Eleven Years Since A Hurricane Hit Florida...Hillary Goes Berserk!

The climate k00ks took a real kick to the nut sack on this one........they were all amped up and rooting for a landfall at Cat 5 and it turns out to be a dud.:funnyface::fu::funnyface: Im still laughing..........
So was FOX. All about RATINGS, conspiracy nutjobs. lol
It's not over, ADD Rush/Drudgebots...you're a disgrace.
And the absolute worse news of all for the climate nutters.............

Its been clear for several years now that the public doesn't give a shit about global warming...........but NOW, they also think the "scientific consensus" is bogus............PEW Poll out this week says it all........the bs dogma from the k00ks is exactly that.........bs:boobies::boobies::bye1:

Pew: Most Americans Don’t Believe in ‘Scientific Consensus’ on Climate Change

Who's not winning?:spinner:
Most Americans are misled by aggressive RW propaganda and cowardly corporate media. See Hillary is a huge liar, Obama policies are to blame, it wasn't the video, the New BS GOP will help the country, Trump is a candidate lol...
Clearly this was a work of Climate change... just like the terrorists rising in Syria.
Those aren't solar panels, dumass, that's an experimental solar furnace.

Of course it is franco....a solar farm disguised as a solar furnace...CIA very hush hush

Those are mirrors to focus sunlight to great temps, idiot. Solar panels absorb heat. Ay caramba. And the dupes AGREE with you lol...
So where has the evil Florida hurricane-machine of Dirty Dick Cheney's been stored for over a decade? Why did Gorebal Warming take such a long vacation instead of drowning everybody on the eastern seaboard? Well, it didn't take long for the diaper-wearing, epileptic witch to ride her broom into action when a little Cat-1 nicked the Sunshine State in September....the first to make landfall since 2005... I have to confess I never heard of Hermine..but Hillary did..and she's blaming it on.....Donald Trump.

These Hurricanes only prove that Donald Trump needs to release his tax-returns.
2015 set a record for category 4-5 superstorms .
You don't know what a superstorm is do you?

The scope of ignorance that it took for hilly to make that statement is breathtaking. It is also consistent with the last few years. If it rains, its climate change, if it doesn't rain its climate change.

Has she tried praying to the climate change gods? The last time someone believed that mankind had this much control over the weather, they were throwing virgins into volcanos.
Clearly this was a work of Climate change... just like the terrorists rising in Syria.
That may be part of it, along with the Boosh world depression and more. Can you dupes keep more than 1 thing in mind at a time. BREAKING: It almost undoubtedly was the video that triggered it like all the others at the time, and a terrorist attack. DUH.
So where has the evil Florida hurricane-machine of Dirty Dick Cheney's been stored for over a decade? Why did Gorebal Warming take such a long vacation instead of drowning everybody on the eastern seaboard? Well, it didn't take long for the diaper-wearing, epileptic witch to ride her broom into action when a little Cat-1 nicked the Sunshine State in September....the first to make landfall since 2005... I have to confess I never heard of Hermine..but Hillary did..and she's blaming it on.....Donald Trump.

Facts just never seem to support their narrative. And Huffpo readers rejected their claim that the hurricane was due to global warming. When libs call bullshit, that doesn't bode well for Hillary.

I know some libs who get pissed when you use their term, 'global warming.' They changed it in an attempt to explain why their predictions were all wrong. If you don't call it the all-inclusive, 'climate change', they have a meltdown. We all know that they changed it to cover cool temps, warm temps, droughts, floods and normal climate. In other words, Mother Nature is still calling the shots. Libs around the world have everything invested in this. It's like when people risk all their money in an investment and then discover that it's a bad investment. Instead of taking the loss, they lie and still try to make it work so they don't lose everything.

They need their so-called solutions to global warming to redistribute wealth and take full control over all energy. Can't realize their vision of One World Order without that so they are not going to back down.

It's one thing to take care of our environment but their solutions really have nothing to do with that. Follow the money and you see what a scam it is. What some libs can't admit is that climate and the left's climate "solutions" are two different things. They are willing to let the corrupt 1% take over and implement policies that won't change anything except who has power. It's this blind faith that is ruining us.
It's VERY disgusting that the climate change asslickers actually WANTED Matthew to be REALLY bad so that they could push their bullshit agenda.

Sorry about your luck so far, fellas.

I bet Hillary chugged a quart of bourbon this morning when Matthew calmed down.

Stop it already. Every time I hear the name Hilary I have to drink a quart of bourbon.

PS: Love your posts. Keep up the good fight.
We've had 8 hit the US since 2005 not counting the two so far this year

The record long streak is for Cat 3 and higher. No Cat 3 or higher storm has hit the US coast since 2005, an all time record... that the Democrats HATE.
Hurricane Ike was a Cat 4 when it hit Texas, killing 113 with 16 unaccounted for.


A lone home left standing in September 2008 after Hurricane Ike in Gilchrist, Texas.
CreditPool photo by Smiley N. Pool, via Getty Images

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