Electric Vehicle sales are sucking!!!

Why yes, this nation is all about liberty and independence. Something that people like jc456 hates. He does not want anyone to have the option of not buying from the energy corperations. The thought of someone being independent of the mega-corperations is an anthema to him. After all, the thought that someone can make their own fuel for their vehicle, power their own home, with, or without the grid, just totally turns off these sycophants of the 1%. The idea that in a power outage some jerk could have power from his vehicle while the rest of the neighborhood is dark just torques his jaws.
Yes, natural born US citizen, with a dd2114 that say Honorable. And you?

I happen to live in the state that I like the most out of all 50, and we produce a lot of clean power. The coal on the pie chart will be gone shortly, replaced by even more clean energy.

Fuel Sources for Electric Power Generation in Oregon in 2011
(trillion Btu)

Clean Energy in My State Oregon Electricity Generation
so maybe I need glasses, but the charts on the link were 2010 and 2011. And from the materials for renewables outside of the hydroelectric, wind and solar was only 9.5% of the power and of that 9.5% Solar is but .0016%. The US total renewable mentioned in the article is at 9.3%. And the state ranks 3rd.
One of the first thing firefighters are now taught to do is to check whether the vehicle on fire is conventional or in any way electrical (with batteries ready to explode and maim everyone close by.
Why yes, this nation is all about liberty and independence. Something that people like jc456 hates. He does not want anyone to have the option of not buying from the energy corperations. The thought of someone being independent of the mega-corperations is an anthema to him. After all, the thought that someone can make their own fuel for their vehicle, power their own home, with, or without the grid, just totally turns off these sycophants of the 1%. The idea that in a power outage some jerk could have power from his vehicle while the rest of the neighborhood is dark just torques his jaws.
It's amazing how ignorant some people on here really are. I could careless what kind of car anyone buys, drives as long as it is safe for the road. I'd like for you to provide the post in which I declared any such thing otherwise. You sir are a liar with your statement. Patriot? hmmm, it seems you have a real hard time with that word.
I love the tesla. It is expensive, you can't go east with it, but I still think it is the coolest thing going. It has all kinds of capacity, for getting around town it is great.

I can't afford it. To bad on me. But they are getting cheaper. one day..
I love the tesla. It is expensive, you can't go east with it, but I still think it is the coolest thing going. It has all kinds of capacity, for getting around town it is great.

I can't afford it. To bad on me. But they are getting cheaper. one day..

Wait it out. Won't take long, if Tesla is viable, for Obama to drive it to China for manufacturing. Then you'll see prices fall.
How many Priuses (Prius?) did you see on the road yesterday? A dozen? A hundred? I travel through some rather upscale communities and I'm seeing 5-10 Teslas every day. There are about 245 people in the office I go to most days and there are at least a half dozen Prius, two Nissan Leafs and another half dozen hybrid vehicles from the big three. And is this an office full of Republicans.

The "electric must fail" crowd crow at each percieved failure. But there is no question that electric vehicles have carved out a portion of the market.
The big oil crowd will continue to crow that internal combustion is KING....but they are slowly losing market

How are they losing market? ICE vehicles are becoming better and better. People keep them for a long time now because they CAN. The car makers realized they needed to build a better product so they sell less because they build better.

Electric vehicles now have a market share, much to the chagrin of the fossil fuel crowd. Like it or not, they are becoming a viable alternative

Why do you take it so personally?

I don't. I do take personally that I have to give my tax dollars to the government who then gives it to rich people to buy the product. If they were so great let the rich people pay for them all themselves. You whine and snivel about corporate welfare and yet you spitefully demand that poor people subsidize the rich.

Don't you think that's wrong?
Shouldn't we be encouraging more people to drive electric cars or more fuel efficient vehicles? Anything that breaks our dependency off Middle Eastern oil is a good thing in my mind.
I believe electric cars are hazards. The battery life is in question, the lack of power is an issue, BTW, that would be the grid. Limited miles per charge and the probability that the company manufacturing them stay in business as well. Yep, the world is all over this.

Lack of power? The Tesla will blow the socks off of anything that you drive. And the next generation of batteries will probably fix the range issue, even for the Leaf.

If they're so great how come they don't race them?:eusa_think::eusa_think:
I had a chance to drive one of these around for a while when I was in London last year and liked it a great deal. But even with all the legal benefits the British government has granted these, they are still not selling and now look to be a vehicle of the past....

European buyers may soon have one fewer plug-in vehicle to choose from, with news that the Opel Ampera--European cousin to the Chevrolet Volt--could be dropped due to slow sales.
The Ampera arrived to much critical acclaim, just as the Volt did in the U.S.
While expensive--it hit the market at just shy of $60,000 back in 2012--critics praised the relaxed drive and its elimination of some of the electric car's traditional drawbacks, such as range anxiety.
It even took Europe's Car of the Year title back in 2012, along with its Chevy Volt cousin--the second plug-in vehicle to do so, after the Nissan Leaf took the 2011 crown.
But as Automotive News Europe reports (via Autoblog Green), sales have been poor. In 2012, Opel (and UK arm Vauxhall) sold just over 6,600 cars. In 2013, that dropped to 3,184. So far in 2014, just 332 cars have found homes.
The news is another blow for Volt and Ampera fans in Europe, after GM's decision in late 2013 that the Chevrolet brand itself would be pulled out of Europe from 2016, so resources could be injected into its struggling Opel and Vauxhall brands.
That decision means the Volt too is no longer available--and plug-in car buyers will have to look elsewhere.

Opel Ampera Euro Chevy Volt Axed Over Slow Sales
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I got a chance to get a test ride in it.The vehicle offers a very pleasant quiet ride, and seems like an attractive option for urban commuting


Most men wouldn't be caught dead driving in one of those.......like the Smartfortwo......in fact, if somebody paid the bill, most men wouldn't drive them.

In 2012, there were 2 million trucks sold in America. How many truck guys would buy one of those gay little EV's?

Maybe 5......maybe??!!:2up:
It has the problems of range exity and huge up front cost for a family sedan. Someday soon, they will solve the problem of up front cost.

It has a tremendous cost to drive. 300 miles on a tesla costs like $12. 300 miles on a gas car costs $60
And if you have your own solar, that first charge costs nothing. If you use the Tesla Supercharging stations, the rest of the journey is free, as well.
I got a chance to get a test ride in it.The vehicle offers a very pleasant quiet ride, and seems like an attractive option for urban commuting


Most men wouldn't be caught dead driving in one of those.......like the Smartfortwo......in fact, if somebody paid the bill, most men wouldn't drive them.

In 2012, there were 2 million trucks sold in America. How many truck guys would buy one of those gay little EV's?

Maybe 5......maybe??!!:2up:

When the batteries drop sharply in price, trucks will be the first use for them. Acres of room for batteries between the frame. So you can have large range. The instant torque of an electric motor would work especially well in a truck.
I got a chance to get a test ride in it.The vehicle offers a very pleasant quiet ride, and seems like an attractive option for urban commuting


Most men wouldn't be caught dead driving in one of those.......like the Smartfortwo......in fact, if somebody paid the bill, most men wouldn't drive them.

In 2012, there were 2 million trucks sold in America. How many truck guys would buy one of those gay little EV's?

Maybe 5......maybe??!!:2up:

When the batteries drop sharply in price, trucks will be the first use for them. Acres of room for batteries between the frame. So you can have large range. The instant torque of an electric motor would work especially well in a truck.

Perhaps Ray.....but ONLY if the price is exactly competitive with gas powered trucks. An F150 is now in the neighborhood of 50K with the bells and whistles. Truck guys wont pay and extra 10K or 20K for that torque when they can get it in t he gas powered version. The other thing.....the whole charging business is likely to be a turn off to many potential buyers.......not to mention that truck guys hold onto these units for a long, long time and like to keep maintenance to a minimum. Lastly........75% of all trucks are sold by FORD. Somebody like Dodge coming out with an electric truck wont matter. Ford truck guys wont even consider anything else.......the loyalty is immense in the truck market with Ford for decades.

In the end though, the only thing that will ultimately matter is cost.
Why yes, this nation is all about liberty and independence. Something that people like jc456 hates. He does not want anyone to have the option of not buying from the energy corperations. The thought of someone being independent of the mega-corperations is an anthema to him. After all, the thought that someone can make their own fuel for their vehicle, power their own home, with, or without the grid, just totally turns off these sycophants of the 1%. The idea that in a power outage some jerk could have power from his vehicle while the rest of the neighborhood is dark just torques his jaws.
It's amazing how ignorant some people on here really are. I could careless what kind of car anyone buys, drives as long as it is safe for the road. I'd like for you to provide the post in which I declared any such thing otherwise. You sir are a liar with your statement. Patriot? hmmm, it seems you have a real hard time with that word.

Do I have a problem with the word patriot. Well, my dd214 reads Honorable. What does yours read? Do you even have one? If not, why not?
Why yes, this nation is all about liberty and independence. Something that people like jc456 hates. He does not want anyone to have the option of not buying from the energy corperations. The thought of someone being independent of the mega-corperations is an anthema to him. After all, the thought that someone can make their own fuel for their vehicle, power their own home, with, or without the grid, just totally turns off these sycophants of the 1%. The idea that in a power outage some jerk could have power from his vehicle while the rest of the neighborhood is dark just torques his jaws.
It's amazing how ignorant some people on here really are. I could careless what kind of car anyone buys, drives as long as it is safe for the road. I'd like for you to provide the post in which I declared any such thing otherwise. You sir are a liar with your statement. Patriot? hmmm, it seems you have a real hard time with that word.

Do I have a problem with the word patriot. Well, my dd214 reads Honorable. What does yours read? Do you even have one? If not, why not?
so dude, did you ever respond to the question I asked you in the other thread about denouncing those who trashed our country?
so dude, did you ever respond to the question I asked you in the other thread about denouncing those who trashed our country?

You like the corperations that left us all the superfund sites to clean up? Or the 'Conservatives' that are constantly argueing that seccession is a right? Or the fools that support Putin over our own President. Some of those even seem to support ISIS over our nation.
By the way, GREAT PATRIOT jc, you did serve your nation, right? I mean such a patriot as you wouldn't leave that to other Americans, would you? Or perhaps you took the Nugent Way out of serving your nation?

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