Elizabeth Warren drinks a beer...

Who knew someone could be more unrelatable than Hillary...

She has my vote.

Sheesh... a couple of swigs of suds and you're hooked, talk about EASY. :oops:

The left is impressed easily, drinking alcohol is a big deal for Democrat, look at the Kennedy’s.

LOL, yep you're right, She would have to go much farther than a half of beer to get my vote.

Dropping a couple of tabs of acid with a doobie chaser, would have done the trick, after all one must always endeavor to maintain one's high standards when it comes to ego maniacal American Politicians.
I'd vote for anybody if they just went online shitfaced all the time.

"And this my faggot husband. Come here, queerbait."
Oh wow! That makes me really want to vote for her! She's not an ELITIST, ultra Liberal/Progressive America hater at all!!!

Me donate heap Wampum to her campaign now. Smoke loco weed in peace pipe in honor. Ugh.

Who knew someone could be more unrelatable than Hillary...

Donald doesn’t drink at all. Cause he’s a raging alchy.

She claims she's injun...common knowledge they can't handle the firewater

When Trump calls her Pocahontas , she should ask where is the million you'd give to charity if I took a DNA test and its not her.
A huge liar.

I agree Donny SHOULD pay up, after all, Lizzy is the first human in history to take a DNA test.... and fail it.

Who knew someone could be more unrelatable than Hillary...

Donald doesn’t drink at all. Cause he’s a raging alchy.

She claims she's injun...common knowledge they can't handle the firewater

When Trump calls her Pocahontas , she should ask where is the million you'd give to charity if I took a DNA test and its not her.
A huge liar.

Taking that DNA test did her far more harm then good....but anyone with an ounce of sense knew she wasn't Native American

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