Elizabeth Warren Goes Full Fascist

Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
It’s always a woot when you people compare Europe to America.

European countries don’t have the tens of millions of third world trash and “minorities” that America has. So all you are arguing for is America should be more white.
Or better educated like Europe is. Well now we have free community college we might get somewhere. But thanks for the racist outlook lol.
Uh-huh, “education levels” are what makes the difference. But oh wait, guess who the most uneducated people in America are? That’s right, blacks. So keep tap dancing around the real issue, Francis.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
It’s always a woot when you people compare Europe to America.

European countries don’t have the tens of millions of third world trash and “minorities” that America has. So all you are arguing for is America should be more white.
Or better educated like Europe is. Well now we have free community college we might get somewhere. But thanks for the racist outlook lol.
When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
A US Senator in 2021 has as much meaning as being a mob under boss
Is there a difference between the 2
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
It’s always a woot when you people compare Europe to America.

European countries don’t have the tens of millions of third world trash and “minorities” that America has. So all you are arguing for is America should be more white.
Or better educated like Europe is. Well now we have free community college we might get somewhere. But thanks for the racist outlook lol.
When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
We defend nothing about that. They have crummy schools and are in a war zone. You try it. No sacrifice of course is too great to save the greedy idiot racist GOP mega Rich brainwashers from paying their fair share. Who have dominated American politics the last 40 years and have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and anywhere in the modern world. Great job! Because communism and free stuff... Absolute fear mongered RupertbMurdock/rush Limbaugh idiocy.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
It’s always a woot when you people compare Europe to America.

European countries don’t have the tens of millions of third world trash and “minorities” that America has. So all you are arguing for is America should be more white.
Or better educated like Europe is. Well now we have free community college we might get somewhere. But thanks for the racist outlook lol.
When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
by the way, that is total b******* propaganda, brain washed functional moron.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
It’s always a woot when you people compare Europe to America.

European countries don’t have the tens of millions of third world trash and “minorities” that America has. So all you are arguing for is America should be more white.
Or better educated like Europe is. Well now we have free community college we might get somewhere. But thanks for the racist outlook lol.
Uh-huh, “education levels” are what makes the difference. But oh wait, guess who the most uneducated people in America are? That’s right, blacks. So keep tap dancing around the real issue, Francis.
Franco is short for Francophile. Of course they have the worst education look at their situation. At white suburban schools they do just about as well as the whites. It is not about race, it is about environment and education and racism. We need to pick up everyone at the same time, living wage healthcare Democratic policy.... Every other modern country has cheap college and training or free and we are the richest country in the world. Pathetic. Thanks to The GOP and silly racist doops...
Last edited:
Sen Warren is pontificating to get herself a viral soundbite.

Quelle surprise...
Oh, did she ban grandma from drinking water in the voting line?

Oh...she wants a mega-corporation to pay taxes. Nevermind.

No. Grandma can bring her own water.

Good thing mega-corporations already pay majority of taxes. She should be proud.
Actually mega corporations pay almost zero in taxes. Perhaps if you weren’t a fact averse pos?
Why is it a problem if they're doing it legally?
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
It’s always a woot when you people compare Europe to America.

European countries don’t have the tens of millions of third world trash and “minorities” that America has. So all you are arguing for is America should be more white.
Or better educated like Europe is. Well now we have free community college we might get somewhere. But thanks for the racist outlook lol.
When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
by the way, that is total b******* propaganda, brain washed functional moron.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
It’s always a woot when you people compare Europe to America.

European countries don’t have the tens of millions of third world trash and “minorities” that America has. So all you are arguing for is America should be more white.
Or better educated like Europe is. Well now we have free community college we might get somewhere. But thanks for the racist outlook lol.
Uh-huh, “education levels” are what makes the difference. But oh wait, guess who the most uneducated people in America are? That’s right, blacks. So keep tap dancing around the real issue, Francis.
Franco is short for Francophile. Of course they have the worst education look at their situation. At white suburban schools they do just about as well as the whites. It is not about race, it is about environment and education and racism. We need to pick up everyone at the same time, living wage healthcare Democratic policy.... Every other modern country has cheap college and training or free and we are the richest country in the world. Pathetic. Thanks to The GOP and silly racist doops...
So are you ignorant, a liar, or both?
When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
students: *perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend even more money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: wait we gave you a bunch already what did you spend it on
F Amazon
They’re a cartel
Amazon should be tax ed and any monopoly policy should be stopped. things the GOP doesn't like doing the bought off bastards. No not you doops
They're following the law, why do you have a problem with that?
At this point it is Republican law and Republican corruption at work. Deregulation always ends up with a corrupt bubble and bust by the Republicans. 1929-1989 2008 2020 stupid Trump even.... And we still have giveaway to the rich Reagan tax rates.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
It’s always a woot when you people compare Europe to America.

European countries don’t have the tens of millions of third world trash and “minorities” that America has. So all you are arguing for is America should be more white.
Or better educated like Europe is. Well now we have free community college we might get somewhere. But thanks for the racist outlook lol.
When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
by the way, that is total b******* propaganda, brain washed functional moron.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite. (And they did a fantastic comeback)
View attachment 473539

The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.

That is not relevant to the fact Amazon helped write new ones, or the fact the tax regulation are incredibly corrupt do to companies like Amazon lobbying for loop holes.

It is relevant because the loophole problem has existed for decades, which means lawmakers are being influenced in making them, otherwise there would be no such need to do it.

Sure the loophole problem has existed for decades, but that is because corrupt companies like Amazon have always been putting in those loopholes, and it obviously has been recently getting MUCH worse than ever.




Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
It’s always a woot when you people compare Europe to America.

European countries don’t have the tens of millions of third world trash and “minorities” that America has. So all you are arguing for is America should be more white.
Or better educated like Europe is. Well now we have free community college we might get somewhere. But thanks for the racist outlook lol.
Uh-huh, “education levels” are what makes the difference. But oh wait, guess who the most uneducated people in America are? That’s right, blacks. So keep tap dancing around the real issue, Francis.
Franco is short for Francophile. Of course they have the worst education look at their situation. At white suburban schools they do just about as well as the whites. It is not about race, it is about environment and education and racism. We need to pick up everyone at the same time, living wage healthcare Democratic policy.... Every other modern country has cheap college and training or free and we are the richest country in the world. Pathetic. Thanks to The GOP and silly racist doops...
So are you ignorant, a liar, or both?
You said he was the valedictorian so it's pretty obvious who the liars are..... Nobody is arguing that their education in the inner city is absolute crap just like everything else they have thanks to the GOP, its policies and it's racist assholes. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP mega rich from paying their fair share.
When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
students: *perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend even more money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: wait we gave you a bunch already what did you spend it on
What we need is what every other modern country has, a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly no more giveaway to the rich brainwashed the rubes GOP. What a disgrace. The worst inequality ever means blacks are screwed more than anyone as always. The whole country is a GOP mess, only brainwashed ignoramuses like you don't know it, in the entire world.
When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
students: *perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend even more money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: wait we gave you a bunch already what did you spend it on
What we need is what every other modern country has, a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly no more giveaway to the rich brainwashed the rubes GOP. What a disgrace. The worst inequality ever means blacks are screwed more than anyone as always. The whole country is a GOP mess, only brainwashed ignoramuses like you don't know it, in the entire world.
Funny how every minority prefers to immigrate to America instead of your utopian fantasy worlds. And not one Leftard has ever left America for your land of Progressive Nirvana.

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