Eleven years of justice

Oh I'm pretty sure he's a real black guy. A real angry, racist black guy, but a black guy.

You know, I wonder if he even supports cops at all, or if he only cares about cops being attacked in a riot because it was white people doing it.

I'm not even sure it's a guy.

You've mentioned whites more than a few times now. I'm not really interested in your racism. Kind of seems like this is just about white people for you.
I admit to mostly coming here to point and laugh at you fail whites. It isn't racism though. I don't use white as a pejorative. In fact I use fail white to distinguish you from the successful, educated whites.
Look, if you actually believe that that one day riot was an attempt to violently overthrow the government, well, there's just no helping you dude.
I dont need your help. Its the perception of the majority of our society and the criminal justice system that Jan 6th was an insurrection and the people who participated in it are being dealt with by that criminal justice system. I'm cool with that. How about you?
It was a temper tantrum, not an insurrection, and anybody that operates within the realm of reason can see that.
It was both. I will only go so far as to say that I don't think insurrection was at the forefront of every Jan 6ers mind. I think many of them were just protesting and I support them receiving the little light sentences for illegally entering the Capitol that they got. But some absolutely planned an insurrection, they were just entirely incompetent as fail whites tend to be.
It's whatever though. You people are literally shooting yourselves in the foot by insisting on your nonsense.
Nope. We did shoot one dumb bitch in the chest though.
You're going to have regrets when the ramifications all play out at the polls.
I'm not. Government doesn't work how you Bingos thinks it does. Even if Trump is re-elected that doesn't mean he's going to have a friendly Congress nor does it mean that the entire criminal justice system is going to bend over for him. In fact he's going to get more push back in any 2nd term than he got in the 1st because we saw how it went the first time.
Hey, that's impressive progress. I'm proud of you.
I never claimed that I thought every grandma should be charged with violent insurrection. 😄 The people with the clown position are you fail whites who claim no one was trying to violently over throw the election. We saw that with our own eyes too clowns. My side is the reasonable one.
I never claimed that I thought every grandma should be charged with violent insurrection. 😄 The people with the clown position are you fail whites who claim no one was trying to violently over throw the election. We saw that with our own eyes too clowns. My side is the reasonable one.
Well that's good. Then you're not as stupid as some left wingers. I guess you get a participation trophy or something.

How many non-whites do you think you call fail whites in your cringe screeds? I am Hispanic, not white. Never been white. Parents aren't white. My great grandpa barely knows enough English to get by. You really are a gross racist. No different than the white racists you hate.
Well that's good. Then you're not as stupid as some left wingers. I guess you get a participation trophy or something.

I'm so amused at how much your lot fantasizes about being important to others. What is it about yourselves that makes you do that? Real question.
How many non-whites do you think you call fail whites in your cringe screeds?
At least a few? :dunno: As white as the Republican Party is its not entirely white. My comment isn't meant to be taken literally, it's meant to be taken tongue in cheek. You very well could be a failure of a different ethnicity, I don't really care that much.
I am Hispanic, not white. Never been white. Parents aren't white. My great grandpa barely knows enough English to get by. You really are a gross racist. No different than the white racists you hate.
Then you're a fail Hispanic. Thanks for clarifying I guess. By the way doesn't hispanic mean from Spain? Last I checked Spain was a European country. I get that Hispanic is a real blanket term that describes a lot of diverse people but telling me you're Hispanic and your parents don't speak English doesn't mean you aren't white.

I'm so amused at how much your lot fantasizes about being important to others. What is it about yourselves that makes you do that? Real question.

At least a few? :dunno: As white as the Republican Party is its not entirely white. My comment isn't meant to be taken literally, it's meant to be taken tongue in cheek. You very well could be a failure of a different ethnicity, I don't really care that much.

Then you're a fail Hispanic. Thanks for clarifying I guess. By the way doesn't hispanic mean from Spain? Last I checked Spain was a European country. I get that Hispanic is a real blanket term that describes a lot of diverse people but telling me you're Hispanic and your parents don't speak English doesn't mean you aren't white.
I didn't say my parents don't speak English. You have the reading comprehension of somebody that dropped out of high school a little too early. I'm also not a Republican. I've never voted for Trump and I never will.

Real question. Why is it so hard for you to imagine somebody that disagrees with you on some of these issues but also isn't some Republican sycophant partisan? In the end you see everything in black and white like the rest of the retards.
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I didn't say my parents don't speak English. I guess you needed some more time before you dropped out of high school. I'm also not a Republican. Didn't vote for Trump the first time and I won't vote for him if he gets the nomination again.
I don't really care what you actually said because the particulars of your life don't really matter. Your argument, which was fundamentally that you can't be white because you're Hispanic and your great grand daddy or whatever barely speaks English is just like you're stupid argument that it can't be an insurrection without murder. Speaking English isn't the pre-requisite for being white. Are the French not largely white?
Real question. Why is it so hard for you to imagine somebody that disagrees with you on some of these issues but also isn't some Republican sycophant partisan?
Its not that hard. I fully admit I'm generalizing, it doesn't bother me as much as it appears to bother you but then you seem like a rather emotional bitch. :dunno:
In the end you see everything in black and white like the rest of the retards.
Or, I'm just here mostly talking shit and I don't give enough a fuck about you to dig through the particulars of your story. I'm mostly here to laugh at your dipshit arguments that are very similar to arguments made by the fail white wing. If you don't belong to them, oh well, I'll sleep just fine tonight.
I don't really care what you actually said because the particulars of your life don't really matter. Your argument, which was fundamentally that you can't be white because you're Hispanic and your great grand daddy or whatever barely speaks English is just like you're stupid argument that it can't be an insurrection without murder. Speaking English isn't the pre-requisite for being white. Are the French not largely white?

Its not that hard. I fully admit I'm generalizing, it doesn't bother me as much as it appears to bother you but then you seem like a rather emotional bitch. :dunno:

Or, I'm just here mostly talking shit and I don't give enough a fuck about you to dig through the particulars of your story. I'm mostly here to laugh at your dipshit arguments that are very similar to arguments made by the fail white wing. If you don't belong to them, oh well, I'll sleep just fine tonight.
You seem like a very miserable person. Something tells me you're the family member that everybody dreads seeing at Thanksgiving.

I like how you're questioning my non-whiteness by the way. It should have been enough that I told you I'm Hispanic and not white, but it's not. You're trying to make me white it seems like. Haha I guess it's just simpler for you to rationalize your bigotry that way.

I'm not surprised that you embrace generalizations by the way. It suits you.
You seem like a very miserable person.

Yet you're the one bitching the whole time. I'm enjoy myself, aren't you?
Something tells me you're the family member that everybody dreads seeing at Thanksgiving.
Actually I'm everyone's favorite. When my family came to this country from Jamaica my parents lived in a house with a few of my fathers siblings so I was like everyone's first child.
I like how you're questioning my non-whiteness by the way.
I'm not questioning your non whiteness, I'm pointing out that your argument is shit. I don't have any trouble accepting you are whatever you tell me you are. Being Hispanic and not speaking English however don't exclude you from being white. That's simply a fact.
It should have been enough that I told you I'm Hispanic and not white, but it's not. You're trying to make me white it seems like. Haha I guess it's just simpler for you to rationalize your bigotry that way.
My statement about your shit argument is just about your shit argument, I've already conceded that you can be a non white, non republican. I don't know what that leaves you but fair enough. It hasn't improved your arguments any.

Yet you're the one bitching the whole time. I'm enjoy myself, aren't you?

Actually I'm everyone's favorite. When my family came to this country from Jamaica my parents lived in a house with a few of my fathers siblings so I was like everyone's first child.

I'm not questioning your non whiteness, I'm pointing out that your argument is shit. I don't have any trouble accepting you are whatever you tell me you are. Being Hispanic and not speaking English however don't exclude you from being white. That's simply a fact.

My statement about your shit argument is just about your shit argument, I've already conceded that you can be a non white, non republican. I don't know what that leaves you but fair enough. It hasn't improved your arguments any.
Yeah, I have no idea why my skin color was such a big deal. You'll have to figure that out for yourself.
It isn't. You're the one that seems sensitive about it. 😄
Nah. I just brought notice to it because it seemed like every other post you made had to include something about skin color, so I poked at it; that's what I do. Are you at least aware of your racism? I can respect self-aware racists.
Nah. I just brought notice to it because it seemed like every other post you made had to include something about skin color. So I poked at it. That's what I do. Are you at least aware of your racism? I can respect self-aware racists.
You brought notice to it? 😄 It ain't exactly hieroglyphics. I use fail white, cuck white and white wing as terms around here all the time.
You brought notice to it? 😄 It ain't exactly hieroglyphics. I use fail white, cuck white and white wing as terms around here all the time.
In the form of conversation, yes. You didn't answer my question though. It was a serious question. Maybe you're one of those dudes that's openly racist and not ashamed of it. I can respect that; that's real.
In the form of conversation, yes. You didn't answer my question though. It was a serious question. Maybe you're one of those dudes that's openly racist and not ashamed of it. I can respect that; that's real.
What question?

Oh never-mind, the first time I read that I thought you were calling me a racist and I just glanced right passed it.

I'm not a racist. I do like to make fun of white racists though and their hilarious arguments and to point out how inferior they and their arguments are, contrary to their vivid imaginations.
Are you a self aware racist? Or maybe you're one of those people that thinks only white people can be racist? I'm trying to figure out if you're in denial about your own bigotry or not.
Buddy, I don't care if you think I'm a racist. 😄 Feel free to.

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