Elite Psychology

Making it up? Excuses? Fictional? Obama? Bush? Blaming others? Look, I get that most people here just want to exchange insults about other people's party and beliefs - kind of a smart-ass competition where we try to be more cute than the other smart-ass; after all, that's all we hear in the media.

If I'm so wrong, why are books being written about it, hey? If I'm so wrong, why is it happening regardless of who the politicians are? If you want to stick your heads in the sand because you don't have the witherall to study or read, just say so. If you dont' care, say so. If you wanna play Sean Hannity and Michael Moore, have at it. Jesus H Christ! The world's evolving - the economy is evolving, and all you motherfuckers want to do is talk about Sarah Palin and guns and other non issues that really don't have a direct impact on the huge change forces at work in this world. Sad.

I don't belong to a political flock. And you are whining because other people have overcome poverty to become wildly successful.

So why can't you?

Who the hell is whining? I'm just (unsuccessfully once again) trying to relate what I've been reading and studying, thinking (again, probably unsuccessfully) someone else might be interested in seeing the forces at work as the result of globalization. This isn't like the globalization of Europe in the 1700's - this involves so many more countries moving out of poverty and bulking up their middle class, often at our expense. And you've been asleep if you haven't see the hit our middle class has took. THAT has an impact on people like us.

Again, I get that it's easier and more fun to talk about partisan bullshit talking points that mean nothing and starting an argument over nothing - loads of fun.

I don't really care some people live for the almighty dollar because I came from absolutely zero and spend decades to build a comfortable (what should be) middle class life for my family and I. I'm not griping. But if you have kids, you want to send them off to college for a degree in a job that doesn't exist anymore? Not me. That's one reason I follow this stuff. This kind of reading and study does have practical application, a hell of a lot more practical than worrying about whether a gun has 10 or twenty bullets to a clip.
America's middle class is being ball and chained, the corporate elite thinks it's funny, and we sit around and blame just the politicians who do their bidding? OK then!


And you blame everyone else but yourself for your shortcomings.

No one is holding you back but you. So man up and stop fucking whining.

He's not pointing out his deficiencies, writing so is a stupid comment. And, he's not whining, he's pointing out what's obvious to those of us who pay attention.

Profit is the God Particle of Corporate America, not quality, service or the nation. Are any of you old enough to remember Sears and their policy on tool replacement? Such a company policy no longer exists. Corporate America works to squeeze every dime you earn and offers lesser products and services. Look at the Airlines, bag fees, fuel charges, strip searches (ok, that's hyperbole but not far off for some victims) and more consolidations and bankruptcies (thank you RR, another degregulation snafu).

BTW, I'm not whining, I'm doing fine, but I worry that my kids will live in a plutocratic dystopia. Something middle class voters should consider and not be fooled by the explotation of wedge issues by the GOP at the expense of real debates on substantive issues.

Dude, these people don't want to think about anything important - they're the up and comers of the 1%, don't you know? We already have a plutocratic dystopia that's growing, and they're cool with getting themselves and their kids fucked up the ass by it without having the tools to still make a good life in the midst of it.
And you blame everyone else but yourself for your shortcomings.

No one is holding you back but you. So man up and stop fucking whining.

He's not pointing out his deficiencies, writing so is a stupid comment. And, he's not whining, he's pointing out what's obvious to those of us who pay attention.

Profit is the God Particle of Corporate America, not quality, service or the nation. Are any of you old enough to remember Sears and their policy on tool replacement? Such a company policy no longer exists. Corporate America works to squeeze every dime you earn and offers lesser products and services. Look at the Airlines, bag fees, fuel charges, strip searches (ok, that's hyperbole but not far off for some victims) and more consolidations and bankruptcies (thank you RR, another degregulation snafu).

BTW, I'm not whining, I'm doing fine, but I worry that my kids will live in a plutocratic dystopia. Something middle class voters should consider and not be fooled by the explotation of wedge issues by the GOP at the expense of real debates on substantive issues.

Those of you who allegedly pay attention are the ones whining.

you just can't hear it over the bleating of the flock.

It's called penis envy. Rather than learning how to use what they got they cry about what another has.
He's not pointing out his deficiencies, writing so is a stupid comment. And, he's not whining, he's pointing out what's obvious to those of us who pay attention.

Profit is the God Particle of Corporate America, not quality, service or the nation. Are any of you old enough to remember Sears and their policy on tool replacement? Such a company policy no longer exists. Corporate America works to squeeze every dime you earn and offers lesser products and services. Look at the Airlines, bag fees, fuel charges, strip searches (ok, that's hyperbole but not far off for some victims) and more consolidations and bankruptcies (thank you RR, another degregulation snafu).

BTW, I'm not whining, I'm doing fine, but I worry that my kids will live in a plutocratic dystopia. Something middle class voters should consider and not be fooled by the explotation of wedge issues by the GOP at the expense of real debates on substantive issues.

Those of you who allegedly pay attention are the ones whining.

you just can't hear it over the bleating of the flock.

It's called penis envy. Rather than learning how to use what they got they cry about what another has.

If you'd READ, if you CAN read, no one was whining. Sad that 90% of the people here just want to practice their Sean Hannity insult skills instead of think. I get it though - it's easier to avoid reality and have someone else do your thinking for you. Sheep!
Good god, get over the fact that you little libs will never be a 1%.

Who gives a shit?

Go to work, take care of your families and shut the fuck up already, its their money you idiots.

In all honesty I would never want to be a member of the 1%. What bothers me about those who defend the 1% - and clearly are not intelligent or informed enough to be in that club - is they do so out of a misguided ideology. Critical thinking, even common sense, leads the rational to conclude that too much wealth (and therefore power) in the hands of too few is dangerous in a democratic republic.
Good god, get over the fact that you little libs will never be a 1%.

Who gives a shit?

Go to work, take care of your families and shut the fuck up already, its their money you idiots.

In all honesty I would never want to be a member of the 1%. What bothers me about those who defend the 1% - and clearly are not intelligent or informed enough to be in that club - is they do so out of a misguided ideology. Critical thinking, even common sense, leads the rational to conclude that too much wealth (and therefore power) in the hands of too few is dangerous in a democratic republic.

They're good with their sheep mentality - it requires no thinking or work. They could care less where this country is and where it's headed because of global forces at work.
Making it up? Excuses? Fictional? Obama? Bush? Blaming others? Look, I get that most people here just want to exchange insults about other people's party and beliefs - kind of a smart-ass competition where we try to be more cute than the other smart-ass; after all, that's all we hear in the media.

If I'm so wrong, why are books being written about it, hey? If I'm so wrong, why is it happening regardless of who the politicians are? If you want to stick your heads in the sand because you don't have the witherall to study or read, just say so. If you dont' care, say so. If you wanna play Sean Hannity and Michael Moore, have at it. Jesus H Christ! The world's evolving - the economy is evolving, and all you motherfuckers want to do is talk about Sarah Palin and guns and other non issues that really don't have a direct impact on the huge change forces at work in this world. Sad.

I don't belong to a political flock. And you are whining because other people have overcome poverty to become wildly successful.

So why can't you?

Who the hell is whining? I'm just (unsuccessfully once again) trying to relate what I've been reading and studying, thinking (again, probably unsuccessfully) someone else might be interested in seeing the forces at work as the result of globalization. This isn't like the globalization of Europe in the 1700's - this involves so many more countries moving out of poverty and bulking up their middle class, often at our expense. And you've been asleep if you haven't see the hit our middle class has took. THAT has an impact on people like us.

Again, I get that it's easier and more fun to talk about partisan bullshit talking points that mean nothing and starting an argument over nothing - loads of fun.

I don't really care some people live for the almighty dollar because I came from absolutely zero and spend decades to build a comfortable (what should be) middle class life for my family and I. I'm not griping. But if you have kids, you want to send them off to college for a degree in a job that doesn't exist anymore? Not me. That's one reason I follow this stuff. This kind of reading and study does have practical application, a hell of a lot more practical than worrying about whether a gun has 10 or twenty bullets to a clip.

You are reading crap that is written by whining morons.

It's the blame game and intelligent people don't play.
Those of you who allegedly pay attention are the ones whining.

you just can't hear it over the bleating of the flock.

It's called penis envy. Rather than learning how to use what they got they cry about what another has.

If you'd READ, if you CAN read, no one was whining. Sad that 90% of the people here just want to practice their Sean Hannity insult skills instead of think. I get it though - it's easier to avoid reality and have someone else do your thinking for you. Sheep!

Yes, crying that the rich are too rich certainly is whining, or at least it is in my world.
It's called penis envy. Rather than learning how to use what they got they cry about what another has.

If you'd READ, if you CAN read, no one was whining. Sad that 90% of the people here just want to practice their Sean Hannity insult skills instead of think. I get it though - it's easier to avoid reality and have someone else do your thinking for you. Sheep!

Yes, crying that the rich are too rich certainly is whining, or at least it is in my world.

Show me where I said they were too rich. Now.
I don't belong to a political flock. And you are whining because other people have overcome poverty to become wildly successful.

So why can't you?

Who the hell is whining? I'm just (unsuccessfully once again) trying to relate what I've been reading and studying, thinking (again, probably unsuccessfully) someone else might be interested in seeing the forces at work as the result of globalization. This isn't like the globalization of Europe in the 1700's - this involves so many more countries moving out of poverty and bulking up their middle class, often at our expense. And you've been asleep if you haven't see the hit our middle class has took. THAT has an impact on people like us.

Again, I get that it's easier and more fun to talk about partisan bullshit talking points that mean nothing and starting an argument over nothing - loads of fun.

I don't really care some people live for the almighty dollar because I came from absolutely zero and spend decades to build a comfortable (what should be) middle class life for my family and I. I'm not griping. But if you have kids, you want to send them off to college for a degree in a job that doesn't exist anymore? Not me. That's one reason I follow this stuff. This kind of reading and study does have practical application, a hell of a lot more practical than worrying about whether a gun has 10 or twenty bullets to a clip.

You are reading crap that is written by whining morons.

It's the blame game and intelligent people don't play.

You mean the moron who has interviewed Carlos Slim and Bill Gates and the rest of the plutocracy?

Chrystia Freeland | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters.com
You need to wrap that in a caveat, its all in your opinion.

The fact is that their money is just that, their money.

I tire of everyone crying about what they can't change.
I tire of all of this fairness crap.

I am not a 1%, I never will be, and I don't care....but I do not wistfully cast an eye toward others that are and cry about what I don't have.

Good god, get over the fact that you little libs will never be a 1%.

Who gives a shit?

Go to work, take care of your families and shut the fuck up already, its their money you idiots.

In all honesty I would never want to be a member of the 1%. What bothers me about those who defend the 1% - and clearly are not intelligent or informed enough to be in that club - is they do so out of a misguided ideology. Critical thinking, even common sense, leads the rational to conclude that too much wealth (and therefore power) in the hands of too few is dangerous in a democratic republic.
Equality of outcomes for all !!!!!

From each according to his ability, to each according to their need............"critically" speaking............lol
In the days of monarchs the 1% were able to keep their place as elites by telling the people God willed it. God gave kings the divine right to rule, it was so. The king in turn used that divine power to give his nobles and clergy the good life. The poor were poor, because that was God's will. But, the poor were told, when they got to that big castle in the sky it was they that would have the better life. People bought it.
Today we are told, it is hard work, rugged individualism, the will to succeed and good sense, that today's 1% used to become rich. Some of that good sense was used in selecting wealthy parents that would leave them a few bucks.
Today's litany is: the poor are poor not because God willed it but because of sheer laziness.
My grandfather, was not lazy, he worked hard all his life, saved his money and one day went to the bank to draw out a few bucks and the bank was closed, the bank had lost his money. He died still wondering where his money went. Where it went, was to the hard working-non-lazy, 1 percenters.
Making it up? Excuses? Fictional? Obama? Bush? Blaming others? Look, I get that most people here just want to exchange insults about other people's party and beliefs - kind of a smart-ass competition where we try to be more cute than the other smart-ass; after all, that's all we hear in the media.

If I'm so wrong, why are books being written about it, hey? If I'm so wrong, why is it happening regardless of who the politicians are? If you want to stick your heads in the sand because you don't have the witherall to study or read, just say so. If you dont' care, say so. If you wanna play Sean Hannity and Michael Moore, have at it. Jesus H Christ! The world's evolving - the economy is evolving, and all you motherfuckers want to do is talk about Sarah Palin and guns and other non issues that really don't have a direct impact on the huge change forces at work in this world. Sad.

I don't belong to a political flock. And you are whining because other people have overcome poverty to become wildly successful.

So why can't you?

Who the hell is whining? I'm just (unsuccessfully once again) trying to relate what I've been reading and studying, thinking (again, probably unsuccessfully) someone else might be interested in seeing the forces at work as the result of globalization. This isn't like the globalization of Europe in the 1700's - this involves so many more countries moving out of poverty and bulking up their middle class, often at our expense. And you've been asleep if you haven't see the hit our middle class has took. THAT has an impact on people like us.

Again, I get that it's easier and more fun to talk about partisan bullshit talking points that mean nothing and starting an argument over nothing - loads of fun.

I don't really care some people live for the almighty dollar because I came from absolutely zero and spend decades to build a comfortable (what should be) middle class life for my family and I. I'm not griping. But if you have kids, you want to send them off to college for a degree in a job that doesn't exist anymore? Not me. That's one reason I follow this stuff. This kind of reading and study does have practical application, a hell of a lot more practical than worrying about whether a gun has 10 or twenty bullets to a clip.

You must be new here. I became jaded before I ever found this site by another mostly conservative forum where logic and reason never seemed to penetrate the ideology. Nothing new here. I still check in now and then, mainly out of a sense of schadenfreude but I have no illusions that any kind of rational dialogue will change anything. I admire your patience though.
Who the hell is whining? I'm just (unsuccessfully once again) trying to relate what I've been reading and studying, thinking (again, probably unsuccessfully) someone else might be interested in seeing the forces at work as the result of globalization. This isn't like the globalization of Europe in the 1700's - this involves so many more countries moving out of poverty and bulking up their middle class, often at our expense. And you've been asleep if you haven't see the hit our middle class has took. THAT has an impact on people like us.

Again, I get that it's easier and more fun to talk about partisan bullshit talking points that mean nothing and starting an argument over nothing - loads of fun.

I don't really care some people live for the almighty dollar because I came from absolutely zero and spend decades to build a comfortable (what should be) middle class life for my family and I. I'm not griping. But if you have kids, you want to send them off to college for a degree in a job that doesn't exist anymore? Not me. That's one reason I follow this stuff. This kind of reading and study does have practical application, a hell of a lot more practical than worrying about whether a gun has 10 or twenty bullets to a clip.

You are reading crap that is written by whining morons.

It's the blame game and intelligent people don't play.

You mean the moron who has interviewed Carlos Slim and Bill Gates and the rest of the plutocracy?

Chrystia Freeland | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters.com

I don't care who the whiners are and neither should you.
I don't belong to a political flock. And you are whining because other people have overcome poverty to become wildly successful.

So why can't you?

Who the hell is whining? I'm just (unsuccessfully once again) trying to relate what I've been reading and studying, thinking (again, probably unsuccessfully) someone else might be interested in seeing the forces at work as the result of globalization. This isn't like the globalization of Europe in the 1700's - this involves so many more countries moving out of poverty and bulking up their middle class, often at our expense. And you've been asleep if you haven't see the hit our middle class has took. THAT has an impact on people like us.

Again, I get that it's easier and more fun to talk about partisan bullshit talking points that mean nothing and starting an argument over nothing - loads of fun.

I don't really care some people live for the almighty dollar because I came from absolutely zero and spend decades to build a comfortable (what should be) middle class life for my family and I. I'm not griping. But if you have kids, you want to send them off to college for a degree in a job that doesn't exist anymore? Not me. That's one reason I follow this stuff. This kind of reading and study does have practical application, a hell of a lot more practical than worrying about whether a gun has 10 or twenty bullets to a clip.

You must be new here. I became jaded before I ever found this site by another mostly conservative forum where logic and reason never seemed to penetrate the ideology. Nothing new here. I still check in now and then, mainly out of a sense of schadenfreude but I have no illusions that any kind of rational dialogue will change anything. I admire your patience though.

There is nothing rational about the blame game.
It's called penis envy. Rather than learning how to use what they got they cry about what another has.

If you'd READ, if you CAN read, no one was whining. Sad that 90% of the people here just want to practice their Sean Hannity insult skills instead of think. I get it though - it's easier to avoid reality and have someone else do your thinking for you. Sheep!

Yes, crying that the rich are too rich certainly is whining, or at least it is in my world.

Do your really want to confess what goes on in "your world"?

Pointing out the dangers of Plutocracy is not to cry, it is a statement of facts expressed simply and clearly: Wealth = power, power tends to corrupt and too much power corrupts absolutely. We see it today in every piece of legislation, money corrupts the process and too often benefits the few and not the many.
If you'd READ, if you CAN read, no one was whining. Sad that 90% of the people here just want to practice their Sean Hannity insult skills instead of think. I get it though - it's easier to avoid reality and have someone else do your thinking for you. Sheep!

Yes, crying that the rich are too rich certainly is whining, or at least it is in my world.

Do your really want to confess what goes on in "your world"?

Pointing out the dangers of Plutocracy is not to cry, it is a statement of facts expressed simply and clearly: Wealth = power, power tends to corrupt and too much power corrupts absolutely. We see it today in every piece of legislation, money corrupts the process and too often benefits the few and not the many.

Yeah don't blame the politicians who accept the money.

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