Elitism blindness

You can't possibly be this dumb. Obama got the peace prize preemptively to END wars, not start them.

Wasn't it for "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people"

Damn those folks that give out that award must be dumb. He was the CiC of the largest military in the world that was actively engaged in two wars.

It's completely irrelevant what Obama was referring to with his stupid comment.

Fascist all believe that the ends justifies the means.

Go on with your stupidity. Next I am sure that you are going to be bitching and whining how evil right winger killed 40 Muslims, and forgetting that Obama's wars have sent 500,000 into body bags (well, if there was a body left).
I’ve been to a couple bar mitzvah That room is full of rich jews and the party isn’t for the kid it’s for biz networking.

Trump didn’t have that, he used money and turned it in to hundreds of millions.. through hard work. That’s why he’s respected, he leaned on no one.
That's patently false, though. He took advantage of his father's money, business, assets. Not sure why you would double down on it. It's not the same as your perspective on Jewish culture but it's far far far from nothing.
No one turns a few millions into billions. Get a life. If you ever been to any trump properties they are absolutely beautiful, very detailed, a true experience. That wasn’t done on a computer he detailed his property, it took hard work. Give the man the respect he deserves
Back up bro. You are trying to say he leaned on no one. That is where you are wrong. Admit it. Theres a fat editorial about it out there how much he gained from his father's business. And I did give him credit for working hard. And I also said most of us work hard. Most of us also didnt start with a business framework and significant scratch, though. There are millions out there working their asses off multiple jobs and raising a family that are getting shit on. It's a piss poor perspective to equate relative success directly and solely to the vague "hard work".
Trump may have had some seed money from his father, but just look at what he did with it. It was hard work on his behalf.
He could have lost it all.

I really get tired of all the wealth envy.

He did lose it all. Why do you think the Russians loaned him all that money? Nobody else would!
More breaking news!!! Any evidence??
That's patently false, though. He took advantage of his father's money, business, assets. Not sure why you would double down on it. It's not the same as your perspective on Jewish culture but it's far far far from nothing.
No one turns a few millions into billions. Get a life. If you ever been to any trump properties they are absolutely beautiful, very detailed, a true experience. That wasn’t done on a computer he detailed his property, it took hard work. Give the man the respect he deserves
Back up bro. You are trying to say he leaned on no one. That is where you are wrong. Admit it. Theres a fat editorial about it out there how much he gained from his father's business. And I did give him credit for working hard. And I also said most of us work hard. Most of us also didnt start with a business framework and significant scratch, though. There are millions out there working their asses off multiple jobs and raising a family that are getting shit on. It's a piss poor perspective to equate relative success directly and solely to the vague "hard work".
Trump may have had some seed money from his father, but just look at what he did with it. It was hard work on his behalf.
He could have lost it all.

I really get tired of all the wealth envy.

He did lose it all. Why do you think the Russians loaned him all that money? Nobody else would!
More breaking news!!! Any evidence??

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
No one turns a few millions into billions. Get a life. If you ever been to any trump properties they are absolutely beautiful, very detailed, a true experience. That wasn’t done on a computer he detailed his property, it took hard work. Give the man the respect he deserves
Back up bro. You are trying to say he leaned on no one. That is where you are wrong. Admit it. Theres a fat editorial about it out there how much he gained from his father's business. And I did give him credit for working hard. And I also said most of us work hard. Most of us also didnt start with a business framework and significant scratch, though. There are millions out there working their asses off multiple jobs and raising a family that are getting shit on. It's a piss poor perspective to equate relative success directly and solely to the vague "hard work".
Trump may have had some seed money from his father, but just look at what he did with it. It was hard work on his behalf.
He could have lost it all.

I really get tired of all the wealth envy.

He did lose it all. Why do you think the Russians loaned him all that money? Nobody else would!
More breaking news!!! Any evidence??

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Lol no I said evidence not propaganda haha
Back up bro. You are trying to say he leaned on no one. That is where you are wrong. Admit it. Theres a fat editorial about it out there how much he gained from his father's business. And I did give him credit for working hard. And I also said most of us work hard. Most of us also didnt start with a business framework and significant scratch, though. There are millions out there working their asses off multiple jobs and raising a family that are getting shit on. It's a piss poor perspective to equate relative success directly and solely to the vague "hard work".
Trump may have had some seed money from his father, but just look at what he did with it. It was hard work on his behalf.
He could have lost it all.

I really get tired of all the wealth envy.

He did lose it all. Why do you think the Russians loaned him all that money? Nobody else would!
More breaking news!!! Any evidence??

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Lol no I said evidence not propaganda haha

Time will tell.

I got time.
Trump may have had some seed money from his father, but just look at what he did with it. It was hard work on his behalf.
He could have lost it all.

I really get tired of all the wealth envy.

He did lose it all. Why do you think the Russians loaned him all that money? Nobody else would!
More breaking news!!! Any evidence??

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Lol no I said evidence not propaganda haha

Time will tell.

I got time.
We are very worried about you
Why is it that the right labels Hollywood elites as all of the bad aspects of rich excess in America but ignores these aspects on trump? He has the most blatant cases of nepotism in recent history shoeing his kids into prominent admin roles and through security checks. Not to mention the guy is textbook elitist in general. Everything he does must be grandstanded and flashy. He must be celebrated and not criticized. He essentially IS the Hollywood elite that the right cries about.
Trump's elite status stems entirely from an accident of birth; if he has an "Achilles heel", it is likely the myth he is a self-made billionaire:


"It has been less than two days since we learned that Donald Trump and his family appear to have engaged in a years-long conspiracy to commit tax fraud on an absolutely gigantic scale, evading hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes they owed to the federal government.

"We learned this from a mother lode of documents obtained by the New York Times — including tax returns, business records and bank records."

Trump is a textbook elitist of the worse kind, the kind that owes his "success" to a corrupt yet generous father.
Why is it that the right labels Hollywood elites as all of the bad aspects of rich excess in America but ignores these aspects on trump? He has the most blatant cases of nepotism in recent history shoeing his kids into prominent admin roles and through security checks. Not to mention the guy is textbook elitist in general. Everything he does must be grandstanded and flashy. He must be celebrated and not criticized. He essentially IS the Hollywood elite that the right cries about.

I only know of one of his children who holds an unpaid volunteer position in the administration, why did you use a plural term?

Back up bro. You are trying to say he leaned on no one. That is where you are wrong. Admit it. Theres a fat editorial about it out there how much he gained from his father's business. And I did give him credit for working hard. And I also said most of us work hard. Most of us also didnt start with a business framework and significant scratch, though. There are millions out there working their asses off multiple jobs and raising a family that are getting shit on. It's a piss poor perspective to equate relative success directly and solely to the vague "hard work".
Trump may have had some seed money from his father, but just look at what he did with it. It was hard work on his behalf.
He could have lost it all.

I really get tired of all the wealth envy.
My dislike of trump has nothing to do with wealth envy. I think you all have the wealth envy and are thereby giving him the free pass on poor behavior and attitude.

I respect plenty of self made wealthy people who have worked hard and not been rebuffed by the law and allegations of misconduct at every turn. I am however not supportive of supply side trickle down economics further enriching these few successful people at the detriment of everyone else. Hyper concentrated wealth and power is damaging to our economy and society and shouldnt be helped by the government. That shouldnt be mistaken for me saying I want their money, or they need to be punished or robbed. If they are receiving favors that hurt competition, ending the favor train isnt a punishment. It's a correction of bad policy back to true competition that is supposed to overwhelmingly benefit the consumer.
Let me know when the laws have been broken, and not just rumors and whispers of impropriety.
How is wealth and (power?) damaging our economy? You can take all the money from the wealthy, and it wouldn't add a dime to your pocket.
Hyper concentrated wealth and power akin to an oligarchy where they pull the strings with privileged access to legislative process making elections a sham. Where corporate funded and biased opposition research buries the negative externalities of their cost cutting business ventures.

What good is 30k a year and limited savings in our society when someone has half a trillion and can wield that to bend markets and policy to their whim? When they are able to do this, competition dies, the voice and wellbeing of the working class is minimized, and it is all done legally because the legislative and judicial processes have been compromised.

Have you ever played a video game that is pay-to-win and not paid yourself? It's not so fun. Same thing, though.

Laws are broken all the time. Fraud is rampant. Look at Paul Manafort, he had been riding free for awhile UNTIL the Mueller investigation. Law language can be changed, oversight diminished, and enforcement ignored. Law can and is crafted with loopholes sometimes for those that can afford them.

Anti trust law has been on the shelf for awhile. The tech and media giants have little competition and no one has stopped the mergers and acquisitions. We are at a point where there are 4 or fewer massive competitors in some of these trillion dollar indistries and the government is seriously considering mergers.... One think I like that trump has done was threaten blocking some mergers, but I think he was doing it out of spite instead of in favor of maintaining a competitive free market.
You live in the wrong country
How so? Do you think endgame capitalism is going to be fun? You think a free market means sit back until there are serfs and nobels again?

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