Elisabeth Warren Flip Flop: I Never Claimed to be Cherokee, Oh Wait I Sure Did!

Elizabeth Warren: Cherokee Protest at Democratic Convention is a Waste of Time

^^^ can't make that up :)

"Cherokee Protest at Democratic Convention is a Waste of Time" - Warren

Its not a waste of time to real Cherokee's who are protective of whom tries to claim heritage rights.

Warren wants this whole thing to go away. She got busted in a BIG lie and now she needs it to become a "non-issue" so her bid for reelection has a better chance of survival. The lib-controlled media is aiding and abetting her crime by trying to gloss it over as a non-issue. Obviously, that is not the case, this is a big issue to the offended Cherokee people.

I don't think it will play out as a huge deal for most of the voting population of this state, MA.

I just take issue with her abuse of the affirmative action system. I'm not a fan of affirmative action in general and to see someone who is allegedly half as native as I am claiming Native American status to places like Harvard and Penn (which she has only recently admitted to, last wednesday) just rubs me the wrong way. I can't let it go without a bunch of grumbling ;).

Never mind the Cherokee Nation. The Cherokee are VERY strict about who gets status as a member of the Cherokee Nation, hence this protest.
Massachusetts Republicans are really trying to hammer away on the issues, in the Brown/Warren race.

Come November nobody is going to care about this dead horse y'all plan on trying to whip for another six months.

Basically yeah.

Scott Walker is voting against the Fair Pay act.

That's a real issue. And it's going to hurt.
Elizabeth Warren: Cherokee Protest at Democratic Convention is a Waste of Time

^^^ can't make that up :)

"Cherokee Protest at Democratic Convention is a Waste of Time" - Warren

Its not a waste of time to real Cherokee's who are protective of whom tries to claim heritage rights.

Warren wants this whole thing to go away. She got busted in a BIG lie and now she needs it to become a "non-issue" so her bid for reelection has a better chance of survival. The lib-controlled media is aiding and abetting her crime by trying to gloss it over as a non-issue. Obviously, that is not the case, this is a big issue to the offended Cherokee people.

I don't think it will play out as a huge deal for most of the voting population of this state, MA.

I just take issue with her abuse of the affirmative action system. I'm not a fan of affirmative action in general and to see someone who is allegedly half as native as I am claiming Native American status to places like Harvard and Penn (which she has only recently admitted to, last wednesday) just rubs me the wrong way. I can't let it go without a bunch of grumbling ;).

Never mind the Cherokee Nation. The Cherokee are VERY strict about who gets status as a member of the Cherokee Nation, hence this protest.


Bill John Baker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Warren wants this whole thing to go away. She got busted in a BIG lie and now she needs it to become a "non-issue" so her bid for reelection has a better chance of survival. The lib-controlled media is aiding and abetting her crime by trying to gloss it over as a non-issue. Obviously, that is not the case, this is a big issue to the offended Cherokee people.

I don't think it will play out as a huge deal for most of the voting population of this state, MA.

I just take issue with her abuse of the affirmative action system. I'm not a fan of affirmative action in general and to see someone who is allegedly half as native as I am claiming Native American status to places like Harvard and Penn (which she has only recently admitted to, last wednesday) just rubs me the wrong way. I can't let it go without a bunch of grumbling ;).

Never mind the Cherokee Nation. The Cherokee are VERY strict about who gets status as a member of the Cherokee Nation, hence this protest.


Bill John Baker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which Cherokee Nation? The article is incompelete....is he the leader of one of the 3 major reconized factions of the Cherokee tribes or just some random political wikipedia plant? ;)
Elizabeth Warren: Pay as I say, not as I pay

When she filed taxes, she opted not to choose the option of paying 5.85 and chose the standard rate of 5.3, so I guess she is not serious about higher rates, at least not for herself. The state allows the option and the IRS is happy to take more from those willing to give. Wouldn't those wanting to raise taxes be taken more seriously if they voluntarily paid more to lead by example? And the whole Buffet rule is interesting. Considering that Buffet owes over a billion and is fighting it, wouldn't the real Buffet rule be to avoid taxes at all costs? How can we take them seriously when they don't even follow their own advice?

Warren Refuses to Pay Her Fair Share in Taxes | Washington Free Beacon
opinion piece by wendy murphy. it's pretty funny, imo.

"Warren may well sincerely believe that she deserves to teach at Harvard Law School, and she may even have the intelligence to teach there, but if she’s that smart, she knows that law professors far more qualified that she don’t even apply for positions at Harvard because they know that being a genius is not enough. Academic pedigree matters more, and she didn’t have the right credentials. By listing herself as a minority in a national directory of law school personnel she was effectively putting a glowing neon “pick me” sign next to her name for universities looking to increase their quotas on minority hires.

It probably didn’t hurt, either, that Warren happens to be married to Harvard Law Professor Bruce Mann, even though being married to a valued professor isn’t enough, alone, to get someone like Warren a serious job at Harvard. Like many schools, Harvard has its share of “tolerated spouses” who, no matter how smart they are, will never get “real jobs” as law professors. “Tolerated spouses” get paid to do busy work, and keep the valued husband or wife happy."

Read more: WENDY J. MURPHY: Elizabeth Warren compounds her problem - Quincy, MA - The Patriot Ledger
I thought she was already a Harvard law professor before the directory listing was made?


US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren - who said Friday she didn’t realize Harvard Law School had been promoting her as a Native American faculty member in the 1990s - was listed as a minority professor in American law school directories for nine years before she landed at Harvard, documents show.

The Association of American Law Schools desk book, a directory of law professors from participating schools, includes Warren among the minority law professors listed, beginning in 1986 and continuing through 1995. The years include time she spent teaching at the University of Texas and the University of Pennsylvania, before she joined the faculty at Harvard Law.

Directories identified Warren as minority - Boston.com
opinion piece by wendy murphy. it's pretty funny, imo.

"Warren may well sincerely believe that she deserves to teach at Harvard Law School, and she may even have the intelligence to teach there, but if she’s that smart, she knows that law professors far more qualified that she don’t even apply for positions at Harvard because they know that being a genius is not enough. Academic pedigree matters more, and she didn’t have the right credentials. By listing herself as a minority in a national directory of law school personnel she was effectively putting a glowing neon “pick me” sign next to her name for universities looking to increase their quotas on minority hires.

It probably didn’t hurt, either, that Warren happens to be married to Harvard Law Professor Bruce Mann, even though being married to a valued professor isn’t enough, alone, to get someone like Warren a serious job at Harvard. Like many schools, Harvard has its share of “tolerated spouses” who, no matter how smart they are, will never get “real jobs” as law professors. “Tolerated spouses” get paid to do busy work, and keep the valued husband or wife happy."

Read more: WENDY J. MURPHY: Elizabeth Warren compounds her problem - Quincy, MA - The Patriot Ledger

For this alone I think I love you.

When I send this to my husband I think he'll love you too.

OMG you are really going to be popular. Can I say I knew you when?
I thought she was already a Harvard law professor before the directory listing was made?


US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren - who said Friday she didn’t realize Harvard Law School had been promoting her as a Native American faculty member in the 1990s - was listed as a minority professor in American law school directories for nine years before she landed at Harvard, documents show.

The Association of American Law Schools desk book, a directory of law professors from participating schools, includes Warren among the minority law professors listed, beginning in 1986 and continuing through 1995. The years include time she spent teaching at the University of Texas and the University of Pennsylvania, before she joined the faculty at Harvard Law.

Directories identified Warren as minority - Boston.com
Okay then.

My hubby claims to be part Indian without any evidence than because his grandma said so. Not that he's ever used that information to get a job.

I am unconvinced on the entire topic.

On the plus side, tinydancer loves you and she has all the good mind altering drugs.
I thought she was already a Harvard law professor before the directory listing was made?


US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren - who said Friday she didn’t realize Harvard Law School had been promoting her as a Native American faculty member in the 1990s - was listed as a minority professor in American law school directories for nine years before she landed at Harvard, documents show.

The Association of American Law Schools desk book, a directory of law professors from participating schools, includes Warren among the minority law professors listed, beginning in 1986 and continuing through 1995. The years include time she spent teaching at the University of Texas and the University of Pennsylvania, before she joined the faculty at Harvard Law.

Directories identified Warren as minority - Boston.com
Okay then.

My hubby claims to be part Indian without any evidence than because his grandma said so. Not that he's ever used that information to get a job.

I am unconvinced on the entire topic.

On the plus side, tinydancer loves you and she has all the good mind altering drugs.

Please tell me you realize she is a complete liar and a fraud. I think where this hits me most is I have watched a ton on people try to cash in on trying to fake themselves out to be wannabe injuns. Its a sin man.

She's a bitch and a liar who stole someone elses job.

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