Eleven Years Since A Hurricane Hit Florida...Hillary Goes Berserk!

Sorry but the federal government is NOT responsible for rebuilding homes or businesses. If people do not have insurance to cover them in these cases then TOUGH SHIT

Really???? The Feds are never involved??? And insurance companies do not jack up premiums on everyone else to make up for the payments to flood/wind damage victims?
And the absolute worse news of all for the climate nutters.............

Its been clear for several years now that the public doesn't give a shit about global warming...........but NOW, they also think the "scientific consensus" is bogus............PEW Poll out this week says it all........the bs dogma from the k00ks is exactly that.........bs:boobies::boobies::bye1:

Pew: Most Americans Don’t Believe in ‘Scientific Consensus’ on Climate Change

Who's not winning?:spinner:

Now one would ever lose a bet when calling most Americans dumb........Here, from your right wing link....

Pew contrasted this to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which “stated in the forward to its 2013 report, ‘the science now shows with 95 percent certainty that human activity is the dominant cause of observed warming since the mid-20th century.’
Damn, you mean to tell me she predicted Mathew a month ago? Son of a bitch! She has the ability to create hurricanes what chance do we mere mortals have!

Well you know? She is the smartest woman in the whole f-ing WORLD!
Elon Musk's growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies
bet the Dems will see at least 10-25% of that back in donations...
Well, her point was a simple one......Its hard to rebuild homes and businesses when there are individuals who skirt paying into the US treasury (through their fair share of taxes), while STILL denying what the world scientific community fully realizes about GW .....Such "natural" disasters will only get worse and I'm sure that some of the Floridians who are now fleeing hurricane Matthew are former climate change deniers.

Her "point" is that we have to kill off coal and oil so she can make a bundle selling us solar panels from China. Not only are the hurricanes not getting "worse"....Matthew, born in Africa like all Atlantic hurricanes are, has downgraded to a Cat-3 and not the MONSTER we were warned it was. Hurricanes have been hitting Florida since dinosaurs roamed the earth, long before Donald Trump did.
Musk is building a HUGE solar panel plant in Buffalo, so please sthu. And Hillary has nothing to do with either. Duh. RW conspiracy nuts are dangerous. More BS like Volts cost $278KL to build and caught fire. Almost killed it off. A-holes and morons.
She knows it's a scam. She profits from it.
Well, her point was a simple one......Its hard to rebuild homes and businesses when there are individuals who skirt paying into the US treasury (through their fair share of taxes), while STILL denying what the world scientific community fully realizes about GW .....Such "natural" disasters will only get worse and I'm sure that some of the Floridians who are now fleeing hurricane Matthew are former climate change deniers.

Only idiots such as yourself and clinton of course believe in the absurdity of man made glowarm. Its actually insulting. They were saying in 2005 that same thing.....blah blah blah and the hurricanes disappeared for 11 years. But, there are an exponential increase in volcanoes and earthquakes but it hasnt a damn thing to do with glowarm.
And the absolute worse news of all for the climate nutters.............

Its been clear for several years now that the public doesn't give a shit about global warming...........but NOW, they also think the "scientific consensus" is bogus............PEW Poll out this week says it all........the bs dogma from the k00ks is exactly that.........bs:boobies::boobies::bye1:

Pew: Most Americans Don’t Believe in ‘Scientific Consensus’ on Climate Change

Who's not winning?:spinner:

Now one would ever lose a bet when calling most Americans dumb........Here, from your right wing link....

Pew contrasted this to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which “stated in the forward to its 2013 report, ‘the science now shows with 95 percent certainty that human activity is the dominant cause of observed warming since the mid-20th century.’

but what that states is immaterial..........the science stands on its own. It is having zero impact on public policy and the public doesn't give a shit about it ( every poll shows this conclusively ). The IPCC has been stating the same thing for years and years. No impact. Cap and Trade = dead as a doornail. Renewable energy = still a joke as fossil fuels dominate and will for decades to come.

Doesn't matter if Americans are smart or dumb s0n.......only matters if they care. They don't!!:boobies::boobies::fu:

like I said about decimating............. :popcorn:
Matthew is now a Cat 2 and did not make landfall.

11 years and counting since Algore made his prediction of more and bigger canes, and has a big f-ing GOOSE EGG to show for it...
I support her but yeah, this is a really dumb thing to say. Intensity the past decade for the Atlantic has been really low.

Matthew was the first cat5 since Felix of 2007 and we're now 11 years since Wilma last hit as a cat3 on the United states. The longest period in the satellite age.

Matthew, She did say what the OP said she said... She was talking about a lot of extreme weather and Hurricanes,

She was right... You have to take alot of this with a grain of salt as they use an anti GW site...

The site is run by this guy:
Marc Morano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is the start of his bio:
Morano was born in Washington, D.C. and raised in McLean, Virginia. He has a bachelor's degree from George Mason University in political science.[1]

He began his career working for Rush Limbaugh from 1992 to 1996.[4]

So no qualifications in Climate and worked for Rush.... So I would ignore until they get a right source... This guy won Climate misinformer of the year...

The satellites went up in 1978, and pick up every minor TS that doesn't make landfall. Before 1978, we never observed them.

Nice try.

The "warmers" lie about everything, the most hilarious being the "sinking" Pacific Islands... all three of which are right on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire on the subduction side...
Really? A link to "save the eagles .com". ? Thanks for proving me right on your bullshit .

You're even weaker than I imagined, Timmy. Dead birds.....millions of them...hawks and majestic eagles...live with it.
Matthew is now a Cat 2 and did not make landfall.

11 years and counting since Algore made his prediction of more and bigger canes, and has a big f-ing GOOSE EGG to show for it...

I posted the link about 2015 being a record year for cat 4-5 storms .

You just declared it a lie . But it's a fact .
Hillary, the crazy bitch, actually declared the hurricane is not an act of 'Mother Nature' but an act of MAN ... AND insisted the hurricane is proof Trump is unfit to be President


Hillary blames Hurricane on climate change; says Trump 'totally unfit' to protect USA from 'the threat of climate change'

'Hillary blames Hurricane on climate change; says Trump ‘totally unfit’ to protect USA from ‘the threat of climate change’


This is the elitist who cared so little for Americans and about their suffering that she did not visit the flood victims in La...she didn't even CALL the governor. Mow she's USING more American suffering for her own political benefit.

What a despicable, self-serving POS!
Before global warming, we never had hurricanes

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