Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

I know! Ruling that Florida should recount according to Florida law.

Oddly that is the OPPOSITE of what they ruled. Florida law requires a full recount if the vote is within a certain percent. It was WELL under that and the SC ruled to STOP he recount.


The 7-2 decision established that Florida's recount procedure violated the Equal Protection Law, because they didn't have a statewide recount procedure and a vote that maybe counted in on county, the exact same ballot could be disallowed in another county.

The 5-4 ruling was that it was to late to let Florida come up with a new plan to recount.

The 7-2 decision essentially ended the election and then the 5-4 just reaffirmed it was over/
It was also apparently weird that Florida had to certify its election returns by the deadline set by Florida law. Shocking!
florida Law demands a full recount. Republicans dragged that out as long as possible and only THEN demanded that the deadline be held. There was no pressing need to enforce that deadline. There WAS a pressing need to follow the law and do the full recount.

There was a pressing need to enforce the deadline, because it is a law.

What's interesting is that the Florida laws that came into play during the Bush election were passed precisely because of a situation like that. During the election of Rutherford B. Hayes, it came down to a close count in Florida, and the recounts dragged on and on until the night before the scheduled Inauguration. Florida responded to the entire fiasco by passing those laws so that, if that situation came up again, their wish that certifying an official total in a timely manner be given priority would be clear.

So anyone who tries to tell you that recounting endlessly to try to get a desired outcome is the TRUE spirit and priority of Florida law is an imbecile who doesn't know history. *cough*Lush*cough*
The 7-2 decision established that Florida's recount procedure violated the Equal Protection Law, because they didn't have a statewide recount procedure and a vote that maybe counted in on county, the exact same ballot could be disallowed in another county.
The 5-4 ruling was that it was to late to let Florida come up with a new plan to recount.
The 7-2 decision essentially ended the election and then the 5-4 just reaffirmed it was over/
This is exactly correct.
Had a FL set a new, specific, state-wide standard, it would have gone to court and overturned
Had the FL legislature set a new, specific, state-wide standard, it would have gone to court and overturned.
Trump lost the popular vote - that means he is POTUS in name only to me. And his whore of a wife is not First Lady.

As lousy a candidate as I think she was - Hillary Clinton is the President of the United States as far as I am concerned. She just never got sworn in.

I don't follow laws I don't agree with (unless is is not worth the hassle to not) and I don't agree with the Electoral College laws.

If Trump told me to call him 'Mr. President'...I'd laugh in his face and tell him to 'shove it you fat, stupid, racist, xenophobic asshole with a whore for a wife'.

Amusing. Why would you be so proud of your ignorance?
As much as I hated the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, it was an example of the EC working exactly as designed.

The EC was setup to prevent wealth, urban states from dominating elections. It works. The Democrats lost when they pissed off Bubba.
It was also apparently weird that Florida had to certify its election returns by the deadline set by Florida law. Shocking!
florida Law demands a full recount. Republicans dragged that out as long as possible and only THEN demanded that the deadline be held. There was no pressing need to enforce that deadline. There WAS a pressing need to follow the law and do the full recount.

So we can all be on the same page...

The first recount requested by the Democrats was for only 4 Counties, not the entire state. (Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Volusia).

After countless failures, the Florida Supreme Court gave Al Gore a statewide recount he didn't even ask for.

At the same time, the Florida Legislature announced that if the recount was not completed by a certain date, (I forget the date). They would
pick who got Florida's 25 electoral votes, in accordance with Florida Law, so as not to deprive the State of having their citizens not participate
in the election process.

The full recount began and it was SCOTUS that ordered a "stay." (Halting all voting)

SCOTUS had two rulings. The first was a 5-4 ruling that it was a violation of the equal protection clause, because Counties were not counting
the same way. The second ruling was, because of the Florida Legislature following Florida Law, there would not be enough time to complete
the hand recount and the counting had to stop.

In the end the State's newspapers sued under the Florida Sunshine Laws and they conducted their own recount and W won that one also.
Wrong. The first recount was a statewide mandatory machine recount, triggered because the election margin was less than half of one percent.

The Florida legislation did not state they would certify the election by a certain date. The person who said that was the Secretary of State of Florida who was appointed by George Bush’s brother. And it was her discretion whether or not to accept late filings. The law at the time read that returns had to be filed within a week after the election, otherwise “such returns may be ignored.” She decided securing her governor’s brother’s election was more important than an accurate count of the votes.

The Supreme Court ruling was a joke, as evidenced by them declaring that would be a “one-time” ruling, never to set any sort of precedence. And basically invalidated any form of recount in any state where multiple methods of voting are used; which is most states.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.
Republic......democratic, learn the difference.

Lakhota doesn't know the difference and doesn't want to know the difference, he likes to languish in ignorance.
If there was ever a time for the Electoral college to prove it's worth it was the 2016 election....

But all they proved was their worthlessness!

It's time to abolish the EC!

Memo to you: "prove its worth" does NOT mean "do what I want done". And the fact that you didn't get what you wanted and are now stomping your feet and wailing does not make it "time to abolish the EC".
Every single Presidential election, this comes up. Has for years. It isn't just about Trump.

That might be why I didn't mention Trump, however much your obsession with him makes you see him everywhere.

What I said (which I'm pretty sure was clear to everyone who can read) was that Richard - and his fellow leftist snivelers - are throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their way. Every time this comes up, it is all about leftist snivelers throwing a hissy fit like the spoiled children they are because they didn't get their way. What it was they wanted at any given moment isn't the point . . . except to people who are too stupid to see the world without the prism of "TTTTTTRRRRRRUUUUMMMPPP!!! Everything is about hating TTTTTTRRRRUUUUMMMMPPPP!!!"
Trump lost the popular vote - that means he is POTUS in name only to me. And his whore of a wife is not First Lady.

As lousy a candidate as I think she was - Hillary Clinton is the President of the United States as far as I am concerned. She just never got sworn in.

I don't follow laws I don't agree with (unless is is not worth the hassle to not) and I don't agree with the Electoral College laws.

If Trump told me to call him 'Mr. President'...I'd laugh in his face and tell him to 'shove it you fat, stupid, racist, xenophobic asshole with a whore for a wife'.

Amusing. Why would you be so proud of your ignorance?

What else has he got?
Many politicians whom are lawyers, often wrongly call our country "a Democracy". Also, the Media does the same thing constantly. I think many know we are a Republic, not a Democracy but like to give people a false sense of importance, that their vote is all important in everything. It's not.
Wrong. The first recount was a statewide mandatory machine recount, triggered because the election margin was less than half of one percent.

The Florida legislation did not state they would certify the election by a certain date. The person who said that was the Secretary of State of Florida who was appointed by George Bush’s brother. And it was her discretion whether or not to accept late filings. The law at the time read that returns had to be filed within a week after the election, otherwise “such returns may be ignored.” She decided securing her governor’s brother’s election was more important than an accurate count of the votes.

Good lord, it will be another fifty years before you live down the landslide victory of President Donald Trump too!

Get over it, former President George Bush (43) won, fair and square, just as did President Donald Trump. Life goes on.
Wrong. The first recount was a statewide mandatory machine recount, triggered because the election margin was less than half of one percent.

The Florida legislation did not state they would certify the election by a certain date. The person who said that was the Secretary of State of Florida who was appointed by George Bush’s brother. And it was her discretion whether or not to accept late filings. The law at the time read that returns had to be filed within a week after the election, otherwise “such returns may be ignored.” She decided securing her governor’s brother’s election was more important than an accurate count of the votes.

Good lord, it will be another fifty years before you live down the landslide victory of President Donald Trump too!

Get over it, former President George Bush (43) won, fair and square, just as did President Donald Trump. Life goes on.
I understand, pesky facts annoy you.

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