Elizabeth Warren Decimates Donald Trump

That's a very fair criticism.

The whole fucking system is rigged and the coup de e'tat that happened when our last HONEST president was publicly murdered has only allowed this cabal of power brokers to further fortify their positions of power. NO one gets to the top without selling out and those that don't (and there have been some from both sides) have a very short shelf life. Those like Paul Wellstone and Larry McDonald are killed. I have absolutely no faith in the political system because I have spent too many hours researching it to come to any other conclusion. Trump went to Fordham, a Jesuit college so that automatically makes him suspect to me.

Sadly, this seems to be the unfortunate truth. We're mostly sold an illusion. Still, it makes for good entertainment at the very least.

We could change it if simply enough people woke up as to what has been done to us. If people REALLY understood what has been done to them by this corporate entity masquerading around as a legitimate governmental body that is owned by foreign bankers? There would be a march on D.C with pitchforks and torches and they are fucking scared shit less that it could happen. That is the reason for the tighter controls and the data collection of people.People are waking up to it...you are awake....quite a few here are awake but just not as vocal as I am. If we want change, we have to be the change.

Yup. Real change can only come from within. There needs to be a collective expansion of consciousness, and that just ain't in the cards for some time. Then again, the internet is helping to spread information at a rate unheard of in our evolution, and people are waking up. So...there is a glimmer of hope.

You summed it better in just a few sentences then I did with a few paragraphs. Mind if I steal this and put it on my FB page? Great summatioin and I agree 100 percent.

Don't mind at all! Steal away, sir.
Warren does BITCHY SNOTTY ----very well

She does kick Trump butt very well
She licks it well.

Liz Warren knows Hillary is corrupt, and signing on with her just means that Pocahontas has joined in with the corruption.

the Clintons remind me of the mafia-------PEOPLE WANT TO JOIN. ------really----they WANT TO JOIN. During the time I lived and worked in Brooklyn, NY-----I ran into people who JOINED because they wanted to------and then they could not FIND THEIR WAY OUT
She licks it well.

Liz Warren knows Hillary is corrupt, and signing on with her just means that Pocahontas has joined in with the corruption.

Well, she HAS lied about being an Indian for decades and fraudulently used Affirmative Action based on that lie..

Warren isn't exactly a paragon of virtue....

I'm just sayin.
But there is NO evidence that she "lied." She honestly may have truly believed it. As I mentioned, people tend to believe what they're told by their parents about their background. It stays with people through adulthood.
But there is NO evidence that she "lied." She honestly may have truly believed it. As I mentioned, people tend to believe what they're told by their parents about their background. It stays with people through adulthood.

Warren said, "My Paw Paw had high cheek bones." That will do it every time.
But there is NO evidence that she "lied." She honestly may have truly believed it. As I mentioned, people tend to believe what they're told by their parents about their background. It stays with people through adulthood.

Warren said, "My Paw Paw had high cheek bones." That will do it every time.
That's exactly what my mom said to me......while sitting next to her Tee-Pee preparing another Buffalo skin that Dad killed with his own homemade bow while riding bareback on a Appaloosa pony wearing warpaint.

High cheek bones.........friggen a thousand times I heard about high cheek bones.
Did she claim he wasn't really white or something?
Fuckin fake ass hypocrite. Fuck that ****

Her parents told her she had Cherokee in her. Like most kids, they just believe what their parents tell them. It might not actually be true, it might be "sort of" true, either way, I don't really care. Didn't your parents ever tell you things when you were a kid that were obviously not true? Like when your parents told you that you were special? You know how it is.
Let them continue with that sad A$$ meme, it only resonates in far rightwing circles.

Have you noticed how that LOSER Scott Brown is trying to bring out that tired old trope about her being Indian, although she already bludgeoned has A$$ w/him using it before.

I guess some jackasses just don't learn.


You really need to visit some First Nations websites. Many are not happy with Warren being the "first person of color" at Harvard Law School. Mmmkay? Because it took the slot of someone who really was a minority.

The issue has never disappeared. It's stayed local but now we are talking nationally. It's resonating. As it should.
The Republican front runner had a Federal court case filed against him last week. Here are the doc
Donald Trump & Jeffrey Epstein Rape Lawsuit and Affidavits

witness affidavits, Two witnesses

...I am coming forward to swear to the truthfulness of the physical and sexual abuse that I personally witnessed of minor females at the hands of Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein . . . I swear to these facts under the penalty for perjury even though I fully understand that the life of myself and my family is now in grave danger.....

Donald Trump & Jeffrey Epstein Rape Lawsuit and Affidavits

all is explained quite well by Lisa Bloom 

Legal analyst for NBC News and Avvo, attorney at this link

Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored
Did she claim he wasn't really white or something?
Fuckin fake ass hypocrite. Fuck that ****

Her parents told her she had Cherokee in her. Like most kids, they just believe what their parents tell them. It might not actually be true, it might be "sort of" true, either way, I don't really care. Didn't your parents ever tell you things when you were a kid that were obviously not true? Like when your parents told you that you were special? You know how it is.
Let them continue with that sad A$$ meme, it only resonates in far rightwing circles.

Have you noticed how that LOSER Scott Brown is trying to bring out that tired old trope about her being Indian, although she already bludgeoned has A$$ w/him using it before.

I guess some jackasses just don't learn.


You really need to visit some First Nations websites. Many are not happy with Warren being the "first person of color" at Harvard Law School. Mmmkay? Because it took the slot of someone who really was a minority.

The issue has never disappeared. It's stayed local but now we are talking nationally. It's resonating. As it should.
How does First Nations feel about Republicans calling her squaw, doing war dances and speaking pidgin English to mock their heritage?
I refuse to watch the video of Warren stretching like a banshee in heat. I hate it when women talk like that. Give me a deep voice of a man for president. Like Trump.
How does First Nations feel about Republicans calling her squaw, doing war dances and speaking pidgin English to mock their heritage?
Have you ever heard" we are waiting for the election results from Indian reservations to see how the vote will swing the election"? No. Nobody does. If they aren't conservative, they're probably too drunk to vote.
But there is NO evidence that she "lied." She honestly may have truly believed it. As I mentioned, people tend to believe what they're told by their parents about their background. It stays with people through adulthood.

Like Ward Churchill? Man oh man he had so many people fooled. And made a ton of money being such a convincing fraud.
Did she claim he wasn't really white or something?
Fuckin fake ass hypocrite. Fuck that ****

Her parents told her she had Cherokee in her. Like most kids, they just believe what their parents tell them. It might not actually be true, it might be "sort of" true, either way, I don't really care. Didn't your parents ever tell you things when you were a kid that were obviously not true? Like when your parents told you that you were special? You know how it is.
Let them continue with that sad A$$ meme, it only resonates in far rightwing circles.

Have you noticed how that LOSER Scott Brown is trying to bring out that tired old trope about her being Indian, although she already bludgeoned has A$$ w/him using it before.

I guess some jackasses just don't learn.


You really need to visit some First Nations websites. Many are not happy with Warren being the "first person of color" at Harvard Law School. Mmmkay? Because it took the slot of someone who really was a minority.

The issue has never disappeared. It's stayed local but now we are talking nationally. It's resonating. As it should.
How does First Nations feel about Republicans calling her squaw, doing war dances and speaking pidgin English to mock their heritage?
Lol are you fuckin kidding me? Idiot
Did she claim he wasn't really white or something?
Fuckin fake ass hypocrite. Fuck that ****

Her parents told her she had Cherokee in her. Like most kids, they just believe what their parents tell them. It might not actually be true, it might be "sort of" true, either way, I don't really care. Didn't your parents ever tell you things when you were a kid that were obviously not true? Like when your parents told you that you were special? You know how it is.
Let them continue with that sad A$$ meme, it only resonates in far rightwing circles.

Have you noticed how that LOSER Scott Brown is trying to bring out that tired old trope about her being Indian, although she already bludgeoned has A$$ w/him using it before.

I guess some jackasses just don't learn.


You really need to visit some First Nations websites. Many are not happy with Warren being the "first person of color" at Harvard Law School. Mmmkay? Because it took the slot of someone who really was a minority.

The issue has never disappeared. It's stayed local but now we are talking nationally. It's resonating. As it should.
How does First Nations feel about Republicans calling her squaw, doing war dances and speaking pidgin English to mock their heritage?

Actually they are truly more pissed off for her snagging a position that should have gone to a true minority. Getting tenure. Making oodles of $$$$$.
Does anybody know how much money she might have made off her contributions to Pow Wow Chow? That cookbook on Amazon?
Did she claim he wasn't really white or something?
Fuckin fake ass hypocrite. Fuck that ****

Her parents told her she had Cherokee in her. Like most kids, they just believe what their parents tell them. It might not actually be true, it might be "sort of" true, either way, I don't really care. Didn't your parents ever tell you things when you were a kid that were obviously not true? Like when your parents told you that you were special? You know how it is.
Let them continue with that sad A$$ meme, it only resonates in far rightwing circles.

Have you noticed how that LOSER Scott Brown is trying to bring out that tired old trope about her being Indian, although she already bludgeoned has A$$ w/him using it before.

I guess some jackasses just don't learn.


You really need to visit some First Nations websites. Many are not happy with Warren being the "first person of color" at Harvard Law School. Mmmkay? Because it took the slot of someone who really was a minority.

The issue has never disappeared. It's stayed local but now we are talking nationally. It's resonating. As it should.
How does First Nations feel about Republicans calling her squaw, doing war dances and speaking pidgin English to mock their heritage?
Lol are you fuckin kidding me? Idiot

Republicans believe they win the argument with mocking Indian war chants?

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