Elizabeth Warren Decimates Donald Trump

She engaged in schoolyard name calling. How did that work out for Marco Rubio?
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Yeah, I saw this yesterday.
Trump won't know what hit his GOOFY A$$ when Elizabeth Warren is done with him.
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Hilarious how the Clinton paid trolls are starting to show up in mass now to spam up this message board.

Hi there, slow poke. I am not a Clinton fan at all, but I really like Warren. I'm a Sanders supporter. Kindly wipe the drool off from your chin please, thanks.
Did she claim he wasn't really white or something?
Fuckin fake ass hypocrite. Fuck that ****
Did she claim he wasn't really white or something?
Fuckin fake ass hypocrite. Fuck that ****

Her parents told her she had Cherokee in her. Like most kids, they just believe what their parents tell them. It might not actually be true, it might be "sort of" true, either way, I don't really care. Didn't your parents ever tell you things when you were a kid that were obviously not true? Like when your parents told you that you were special? You know how it is.
Trump reply.....but you are a loser and fake Indian
Easy to snipe on a stage with only supporters. Stand on stage with Donald Trump sometime Lezbo Warren and try your insults .Donald cleaned the clocks of 16 better men than she is.
Did she claim he wasn't really white or something?
Fuckin fake ass hypocrite. Fuck that ****

Her parents told her she had Cherokee in her. Like most kids, they just believe what their parents tell them. It might not actually be true, it might be "sort of" true, either way, I don't really care. Didn't your parents ever tell you things when you were a kid that were obviously not true? Like when your parents told you that you were special? You know how it is.
Let them continue with that sad A$$ meme, it only resonates in far rightwing circles.

Have you noticed how that LOSER Scott Brown is trying to bring out that tired old trope about her being Indian, although she already bludgeoned has A$$ w/him using it before.

I guess some jackasses just don't learn.

Did she claim he wasn't really white or something?
Fuckin fake ass hypocrite. Fuck that ****

Her parents told her she had Cherokee in her. Like most kids, they just believe what their parents tell them. It might not actually be true, it might be "sort of" true, either way, I don't really care. Didn't your parents ever tell you things when you were a kid that were obviously not true? Like when your parents told you that you were special? You know how it is.
My mother told me I was Iroquois. All my life she told me I was a halfbreed Iroquois. It wasn't true. When I tracked down my biological father he cleared it up. His father was Iroquois but his mother was Chippewa.

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