Elizabeth Warren Decimates Donald Trump

Yeah, I saw this yesterday.
Trump won't know what hit his GOOFY A$$ when Elizabeth Warren is done with him.

LOL!. Simple minded people like you are easily manipulated. This is where all the uneducated yokels are. The liberals. They are swallowing all this Clinton media lie circus hook line and sinker. The polls out are placed to manipulate the simple minded into voting for the candidate they(the pollster) want to win.

Did she claim he wasn't really white or something?
Fuckin fake ass hypocrite. Fuck that ****

Her parents told her she had Cherokee in her. Like most kids, they just believe what their parents tell them. It might not actually be true, it might be "sort of" true, either way, I don't really care. Didn't your parents ever tell you things when you were a kid that were obviously not true? Like when your parents told you that you were special? You know how it is.
My mother told me I was Iroquois. All my life she told me I was a halfbreed Iroquois. It wasn't true. When I tracked down my biological father he cleared it up. His father was Iroquois but his mother was Chippewa.

A lot of people are wrong about their genetic heritage. Shit, I've even come across stats that say that somewhere around 10% of the population is wrong about who their biological father is.

This is why I'm glad we have a lot of DNA testing companies out right now that make it easy, like 23 and me, Ancestry, etc. I've always been told that I am 100% Irish. I'd like to know for sure, so I'll probably get one of these tests.
Finding someone entertaining is no reason to vote for them. You need mental help.
Hilarious how the Clinton paid trolls are starting to show up in mass now to spam up this message board.

These traitors follow patterns all over the internet. Their posts are very similar. Look at the words they use and you can see it.
Yeah, I saw this yesterday.
Trump won't know what hit his GOOFY A$$ when Elizabeth Warren is done with him.

LOL!. Simple minded people like you are easily manipulated. You this is where all the uneducated yokels are. They are swallowing all this Clinton media lie circus hook line and sinker. The polls out are placed to manipulate the simple mined into voting for the candidate they want to win.

You're a self-proclaimed Conservative that's now fully in support of a left-wing charlatan running for Presidency under the GOP banner. But, according to you...I'm easily manipulated.

Woah. This is what I've been waiting for. I would not want to be on the receiving end of an Elizabeth Warren beat down. Damn.

Watch the Video Here

Didn't Liz "Pocahontas" Warren lash out at the big banks and Wall Street? So why is she backing one of the biggest enablers of the very entities that she claims to be so against? She is a hypocritical POS....a lying, hypocritical POS. There is nothing that she has to say that would ever give me pause for thought.
You're a self-proclaimed Conservative that's now fully in support of a left-wing charlatan running for Presidency under the GOP banner. But, according to you...I'm easily manipulated.

I was referring to the masses of stupid liberals. Not just you. But, if you have seen one, you have seen them all.
Woah. This is what I've been waiting for. I would not want to be on the receiving end of an Elizabeth Warren beat down. Damn.

Watch the Video Here

Didn't Liz "Pocahontas" Warren lash out at the big banks and Wall Street? So why is she backing one of the biggest enablers of the very entities that she claims to be so against? She is a hypocritical POS....a lying, hypocritical POS. There is nothing that she has to say that would ever give me pause for thought.

That's a very fair criticism.

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