Elizabeth Warren Goes Full Fascist

Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539
By all means I hope she does push for changing the tax laws and taxes the fuck out of them. Would be even better if Congress breaks them up, they are way to big and powerful.

But I have zero faith that will happen with Dems. While they preach for higher wages for US workers, they do nothing to prevent cheap Chinese slave made goods to flood our stores.

I suspect someone from the DNC will have “the talk” with her and explain how the Democratic Party now enables these mega Corporations because appeasing China is a much higher priority than unions, wages, or even collecting taxes.
90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all, brainwashed functional moron. Great job!
So what are you going to do with Pelosi who has 90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all?

Oh yeah. Cheerlead for her 24/7.
That this dumb ass has a position of authority tells you all you need to know about her state, Democrats and this Nation.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539
By all means I hope she does push for changing the tax laws and taxes the fuck out of them. Would be even better if Congress breaks them up, they are way to big and powerful.

But I have zero faith that will happen with Dems. While they preach for higher wages for US workers, they do nothing to prevent cheap Chinese slave made goods to flood our stores.

I suspect someone from the DNC will have “the talk” with her and explain how the Democratic Party now enables these mega Corporations because appeasing China is a much higher priority than unions, wages, or even collecting taxes.
90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all, brainwashed functional moron. Great job!
So what are you going to do with Pelosi who has 90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all?

Oh yeah. Cheerlead for her 24/7.
It looks like the Democrats have finally had enough and recognized the Geo p will never do anything that hurts the super rich or helps anybody. The Republicans have made the country the way it is now, mainly by tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations their heroes and bribers and brainwashers. The Democrats have only passed Obamacare as a major policy in the last 55 years.
That this dumb ass has a position of authority tells you all you need to know about her state, Democrats and this Nation.
Thanks for the brainwash position. time to nuke the bastards. We are the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share. Because communism and free stuff brainwashing.....
Oh, did she ban grandma from drinking water in the voting line?

Oh...she wants a mega-corporation to pay taxes. Nevermind.

No. Grandma can bring her own water.

Good thing mega-corporations already pay majority of taxes. She should be proud.
Actually mega corporations pay almost zero in taxes. Perhaps if you weren’t a fact averse pos?
Talk to Pelosi if you’re concerned about the tax laws, shitforbrains.
The GOP has blindly obstructed everything the democratic house has passed forever- time to blow up the filabuster and get something done. The United States is a brainwashed fear mongered and horribly unequal piece of crap after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. And garbage propaganda mainly. A disgrace
That's the way the very smart people who designed our system INTENDED it to work. For legislation to pass, it must be at least acceptable to both parties of both houses AND the president. Compromise was designed into the system so that the majority party can't tyrannize the minority party and the states with large populations can't tyrannize the states with small populations. What you complain about is what provides stability to our government.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539
By all means I hope she does push for changing the tax laws and taxes the fuck out of them. Would be even better if Congress breaks them up, they are way to big and powerful.

But I have zero faith that will happen with Dems. While they preach for higher wages for US workers, they do nothing to prevent cheap Chinese slave made goods to flood our stores.

I suspect someone from the DNC will have “the talk” with her and explain how the Democratic Party now enables these mega Corporations because appeasing China is a much higher priority than unions, wages, or even collecting taxes.
90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all, brainwashed functional moron. Great job!
So what are you going to do with Pelosi who has 90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all?

Oh yeah. Cheerlead for her 24/7.
It looks like the Democrats have finally had enough and recognized the Geo p will never do anything that hurts the super rich or helps anybody. The Republicans have made the country the way it is now, mainly by tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations their heroes and bribers and brainwashers. The Democrats have only passed Obamacare as a major policy in the last 55 years.
Moron alert.
The interesting thing is Warren used to be a reasonable, centered Democrat even as late as the mid 2000's.
Not sure why she went full retard and ran to cling to the far left crazies.

No, she is right, the tax regulations are incredibly corrupt, and that is why the recent wide increase in income disparity.
I take advantage of the tax loop holes all the time.
The wealthy pay less than half the tax % that the poor are forced to pay.
Actual incomes have failed to keep up with inflation, but bracket creep from inflation has forced the poor into higher tax rates then they should.
The whole tax system needs to be torn up and redone.
For example, there should be no capital gains rate reduction.
The wealthy can use that to pay themselves in stock options, so they only pay the 15% capital gains rate instead of the more than double that rate they should be paying.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539
By all means I hope she does push for changing the tax laws and taxes the fuck out of them. Would be even better if Congress breaks them up, they are way to big and powerful.

But I have zero faith that will happen with Dems. While they preach for higher wages for US workers, they do nothing to prevent cheap Chinese slave made goods to flood our stores.

I suspect someone from the DNC will have “the talk” with her and explain how the Democratic Party now enables these mega Corporations because appeasing China is a much higher priority than unions, wages, or even collecting taxes.
90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all, brainwashed functional moron. Great job!
So what are you going to do with Pelosi who has 90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all?

Oh yeah. Cheerlead for her 24/7.

If corporation making profits were to just pay their employees high wages, then the company would not have to pay any corporate taxes, but the government would get more tax revenue from the individual taxes.
So the problem is not just what corporations are avoiding taxes, but how they also help prevent wealthy individuals from paying taxes as well.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth

I already know all that, didn't dispute you at all.

Oh, did she ban grandma from drinking water in the voting line?

Oh...she wants a mega-corporation to pay taxes. Nevermind.

No. Grandma can bring her own water.

Good thing mega-corporations already pay majority of taxes. She should be proud.
Actually mega corporations pay almost zero in taxes. Perhaps if you weren’t a fact averse pos?
Talk to Pelosi if you’re concerned about the tax laws, shitforbrains.
The GOP has blindly obstructed everything the democratic house has passed forever- time to blow up the filabuster and get something done. The United States is a brainwashed fear mongered and horribly unequal piece of crap after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. And garbage propaganda mainly. A disgrace
That's the way the very smart people who designed our system INTENDED it to work. For legislation to pass, it must be at least acceptable to both parties of both houses AND the president. Compromise was designed into the system so that the majority party can't tyrannize the minority party and the states with large populations can't tyrannize the states with small populations. What you complain about is what provides stability to our government.
No what I am complaining about is the filibuster being wildly overused to stop progress. It was used 58 times before 1980 and it was used five times more than that last year lol. And now the filibuster is permanent for crying out loud.....
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539
By all means I hope she does push for changing the tax laws and taxes the fuck out of them. Would be even better if Congress breaks them up, they are way to big and powerful.

But I have zero faith that will happen with Dems. While they preach for higher wages for US workers, they do nothing to prevent cheap Chinese slave made goods to flood our stores.

I suspect someone from the DNC will have “the talk” with her and explain how the Democratic Party now enables these mega Corporations because appeasing China is a much higher priority than unions, wages, or even collecting taxes.
90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all, brainwashed functional moron. Great job!
So what are you going to do with Pelosi who has 90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all?

Oh yeah. Cheerlead for her 24/7.

If corporation making profits were to just pay their employees high wages, then the company would not have to pay any corporate taxes, but the government would get more tax revenue from the individual taxes.
So the problem is not just what corporations are avoiding taxes, but how they also help prevent wealthy individuals from paying taxes as well.
The amount the megarich and Giant corporations pay is a disgrace after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else.
Oh, did she ban grandma from drinking water in the voting line?

Oh...she wants a mega-corporation to pay taxes. Nevermind.

No. Grandma can bring her own water.

Good thing mega-corporations already pay majority of taxes. She should be proud.
Actually mega corporations pay almost zero in taxes. Perhaps if you weren’t a fact averse pos?
Talk to Pelosi if you’re concerned about the tax laws, shitforbrains.
The GOP has blindly obstructed everything the democratic house has passed forever- time to blow up the filabuster and get something done. The United States is a brainwashed fear mongered and horribly unequal piece of crap after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. And garbage propaganda mainly. A disgrace
That's the way the very smart people who designed our system INTENDED it to work. For legislation to pass, it must be at least acceptable to both parties of both houses AND the president. Compromise was designed into the system so that the majority party can't tyrannize the minority party and the states with large populations can't tyrannize the states with small populations. What you complain about is what provides stability to our government.
No what I am complaining about is the filibuster being wildly overused to stop progress. It was used 58 times before 1980 and it was used five times more than that last year lol. And now the filibuster is permanent for crying out loud.....
The filibuster is filling the need that it was designed to fill. It was designed to stop exactly what the democrats are doing. Fifty percent of the nation DICTATING to the other half. You want to see progress--tell your alzheimers messiah to get off his high horse and compromise. Fucking democrats vote in lock step or get penalized by Piglosi, Sen. Good-for-Nothing Bum, Kameltoe and Xiden.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539
By all means I hope she does push for changing the tax laws and taxes the fuck out of them. Would be even better if Congress breaks them up, they are way to big and powerful.

But I have zero faith that will happen with Dems. While they preach for higher wages for US workers, they do nothing to prevent cheap Chinese slave made goods to flood our stores.

I suspect someone from the DNC will have “the talk” with her and explain how the Democratic Party now enables these mega Corporations because appeasing China is a much higher priority than unions, wages, or even collecting taxes.
90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all, brainwashed functional moron. Great job!
So what are you going to do with Pelosi who has 90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all?

Oh yeah. Cheerlead for her 24/7.

If corporation making profits were to just pay their employees high wages, then the company would not have to pay any corporate taxes, but the government would get more tax revenue from the individual taxes.
So the problem is not just what corporations are avoiding taxes, but how they also help prevent wealthy individuals from paying taxes as well.
The amount the megarich and Giant corporations pay is a disgrace after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else.

The GOP has been in charge of Washington for 40 years?

Your beloved Hussein had a supermajority in Congress, but he chose to keep the “Bush Tax Cuts” you morons were screaming about for 8 years. They expired in 2013, but the Hussein extended them instead of letting them expire.

They aren’t the “Bush Tax Cuts”, they are the Obama Tax Cuts for the Rich.

So what is POTATUS-head waiting for? Start raising them taxes.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
It’s always a woot when you people compare Europe to America.

European countries don’t have the tens of millions of third world trash and “minorities” that America has. So all you are arguing for is America should be more white.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539
By all means I hope she does push for changing the tax laws and taxes the fuck out of them. Would be even better if Congress breaks them up, they are way to big and powerful.

But I have zero faith that will happen with Dems. While they preach for higher wages for US workers, they do nothing to prevent cheap Chinese slave made goods to flood our stores.

I suspect someone from the DNC will have “the talk” with her and explain how the Democratic Party now enables these mega Corporations because appeasing China is a much higher priority than unions, wages, or even collecting taxes.
90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all, brainwashed functional moron. Great job!
So what are you going to do with Pelosi who has 90% of America's top 100 most profitable corporations pay no taxes at all?

Oh yeah. Cheerlead for her 24/7.

If corporation making profits were to just pay their employees high wages, then the company would not have to pay any corporate taxes, but the government would get more tax revenue from the individual taxes.
So the problem is not just what corporations are avoiding taxes, but how they also help prevent wealthy individuals from paying taxes as well.
The amount the megarich and Giant corporations pay is a disgrace after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else.

The GOP has been in charge of Washington for 40 years?

Your beloved Hussein had a supermajority in Congress, but he chose to keep the “Bush Tax Cuts” you morons were screaming about for 8 years. They expired in 2013, but the Hussein extended them instead of letting them expire.

They aren’t the “Bush Tax Cuts”, they are the Obama Tax Cuts for the Rich.

So what is POTATUS-head waiting for? Start raising them taxes.
You can use reconciliation to cut taxes on the rich but you can't use it to raise taxes on the rich-quite a scam. Time for the nuke. Under Eisenhower top tax rate was 90%, Kennedy got it down to 70%, Reagan had success at 50%, then gave us 28% going out the door which it has been around ever since. A huge giveaway to the rich and screwed up for everyone else. Read something. Time for nuclear! Then people will know what each party is for. Despite all your crap propaganda..... Gojo! Back to the Kennedy type effect....
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
It’s always a woot when you people compare Europe to America.

European countries don’t have the tens of millions of third world trash and “minorities” that America has. So all you are arguing for is America should be more white.
Or better educated like Europe is. Well now we have free community college we might get somewhere. But thanks for the racist outlook lol.

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