Eleven Years Since A Hurricane Hit Florida...Hillary Goes Berserk!

despite global warming its weird that we really havn't had more hurricanes

Maybe the "warming" is all FUDGE and lies and there isn't any warming on Earth other than from the surface of growing urban areas due to Urban Heat Sink Effect....
The ignorance and arrogance of regressives is amazing. To think man can control the climate and weather is pure stupidity. You want to diminish the effects of storms, stop concentrating populations in storm prone areas. Simple as that.

I read the other day the climate crowd has discovered the Sun isn't sending as many flares as it had been and when that's happened in the past, an ICE AGE is approaching. I'm sure they'll figure out a way to blame that on Trump too.
Damn, you mean to tell me she predicted Mathew a month ago? Son of a bitch! She has the ability to create hurricanes what chance do we mere mortals have!

There is no such thing as "global warming"

Actually, there is, but CO2 has nothing to do with it. Climate Change is all about WHERE LAND IS.

90% of Earth ice on LAND MASS ANTARCTICA
7% of Earth ice on LAND MASS GREENLAND

97% of Earth ice on the two land masses closest to an Earth pole.

If Earth had two polar oceans, it would have NO ICE, and it would be 25-30F warmer - the warm Earth parameter (Jurassic).
So where has the evil Florida hurricane-machine of Dirty Dick Cheney's been stored for over a decade? Why did Gorebal Warming take such a long vacation instead of drowning everybody on the eastern seaboard? Well, it didn't take long for the diaper-wearing, epileptic witch to ride her broom into action when a little Cat-1 nicked the Sunshine State in September....the first to make landfall since 2005... I have to confess I never heard of Hermine..but Hillary did..and she's blaming it on.....Donald Trump.

Using your logic if there are 100 hurricanes this year but zero hit Florida, then that's proof theirs no climate change ? Florida is not the only place on earth (thank god!)
despite global warming its weird that we really havn't had more hurricanes

Maybe the "warming" is all FUDGE and lies and there isn't any warming on Earth other than from the surface of growing urban areas due to Urban Heat Sink Effect....

Yep...here in Phoenix the glass and asphalt has created a "heat island" that sends thermals up high enough to halt and send thunderstorms around us. Back in the 70's it used to rain all the time in July and August (our monsoon)...now a storm is lucky if it can sneak in at night.
There is no such thing as "global warming"

Actually, there is, but CO2 has nothing to do with it. Climate Change is all about WHERE LAND IS.

90% of Earth ice on LAND MASS ANTARCTICA
7% of Earth ice on LAND MASS GREENLAND

97% of Earth ice on the two land masses closest to an Earth pole.

If Earth had two polar oceans, it would have NO ICE, and it would be 25-30F warmer - the warm Earth parameter (Jurassic).

This pretty much debunks the myth of shrinking glaciers and drowning polar bears:

List of expanding glaciers
I'm a believer in GW, but the rest of it I dunno, aside from the fact I gotta cut down a dead dogwood tree (It was beautiful) and keep fertilizing the weeds that now grow where my front lawn used to be.
I'm a believer in GW, but the rest of it I dunno, aside from the fact I gotta cut down a dead dogwood tree (It was beautiful) and keep fertilizing the weeds that now grow where my front lawn used to be.

Democrats don't believe in GW. If they did, they would make proposals based on GW that helped the environment and they would in fear work with Republicans. Rather they oppose programs that would actually help combat GW, propose socialism (like cap and tax) that wouldn't affect it at all and use it as a hammer to win elections
So where has the evil Florida hurricane-machine of Dirty Dick Cheney's been stored for over a decade? Why did Gorebal Warming take such a long vacation instead of drowning everybody on the eastern seaboard? Well, it didn't take long for the diaper-wearing, epileptic witch to ride her broom into action when a little Cat-1 nicked the Sunshine State in September....the first to make landfall since 2005... I have to confess I never heard of Hermine..but Hillary did..and she's blaming it on.....Donald Trump.

She did not blame the hurricane on Trump, dumbass.

Jesus, you Chumps have the worst comprehension I have ever seen.

It's like you have this filter in your head which takes whatever impinges on your eyeballs or eardrums and converts it into something entirely different so it aligns with your mentally deficient belief system.
The GW scam in a word: "Solyndra". Barry crowed that he'd loaned those assholes $535M and like war, poverty, and double-bogies, he'd ended the "climate crisis". Of course Solyndra and several others who got hundreds of million$, went belly-up when they discovered they couldn't meet China's sell-below-cost-to ruin-competition price and they took the money and ran. The last sick episode of that story is that instead of the panels they'd produced and we paid for being secured and stored, they were smashed to pieces and thrown into dumpsters.
Well, her point was a simple one......Its hard to rebuild homes and businesses when there are individuals who skirt paying into the US treasury (through their fair share of taxes), while STILL denying what the world scientific community fully realizes about GW .....Such "natural" disasters will only get worse and I'm sure that some of the Floridians who are now fleeing hurricane Matthew are former climate change deniers.
Tell me why tax payers should rebuild private owned homes?
She did not blame the hurricane on Trump, dumbass.

Jesus, you Chumps have the worst comprehension I have ever seen.

It's like you have this filter in your head which takes whatever impinges on your eyeballs or eardrums and converts it into something entirely different so it aligns with your mentally deficient belief system.

"my mentally deficient belief system"?
Tell me why tax payers should rebuild private owned homes?

I could never figure that out either...especially when the beaches in front of their mansions are closed to the public. Like Dylan said: "money don't talk, it swears". Some of these big shots have gotten rebuilt two or three times and then asked us to pay for new sand trucked in so their view of the ocean is pristine again.

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