Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

I wonder ifum heap big squaw senator will start the amendment process after she gets knocked out of the race for president
There was a pressing need to enforce the deadline, because it is a law.

There were TWO laws at play. A recount law and a deadline. Both at odds. The SC weighed in favor of the lesser of the two in terms of importance...using the fucking 13th Amendment no less and then claiming that the ruling couldn't be used as precedent.

Have you ever heard of anything so stupid? It was a purely partisan political ruling. Not about "getting it right"...but rather about winning
She knows how to end it.

the key number is 2/3s.

and she knows it ain't going to happen.
The founders were wise men for their time - but in hindsight they did some dumb shit. The Electoral College is dumb shit.
The states wanted as much power as they could hold onto. When the EC was implemented, the state legs also appointed their Senators.
Eliminate the Electoral College and disenfranchise 5/8th of the nation's voters.

Sounds like the Democrats have finally come up with a way to win back the White House.
Why should a vote in Montana be worth more than a vote in Pennsylvania?
Why should the President be decided by California and New York ?
So you don't believe in majority decision making? What about ranked choice voting?
There was a pressing need to enforce the deadline, because it is a law.

There were TWO laws at play. A recount law and a deadline. Both at odds. The SC weighed in favor of the lesser of the two in terms of importance...using the fucking 13th Amendment no less and then claiming that the ruling couldn't be used as precedent.

Have you ever heard of anything so stupid? It was a purely partisan political ruling. Not about "getting it right"...but rather about winning

you cant have a recount if the deadline is passed, no?... what are you going to wait three years before a president gets sworn in?
Why should a states electors go against the majority of a state?
Because people should be the electors, not sage brush and cattle. Our most populous state has 70 X more people than our least populated state but their EC ratio is 18:1. Why should people be penalized for living in a more desirable state? The Founders are way over rated. In what other contest is the #2 finisher declared the winner?

Change it then cupcake, all you need is two thirds approval of the House, two thirds approval of the Senate and 38 states to ratify the amendment. Go for it, I look forward to watching it's progress.
The Electoral College Pact is another way to change the EC and much more doable.
Changing the Electoral College System

Look at the 10 states that have signed on to the plan presented on your link, all are blue states, no red state has signed on, until they do, this has a long way to go however it is easier than ratifying an amendment.

For people who like to blather on about how "most Americans" agree with them, leftists sure seem reluctant to put anything to a vote and actually find out.
I agree. I always thought america was a democracy...

Well you thought wrong, we are a Constitutional Republic.

but when Bush Jr got elected we the citizens of the world were shocked. And that's when we found about the electoral college.

You "found out" about something that has existed since this country was founded? Did you go to school in a cave?
She knows how to end it.

the key number is 2/3s.

and she knows it ain't going to happen.

AND she knows it will get her votes from her base who wouldn't know the Constitution if they fell over it. She went on to endorse reparations, FREE MONEY TO HER AUDIENCE.
If there was ever a time for the Electoral college to prove it's worth it was the 2016 election....

But all they proved was their worthlessness!

It's time to abolish the EC!
What are you talking about? The electoral college worked as it was supposed to
and saved this great nation of ours.
Oh? It gave us Bush and Trump. That said, I'm not in favor of abolishing it.

There's a reason that Republicans always point out that we are a Republic and not a democracy. They are referring to the fact that in a "true" democracy that the popular vote is the end all and be all and they know that they don't have the popular vote.

So do we do away with the electoral college? I think that would be mistake. What we DO...is VOTE...in big numbers. Don't let voter suppression efforts stop us.

They can only win (steal) elections when they are close. We need to get out and vote in BIG numbers or surrender to this insanity

It could just as easily have given us Gore and Clinton.

The EC isn’t the problem. The problem is that both parties appeal to fewer and fewer voters.

Tactically, the GOP beats the DNC on this—because they have far fewer principles. Put an R next to the name of anyone and they get the votes from a wide spectrum of the GOP. PUt a D next to the name of anyone else and you get Bernie supporters who principal the Democrats out of a victory.

Winning the Oval is all that matters in a Presidential election. Democrats have to learn that.

BTW: the DNC does itself zero favors in proportionally awarding delegates in the primaries. The GOP is winner take all and their contests are settled early and support has time to gel around the nominee. This is why the last 2 D conventions were split.

Someday they will run out of either bullets or toes.
Trump lost the popular vote - that means he is POTUS in name only to me. And his whore of a wife is not First Lady.

As lousy a candidate as I think she was - Hillary Clinton is the President of the United States as far as I am concerned. She just never got sworn in.

I don't follow laws I don't agree with (unless is is not worth the hassle to not) and I don't agree with the Electoral College laws.

If Trump told me to call him 'Mr. President'...I'd laugh in his face and tell him to 'shove it you fat, stupid, racist, xenophobic asshole with a whore for a wife'.

Be serious. Trump would have been "POTUS in name only" to you no matter what happened, because you're sulking that you didn't get your way. This really just comes down to you being pissed about losing, and trying to invent some lofty-sounding excuse to hang it on besides the fact that you're a petulant child. If it wasn't this excuse, it would be something else.
It was also apparently weird that Florida had to certify its election returns by the deadline set by Florida law. Shocking!
florida Law demands a full recount. Republicans dragged that out as long as possible and only THEN demanded that the deadline be held. There was no pressing need to enforce that deadline. There WAS a pressing need to follow the law and do the full recount.

So we can all be on the same page...

The first recount requested by the Democrats was for only 4 Counties, not the entire state. (Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Volusia).

After countless failures, the Florida Supreme Court gave Al Gore a statewide recount he didn't even ask for.

At the same time, the Florida Legislature announced that if the recount was not completed by a certain date, (I forget the date). They would
pick who got Florida's 25 electoral votes, in accordance with Florida Law, so as not to deprive the State of having their citizens not participate
in the election process.

The full recount began and it was SCOTUS that ordered a "stay." (Halting all voting)

SCOTUS had two rulings. The first was a 5-4 ruling that it was a violation of the equal protection clause, because Counties were not counting
the same way. The second ruling was, because of the Florida Legislature following Florida Law, there would not be enough time to complete
the hand recount and the counting had to stop.

In the end the State's newspapers sued under the Florida Sunshine Laws and they conducted their own recount and W won that one also.
Everyone has the right to try to amend the Constitution

Warren should know the procedure maybe she should stop flapping her gums and get to it

Of course, she knows the process. She also knows that her base doesn't have a clue. Even if they did know, they would believe she could get rid of the Electoral College plus free money for life. Who else would they elect?

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.
All you need to do is amend the constitution.
Good luck!
You make it sound like going to the moon. Oh, wait....
The Constitution has already been amended 27 times. Well, 17 if you take out the Bill of Rights. It is certainly not impossible.
If there was ever a time for the Electoral college to prove it's worth it was the 2016 election....

But all they proved was their worthlessness!

It's time to abolish the EC!

Memo to you: "prove its worth" does NOT mean "do what I want done". And the fact that you didn't get what you wanted and are now stomping your feet and wailing does not make it "time to abolish the EC".
Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.
All you need to do is amend the constitution.
Good luck!
You make it sound like going to the moon. Oh, wait....
The Constitution has already been amended 27 times. Well, 17 if you take out the Bill of Rights. It is certainly not impossible.
It takes 13 states to stop it; the 13 states most likely to do so contain about 7% of the population.
Good luck.
If there was ever a time for the Electoral college to prove it's worth it was the 2016 election....

But all they proved was their worthlessness!

It's time to abolish the EC!

Memo to you: "prove its worth" does NOT mean "do what I want done". And the fact that you didn't get what you wanted and are now stomping your feet and wailing does not make it "time to abolish the EC".
Every single Presidential election, this comes up. Has for years. It isn't just about Trump.
Why should a vote in Montana be worth more than a vote in Pennsylvania?

The nations elections should not be decided by America's urban centres, run by party hacks.
They are the ones who make this nation great, rural farmers live off the subsidies paid by the urban hard working, open minded diverse citizens....the fucks who are sitting in their farm receiving our money don't like us minorities and whites who are open minded.
disclaimer: not all farmers but most.

I just heard, "Fuck all those hicks. I think I'm better than them, so I should be in control, and they should shut up and get back to work like good peons!"

In what way are you "diverse urban" assholes making anything great? Those farmers you so despise produce the food on everyone's tables. I forget, what is it you produce that's of use to anyone outside your own narcissistic bubble?

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