Eleven Years Since A Hurricane Hit Florida...Hillary Goes Berserk!

Where did Timmy go?

Right here!

I'm still right on solar panels . And I still call bullflop on the windmill bird holocaust . Didn't have time to look into links .

"didn't have time to look at the links".....classic! Hillary and her wig would be so proud of you...


At least it is not a wig

You don't know that, especially since everything else about Trump is phony!
That's as obsolete as your "progressive" platform from the 1930's.....you bookworms shouldn't be allowed to vote or even leave the basement.

Oh, you're so correct, Horny, Tom........The English language is passe...What will make "America great again" is to listen to a bunch of toothless hillbillies like yourself.
Sorry but the federal government is NOT responsible for rebuilding homes or businesses. If people do not have insurance to cover them in these cases then TOUGH SHIT

Really???? The Feds are never involved??? And insurance companies do not jack up premiums on everyone else to make up for the payments to flood/wind damage victims?

Wow you really can't read for comprehension can you?

I said it is not the responsibility of the federal government to rebuild homes and businesses.
ANd it's not rocket sci
Sorry but the federal government is NOT responsible for rebuilding homes or businesses. If people do not have insurance to cover them in these cases then TOUGH SHIT

Really???? The Feds are never involved??? And insurance companies do not jack up premiums on everyone else to make up for the payments to flood/wind damage victims?

You really can't read for comprehension can you?

I said it's not the federal government's responsibility to rebuild homes and businesses.
And it's not rocket science that the premiums for property damage are higher in hurricane alley than they are in other places. If you live in a flood zone your flood insurance premiums are higher than someone who doesn't live in a flood zone. That's how insurance works and anyone with an once of intelligence knows this

So if you choose to live where hurricanes are a regular occurrence then it's on you to pay the insurance

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