Elisabeth Warren Flip Flop: I Never Claimed to be Cherokee, Oh Wait I Sure Did!

Massachusetts Republicans are really trying to hammer away on the issues, in the Brown/Warren race.

Come November nobody is going to care about this dead horse y'all plan on trying to whip for another six months.
Massachusetts Republicans are really trying to hammer away on the issues, in the Brown/Warren race.

Come November nobody is going to care about this dead horse y'all plan on trying to whip for another six months.

Its all up to Warren if this story goes away or not. So far her dishonest tap dancing has NOT helped it go away.

If she just straight up addresses it now she MIGHT still have a chance of it having no impact come november but if she continues her tap-dance this thing will shadow her all the way and possibly make it so she loses.

And yes I know, this is MA and we re-elect murdering senators for multiple terms so one senate canidate claiming to be a cherokee for personal gains probably isn't a big deal to our electorate since she is a D and not an R.
Massachusetts Republicans are really trying to hammer away on the issues, in the Brown/Warren race.

Come November nobody is going to care about this dead horse y'all plan on trying to whip for another six months.

Its all up to Warren if this story goes away or not. So far her dishonest tap dancing has NOT helped it go away.

If she just straight up addresses it now she MIGHT still have a chance of it having no impact come november but if she continues her tap-dance this thing will shadow her all the way and possibly make it so she loses.

And yes I know, this is MA and we re-elect murdering senators for multiple terms so one senate canidate claiming to be a cherokee for personal gains probably isn't a big deal to our electorate since she is a D and not an R.

The Indian thing hasn't changed the poll numbers one bit, man.

But yeah, this is a Democratic stronghold so people aren't going to be so easily distracted by attempts from the GOP at using shiny non issues against a Dem candidate for a national office.

And seriously, the Kennedy thing?

Classless on your part.
Massachusetts Republicans are really trying to hammer away on the issues, in the Brown/Warren race.

Come November nobody is going to care about this dead horse y'all plan on trying to whip for another six months.

Its all up to Warren if this story goes away or not. So far her dishonest tap dancing has NOT helped it go away.

If she just straight up addresses it now she MIGHT still have a chance of it having no impact come november but if she continues her tap-dance this thing will shadow her all the way and possibly make it so she loses.

And yes I know, this is MA and we re-elect murdering senators for multiple terms so one senate canidate claiming to be a cherokee for personal gains probably isn't a big deal to our electorate since she is a D and not an R.

The Indian thing hasn't changed the poll numbers one bit, man.

But yeah, this is a Democratic stronghold so people aren't going to be so easily distracted by attempts from the GOP at using shiny non issues against a Dem candidate for a national office.

And seriously, the Kennedy thing?

Classless on your part.

Not as classless as driving your date off a bridge because you were too drunk to drive then having her die because you ran away from the accident...nor as classless as voting for a guy who kills people drunk driving. ;)
Its all up to Warren if this story goes away or not. So far her dishonest tap dancing has NOT helped it go away.

If she just straight up addresses it now she MIGHT still have a chance of it having no impact come november but if she continues her tap-dance this thing will shadow her all the way and possibly make it so she loses.

And yes I know, this is MA and we re-elect murdering senators for multiple terms so one senate canidate claiming to be a cherokee for personal gains probably isn't a big deal to our electorate since she is a D and not an R.

The Indian thing hasn't changed the poll numbers one bit, man.

But yeah, this is a Democratic stronghold so people aren't going to be so easily distracted by attempts from the GOP at using shiny non issues against a Dem candidate for a national office.

And seriously, the Kennedy thing?

Classless on your part.

Not as classless as driving your date off a bridge because you were too drunk to drive then having her die because you ran away from the accident...nor as classless as voting for a guy who kills people drunk driving. ;)

I have never voted for Kennedy or Kerry.

True story.


But yeah, using "murder" to describe Chappaquiddick is classless.
I call abortion and the death penalty murder to, ending another person's life intentionally or unintentionally is murdering them.

I never voted for either one of those two either, but I had voted for Therese Murray (D - Plymouth) before....she lost my vocal support though with some things she said recently. Overall I still may vote for her but I won't speak up on her behalf anymore.
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I call abortion and the death penalty murder to, ending another person's life intentionally or unintentionally is murdering them.

I never voted for either one of those two either, but I had voted for Therese Murray (D - Plymouth) before....she lost my vocal support though with some things she said recently. Overall I still may vote for her but I won't speak up on her behalf anymore.

Then you have a whacked out view of what constitutes "murder".
I call abortion and the death penalty murder to, ending another person's life intentionally or unintentionally is murdering them.

I never voted for either one of those two either, but I had voted for Therese Murray (D - Plymouth) before....she lost my vocal support though with some things she said recently. Overall I still may vote for her but I won't speak up on her behalf anymore.

Then you have a whacked out view of what constitutes "murder".


Hypocritical Elizabeth Warren Turned Profit Flipping Foreclosed Houses

When she's not looking out for the little guy being taken advantage of by predatory lenders, Elizabeth Warren is making high-interest, short-term loans to family members and flipping homes for a profit. That's the revelation in a story published today by the Boston Herald which identifies nine instances when Warren made a quick profit either buying and reselling homes or loaning money to family members to flip homes in the late 90s.

For instance, in 1993 Warren purchased a foreclosed home in Oklahoma City for $61,000. She resold the home 18 months later for $95,000. In several more cases, Warren provided loans so that her brother could buy homes and flip them. In 2000 she reportedly gave her brother a loan with 9.5 percent interest so he could buy a home for $35,000. He sold the home three months later for a 10 percent profit.

Flipping homes was a profitable investment for the Warren family, which made as much as 383 percent on a five-month transaction. The average gain seems to have been closer to 40 percent. There was nothing illegal about the practice, but it was singled out by progressives connected to the Obama administration as one of the irresponsible practices that led directly to the financial crisis.

In late 2008, in the midst of the crisis, Rep. Rahm Emanuel took to the House floor and described the situation as a "man made disaster." He placed blame at the feet of banks but also singled out people who were "buying homes, they were being flipped as if they were pancakes." He suggested people had a right to be angry about this behavior by banks and home flippers. Just a few months later, Emanuel would become Barack Obama's Chief of Staff...

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Hypocritical Elizabeth Warren Turned Profit Flipping Foreclosed Houses
Elizabeth Warren: Cherokee Protest at Democratic Convention is a Waste of Time

^^^ can't make that up :)

"Cherokee Protest at Democratic Convention is a Waste of Time" - Warren

Its not a waste of time to real Cherokee's who are protective of whom tries to claim heritage rights.

Warren wants this whole thing to go away. She got busted in a BIG lie and now she needs it to become a "non-issue" so her bid for reelection has a better chance of survival. The lib-controlled media is aiding and abetting her crime by trying to gloss it over as a non-issue. Obviously, that is not the case, this is a big issue to the offended Cherokee people.

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