Eleven Years Since A Hurricane Hit Florida...Hillary Goes Berserk!

Solar panels burning birds is too dumb to even respond to.

Really? watch and learn, moron.

That's not solar panels . Like you see everywhere.

Should we talk about the animal death caused by a coal plant ?

Talk about anything you please, Timmy....just remember you've swung and missed at the first two pitches you saw here.
Idiots like 97% of climatologists and every poliltical party in the WORLD

Indeed, don't ask questions like why 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica is adding at least 80 billion tons of ice every year, or why, in the past million years, NA thawed while Greenland froze, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere...

Naw, you are LEFT WING, you are POLITICALLY CORRECT!!!

Never think, just

Idiots like 97% of climatologists and every poliltical party in the WORLD

Indeed, don't ask questions like why 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica is adding at least 80 billion tons of ice every year, or why, in the past million years, NA thawed while Greenland froze, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere...

Naw, you are LEFT WING, you are POLITICALLY CORRECT!!!

Never think, just

Total RW BS..
The ignorance and arrogance of regressives is amazing. To think man can control the climate and weather is pure stupidity. You want to diminish the effects of storms, stop concentrating populations in storm prone areas. Simple as that.

I read the other day the climate crowd has discovered the Sun isn't sending as many flares as it had been and when that's happened in the past, an ICE AGE is approaching. I'm sure they'll figure out a way to blame that on Trump too.

Global warming has saved us from the Ice Age of the 70's


In reality Solar Cycle 24 has had about half the number of sun spot than the previous one. They are already predicting an even lower output in the next cycle too.
Solar panels burning birds is too dumb to even respond to.

Really? watch and learn, moron.

That's not solar panels . Like you see everywhere.

Should we talk about the animal death caused by a coal plant ?

Talk about anything you please, Timmy....just remember you've swung and missed at the first two pitches you saw here.

Those aren't solar panels, dumass, that's an experimental solar furnace.

" the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008."

NA one million years ago...

Greenland one million years ago...

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

"The DNA is proof that sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forestthat was home to alder, spruce and pine trees, as well as insects such as butterflies and beetles."
In reality Solar Cycle 24

The "solar cycle" is a bunch of bull put out by the FRAUD to get MORONS who are "skeptics" to parrot it, so then it can be discredited, so "skeptics" are "discredited."

The "solar cycle" didn't melt NA and freeze Greenland at the same time. Climate change is continent specific, as are "ice ages."

Don't bite on every skeptic theory. Follow the one that is right...
Global warming has saved us from the Ice Age of the 70's


In reality Solar Cycle 24 has had about half the number of sun spot than the previous one. They are already predicting an even lower output in the next cycle too.

4 years in a row the sun has thrown less flares at us....Climate clowns about to predict a coming ICE AGE.
The climate k00ks took a real kick to the nut sack on this one........they were all amped up and rooting for a landfall at Cat 5 and it turns out to be a dud.:funnyface::fu::funnyface: Im still laughing..........
Well, her point was a simple one......Its hard to rebuild homes and businesses when there are individuals who skirt paying into the US treasury (through their fair share of taxes), while STILL denying what the world scientific community fully realizes about GW .....Such "natural" disasters will only get worse and I'm sure that some of the Floridians who are now fleeing hurricane Matthew are former climate change deniers.

Sorry but the federal government is NOT responsible for rebuilding homes or businesses. If people do not have insurance to cover them in these cases then TOUGH SHIT
And the absolute worse news of all for the climate nutters.............

Its been clear for several years now that the public doesn't give a shit about global warming...........but NOW, they also think the "scientific consensus" is bogus............PEW Poll out this week says it all........the bs dogma from the k00ks is exactly that.........bs:boobies::boobies::bye1:

Pew: Most Americans Don’t Believe in ‘Scientific Consensus’ on Climate Change

Who's not winning?:spinner:
This pretty much debunks the myth of shrinking glaciers and drowning polar bears:

When the issue is Earth ice, and 90% is in one place, it isn't hard to figure it out...


90% of Earth ice has added at least 80 billion tons of ice every year since Algore first started lying about CO2...

There are no polar bears at the south pole.
There are no polar bears at the south pole.

Who said there was? The pics of polar bears marooned on floating ice are some of the most insidious propaganda we've ever seen. They often climb up on ice boats to rest and look around for seals and their numbers are growing, not dwindling. The ones that head south are mating with grizzlies and staying put.
It's VERY disgusting that the climate change asslickers actually WANTED Matthew to be REALLY bad so that they could push their bullshit agenda.

Sorry about your luck so far, fellas.
Cat-1 nicked the Sunshine State in September....the first to make landfall since 2005... I have to confess I never heard of Hermine..
A lot of others you misinformation voters missed!
Besides the 5 that hit the US in 2005 there were 3 in 2008 (Dolly, Gustav, Ike), Irene in 2011, Isaac and Sandy in 2012, Arthur and Olivia in 2014.

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