iran) is send a message.
"You kill three thousand of ours, we're gonna kill three HUNDRED thousand of yours."
It's what Bush meant when he said, "They're gonna be hearing from us......." at the wreckage of the towers.
Personally, I think we should have killed three MILLION. But three hundred thousand it is.
They Nuke us and we'll kill BILLIONS. Not millions. BILLIONS.
Unless there's a dimocrap scumbag in Office, in which case I expect us to preemptively surrender

Nah, don't worry about nukes.
They could MUCH more easily kill us off with a million cuts by crippling our electrical grid.

And it's actually VERY easy to do. About 25 men could do it on any given day by taking out key power generating / transforming sites or hacking the infrastructure. Imagine a hot scorching summer day / Or...a brutally cold winter...and the power goes out for several weeks....or months.
The ensuing chaos would cost millions of lives.

More than likely, any successful attack will take those vectors long before a nuke attack.
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Always get a kick out of those falsely believing that electric cars are environmentally freindly.

They depend on enviromnmentally unfriendly mining. They need electricity that is not enviromnmentally friendly. The manufacturing is not environmentally friendly. They batteries require replacement, again not really enviromnmentally friendly. They require roads which are made from oil products. The use tires made from oil. They use plastics made from oil.

If you live on n the cold northern climates they do not have the heat or range. Charging stations are not readily available and require time out of your travel. All in all a fun to play with article that you can pretend to be helping the environment with.
yea, what does it take to recharge that "clean" battery again?
Well considering that it takes power generation from a natural gas fired plant, a coal fired plant or a nuclear plant about equal to an internal combustion.
If climate concerns are very important to democrats, then we all should be driving electric cars. We need tax incentives to get car buyers into EVs. Also, raising the gas tax to fund infrastructure would be a good thing too.
Charging An Electric Vehicle Is Far Cleaner Than Driving On Gasoline, Everywhere In America
Lets take a poll.

How about this...if people want to buy electric cars they can. And if they dont they can stick with gas.

No problem just don't make poor people who ride the bus subsidies rich people and their electric cars.

They don't bring em in thru ports silly

PS about a billion tons of drugs get in somehow as well

I'm not too worried about Nukes.

What most people don't get is; what we did to Iraq, Asscrackistan and others (and we might do to Iran) is send a message.

"You kill three thousand of ours, we're gonna kill three HUNDRED thousand of yours."

It's what Bush meant when he said, "They're gonna be hearing from us......." at the wreckage of the towers.

Personally, I think we should have killed three MILLION. But three hundred thousand it is.

They Nuke us and we'll kill BILLIONS. Not millions. BILLIONS.

Unless there's a dimocrap scumbag in Office, in which case I expect us to preemptively surrender
All Bush did was send in troops to kill their soldiers and terrorist, leaving the mothers with their kids who all grew up hearing that America killed your Father. Creating more terrorist...………………
Islam Creates Jihad.
The Purpose of Islam is Jihad.
The Purpose of Jihad is to make Islam both a Monolithic Global Government and Religion.

Global Theocratic Totalitarianism is their goal, and they don't need anything but their Shitty Koran to carry out their mission.
They very well might.
I would bet that we also have them hidden in Russia.
We make Nukes that are man-portable sized containers. More than one per bomb, but that size. We can parachute them it.

H-912 transport container for Mk-54 SADM

That would be suicide for Russia. Even if you detonated one in every LibTard City in The US, we still have subs, and warships with Nukes that we could hit back with, and our ICBMs are in hardened underground silos.

The biggest threat is from Radical Islam getting their hands on a Nuke because they do not care if they are retaliated against and they kill off 3/4s of the World's Population as long as the only thing left standing is a Monolithic World with Only Islam.


No one seems to understand the point.
Fissionable materials are VERY EASY TO DETECT as far as I know.
They can't be easily "hidden". They are detectable from great distances with proper equipment.
So "Hiding" them is not really feasible.

THAT was the only point I was making.
Nah, don't worry about nukes.
They could MUCH more easily kill us off with a million cuts by crippling our electrical grid.

And it's actually VERY easy to do. About 25 men could do it on any given day by taking out key power generating / transforming sites or hacking the infrastructure.

More than likely, any successful attack will take those vectors long before a nuke attack.

I agree with that assessment. But I don't fear it.

If anybody were to do it, we'd send another message by turning their homeland into a a Parking Lot.

Told you, it's what we did in the MidEast. We were sending a message...... "Yeah, you can hurt us. But we can hurt you a lot more."

No one seems to understand the point.
Fissionable materials are VERY EASY TO DETECT as far as I know.
They can't be easily "hidden". They are detectable from great distances with proper equipment.
So "Hiding" them is not really feasible.

THAT was the only point I was making.

:) sure :dunno:
They don't bring em in thru ports silly
PS about a billion tons of drugs get in somehow as well

Still, that wasn't my point.

Once again, I said a device with enough radioactive material to create a nuclear bomb is VERY difficult to hide from detection.
So how is it that the Russians have already planted them in the US without detection?
fits easily in a 55 gallon drum if it is made that way. Where do you imagine these radioactive detectors are by the way? Ports and tunnels have them that's about it, all you would need to do is avoid them and unspent fuel is not as easily detectible as spent anyway

No one seems to understand the point.
Fissionable materials are VERY EASY TO DETECT as far as I know.
They can't be easily "hidden". They are detectable from great distances with proper equipment.
So "Hiding" them is not really feasible.

THAT was the only point I was making.

:) sure :dunno:
Have you ever heard of this funny thing called LEAD?


The Periodic Table
They don't bring em in thru ports silly

PS about a billion tons of drugs get in somehow as well

I'm not too worried about Nukes.

What most people don't get is; what we did to Iraq, Asscrackistan and others (and we might do to Iran) is send a message.

"You kill three thousand of ours, we're gonna kill three HUNDRED thousand of yours."

It's what Bush meant when he said, "They're gonna be hearing from us......." at the wreckage of the towers.

Personally, I think we should have killed three MILLION. But three hundred thousand it is.

They Nuke us and we'll kill BILLIONS. Not millions. BILLIONS.

Unless there's a dimocrap scumbag in Office, in which case I expect us to preemptively surrender
All Bush did was send in troops to kill their soldiers and terrorist, leaving the mothers with their kids who all grew up hearing that America killed your Father. Creating more terrorist...………………
Islam Creates Jihad.
The Purpose of Islam is Jihad.
The Purpose of Jihad is to make Islam both a Monolithic Global Government and Religion.

Global Theocratic Totalitarianism is their goal, and they don't need anything but their Shitty Koran to carry out their mission.
Islam is not a religion it is a political philosophy that mutilates women who accept this because once mutilated no one else wants them
I agree with that assessment. But I don't fear it.
If anybody were to do it, we'd send another message by turning their homeland into a a Parking Lot.
Told you, it's what we did in the MidEast. We were sending a message...... "Yeah, you can hurt us. But we can hurt you a lot more."

so...if no one took credit for crippling our electrical grid would we just....ummm....nuke everyone else...just for good measure?

We can tell where any Uranium in the world was made. Any Plutonium.

Any of it.
I agree with that assessment. But I don't fear it.
If anybody were to do it, we'd send another message by turning their homeland into a a Parking Lot.
Told you, it's what we did in the MidEast. We were sending a message...... "Yeah, you can hurt us. But we can hurt you a lot more."

so...if no one took credit for crippling our electrical grid would we just....ummm....nuke everyone else...just for good measure?
You are QUOTING the wrong person. Not one word of that is attributable to me.
Have you ever heard of this funny thing called LEAD?
The Periodic Table

Did you know lead (and fissionable materials) are REALLY heavy?
How many tons of lead would it take to completely shield a nuke device? Honestly, I dunno.
So now you need tractors and heavy lifting equipment. Dunno....it just gets more complicated doesn't it?
I agree with that assessment. But I don't fear it.
If anybody were to do it, we'd send another message by turning their homeland into a a Parking Lot.
Told you, it's what we did in the MidEast. We were sending a message...... "Yeah, you can hurt us. But we can hurt you a lot more."

so...if no one took credit for crippling our electrical grid would we just....ummm....nuke everyone else...just for good measure?
If our electrical grid were crippled we would kill each other unfortunately
I agree with that assessment. But I don't fear it.
If anybody were to do it, we'd send another message by turning their homeland into a a Parking Lot.
Told you, it's what we did in the MidEast. We were sending a message...... "Yeah, you can hurt us. But we can hurt you a lot more."

so...if no one took credit for crippling our electrical grid would we just....ummm....nuke everyone else...just for good measure?
If our electrical grid were crippled we would kill each other unfortunately
Just Liberals would die.

Country Folk would work together, hunt, fish, gather firewood, and make moonshine, and plant corn with horses and plows if they had to.

That is why Metrosexual girly men LibTards are fucked if any kind of apocalypse goes down. They'll all starve, kill each other or be overcome by pestilence.
The push for electric cars is pretty ignorant. People brought up the production, roads, power, ect of producing and running these vehicles. We will have dumps full of batteries. I'm sure that will be lovely. I'm all for environment friendly tech and incentives for such tech, but we are energy independent, with affordable energy, so maybe we could make fossil fuels cleaner and worry about the plastic in the oceans.
I agree with that assessment. But I don't fear it.
If anybody were to do it, we'd send another message by turning their homeland into a a Parking Lot.
Told you, it's what we did in the MidEast. We were sending a message...... "Yeah, you can hurt us. But we can hurt you a lot more."

so...if no one took credit for crippling our electrical grid would we just....ummm....nuke everyone else...just for good measure?
You are QUOTING the wrong person. Not one word of that is attributable to me.

Ok...I see it now...too many quotes bouncing around. Sry

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