Elizabeth Warren for Prez


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Comrade Warren as the next Dear Leader!

I got a kick out of this.

Comrades! The glorious world of next Tuesday™ could be here sooner than we think! As soon as January 20, 2017, that is. Our current Dear Leader and our activist wing have all but anointed Comrade Warren as the next Dear Leader!

What do we think of Comrade Warren's 11 Kommandments? I simply don't think there are enough. A good prog wants to have thousands of pages of regulations heaped upon businesses and eventually The People™. What would you add to Comrade Warren's 11 Kommandments?

I know we all would like current Dear Leader to stay Dear Leader forever because it's really racist™ to make him leave on January 20, 2017 after only eight years, like so many of his typical white™ racist™ predecessors. But seriously, it's a win win. Current Dear Leader is like weak socialism compared to Comrade Warren's strong communism. Besides that, we get a two-fer with Comrade Warren. Not only do we get to make sure womyn are equal even though the Democrats didn't want to do that in 2008 since they had a bigger celebrity distraction but we also get our first fake Native American princess queen empress medicine womyn witch doctor chief president! Comrades, think of the diversity points we will have scored!

We also have another advantage: Accusations of "sexism" don't have as much bite as a claim of RACISM™. We can recycle all the claims of "racism" against current Dear Leader by saying people who disagree with future Dear Leader are against phony Native Americans! This shuts down debate before we have to overtax our brains by thinking of an answer to some reichwinger rethuglikkkan. So, if you don't like Comrade Warren's strong communism, you are really just a kapitalist pig who favors big corporations AND a racist with deep seated hatred of false Native Americans!

And who needs Comrade Hillary? Dear Leader feels she is not communist enough for his liking and clearly members of our party felt that way in 2008. So why go with a stale old fish wife when we can get something "fresh" less than two years younger than Hillary and more communist? I would say Comrade Warren is a "dark horse candidate" like certain past presidents (Polk, Pierce, etc.) but then considering who is Dear Leader now and that Comrade Warren is a fabricated Native American, that statement might be considered doubly racist.

Word has it that a number of great socialists in our party will want to be the next Dear Leader such as Jerry Moonbeam Brown of the Great People's Republic of California, Martin O'Malley of the Collective of Maryland, "Prince" Andrew Cuomo of the Great People's Republic of New York, Kirsten Kiki Gillibrand of the Great People's Republic of New York, Bernie Sanders of the Collective of Vermont, and of course Vice Dear Leader Joe Court Jester Biden. But Comrade Lizzy is my choice! It's time for a womyn™ president and absolutely time for a contrived Native American!
"I'm going to give you the same answer I have given you many times," Warren told the newspaper. "There is no wiggle room. I am not running for president. No means no."

Elizabeth Warren: 'I Am Not Running For President'

She could be formidable, but she insists that no means no.

The People's Cube? I didn't know those commies were still around.
She's a fucking pathological liar who told people she was an American Indian

Said it before, shes the female Obama
"I'm going to give you the same answer I have given you many times," Warren told the newspaper. "There is no wiggle room. I am not running for president. No means no."

Elizabeth Warren: 'I Am Not Running For President'

She could be formidable, but she insists that no means no.

The People's Cube? I didn't know those commies were still around.
She's a fucking pathological liar who told people she was an American Indian

Said it before, shes the female Obama

Obama is female enough all on his own.
"I'm going to give you the same answer I have given you many times," Warren told the newspaper. "There is no wiggle room. I am not running for president. No means no."

Elizabeth Warren: 'I Am Not Running For President'

She could be formidable, but she insists that no means no.

The People's Cube? I didn't know those commies were still around.
She's a fucking pathological liar who told people she was an American Indian

Said it before, shes the female Obama

Obama is female enough all on his own.
True and Barack probably gives a better blow job

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