Elizabeth Warren Goes Full Fascist

When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
students: *perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend even more money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: wait we gave you a bunch already what did you spend it on
What we need is what every other modern country has, a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly no more giveaway to the rich brainwashed the rubes GOP. What a disgrace. The worst inequality ever means blacks are screwed more than anyone as always. The whole country is a GOP mess, only brainwashed ignoramuses like you don't know it, in the entire world.
Funny how every minority prefers to immigrate to America instead of your utopian fantasy worlds. And not one Leftard has ever left America for your land of Progressive Nirvana.
Other modern countries have an ID card to end illegal immigration. They don't have the GOP's screwing everything up obstructing an intelligent system and going on and on about a stupid wall that will not work and harassment laws against minorities. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional racist moron. That is brainwashed functional....
ID cards are racist, remember?
Try to keep your lies straight.
Minorities and the old and the young have trouble getting IDs. That's about voting. They showed all their ID when they registered. After that there's signature that is good enough and it works-it's a stupid idea that anyone would go to the trouble of voting for someone else when the laws are so strict.... we need an ID card to end illegal immigration like all other modern countries have who have this problem. Brainwashed functional moron!
How do they sign up for benefits if they can't get IDs?
They don't get benefits, brainwashed functional moron. I'm not talking about the ID cards we have now with anyone can fake.
Minorities, the old and the young don't get benefits? Do you know how moronic that statement is? Apparently not, but try. Even a room temperature IQ should be able to figure that out.
Not if they are illegal, ding bat doop. You are totally missinformed again. All your ridiculous propaganda headlines end up being about the kids going to school and getting free breakfast. No welfare nothing like benefits. 94% of illegal men work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill with ID card, the only solution. As done in every other modern country. Jesus!
ID is racist for voting, but not proving you’re a legal immigrant!
smoke signals liawatha mad.jpg
When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
students: *perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend even more money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: wait we gave you a bunch already what did you spend it on
What we need is what every other modern country has, a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly no more giveaway to the rich brainwashed the rubes GOP. What a disgrace. The worst inequality ever means blacks are screwed more than anyone as always. The whole country is a GOP mess, only brainwashed ignoramuses like you don't know it, in the entire world.
Funny how every minority prefers to immigrate to America instead of your utopian fantasy worlds. And not one Leftard has ever left America for your land of Progressive Nirvana.
Other modern countries have an ID card to end illegal immigration. They don't have the GOP's screwing everything up obstructing an intelligent system and going on and on about a stupid wall that will not work and harassment laws against minorities. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional racist moron. That is brainwashed functional....
ID cards are racist, remember?
Try to keep your lies straight.
Minorities and the old and the young have trouble getting IDs. That's about voting. They showed all their ID when they registered. After that there's signature that is good enough and it works-it's a stupid idea that anyone would go to the trouble of voting for someone else when the laws are so strict.... we need an ID card to end illegal immigration like all other modern countries have who have this problem. Brainwashed functional moron!
How do they sign up for benefits if they can't get IDs?
They don't get benefits, brainwashed functional moron. I'm not talking about the ID cards we have now with anyone can fake.
Minorities, the old and the young don't get benefits? Do you know how moronic that statement is? Apparently not, but try. Even a room temperature IQ should be able to figure that out.
Not if they are illegal, ding bat doop. You are totally missinformed again. All your ridiculous propaganda headlines end up being about the kids going to school and getting free breakfast. No welfare nothing like benefits. 94% of illegal men work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill with ID card, the only solution. As done in every other modern country. Jesus!
Do you realize that you lost the subject of the thread? We've been talking about voters, not illegals. Go back and read what you actually wrote. YOU said that "Minorities and the old and the young have trouble getting IDs". Again, how do they get benefits if they can't get ID's?
F Amazon
They’re a cartel
Amazon should be tax ed and any monopoly policy should be stopped. things the GOP doesn't like doing the bought off bastards. No not you doops
They're following the law, why do you have a problem with that?
At this point it is Republican law and Republican corruption at work. Deregulation always ends up with a corrupt bubble and bust by the Republicans. 1929-1989 2008 2020 stupid Trump even.... And we still have giveaway to the rich Reagan tax rates.
And where have the democrats been this whole time? They've had a few turns at the control wheel. If they're really that weak and ineffective, why are you still voting for them?
Because they want intelligent policies. And have been totally obstructed for 40 years. All the scumbag brainwashing GOP wants is giveaway tax rates to the rich and giant corporations and screwing everyone else. They have reconciliation for that. Time to go nuclear against your disgraceful party. They had 58 filabusters before 1971. And like 200 a year since .....
Sounds like you're not getting what you want from the democrats. If they are that completely ineffective you should be voting for someone else.
It is too bad we have the most gullible voters in the modern world. Including the worst brainwashing propaganda machine anywhere ever.....
I agree, voters should stop buying the garbage democrats are shoveling and stop voting for them.
The whole world of law enforcement and journalism knows you are nuts along with Trump and Rupert Murdoch who owns everything that agrees with you. Crappy Fox New York post Wall Street journal Sunday times that's it in the whole world s*******. And internet crazies.
You know, you would have more credibility talking about someone being nuts if you used punctuation. Also if you quit voting for democrats and expecting them to give you what you want.
Oh, did she ban grandma from drinking water in the voting line?

Oh...she wants a mega-corporation to pay taxes. Nevermind.

No. Grandma can bring her own water.

Good thing mega-corporations already pay majority of taxes. She should be proud.
Actually mega corporations pay almost zero in taxes. Perhaps if you weren’t a fact averse pos?

Will your Democratic masters change the laws? I doubt it.
When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
students: *perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend even more money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: wait we gave you a bunch already what did you spend it on
What we need is what every other modern country has, a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly no more giveaway to the rich brainwashed the rubes GOP. What a disgrace. The worst inequality ever means blacks are screwed more than anyone as always. The whole country is a GOP mess, only brainwashed ignoramuses like you don't know it, in the entire world.
Funny how every minority prefers to immigrate to America instead of your utopian fantasy worlds. And not one Leftard has ever left America for your land of Progressive Nirvana.
Other modern countries have an ID card to end illegal immigration. They don't have the GOP's screwing everything up obstructing an intelligent system and going on and on about a stupid wall that will not work and harassment laws against minorities. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional racist moron. That is brainwashed functional....
ID cards are racist, remember?
Try to keep your lies straight.
Minorities and the old and the young have trouble getting IDs. That's about voting. They showed all their ID when they registered. After that there's signature that is good enough and it works-it's a stupid idea that anyone would go to the trouble of voting for someone else when the laws are so strict.... we need an ID card to end illegal immigration like all other modern countries have who have this problem. Brainwashed functional moron!
How do they sign up for benefits if they can't get IDs?
They don't get benefits, brainwashed functional moron. I'm not talking about the ID cards we have now with anyone can fake.
Minorities, the old and the young don't get benefits? Do you know how moronic that statement is? Apparently not, but try. Even a room temperature IQ should be able to figure that out.
Not if they are illegal, ding bat doop. You are totally missinformed again. All your ridiculous propaganda headlines end up being about the kids going to school and getting free breakfast. No welfare nothing like benefits. 94% of illegal men work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill with ID card, the only solution. As done in every other modern country. Jesus!
ID is racist for voting, but not proving you’re a legal immigrant!
The 2010 Democratic immigration bill started with an ID card for work which is the only solution to an illegal immigration, ding bat. People show their ID when they register to vote dumbass and 40 years later they may not have them anymore..... There is no evidence of any fraud going on dipstick. Why don't you jump in your car and go run down some capital police if that's what you think?
When a Baltimore public high school’s top student has a 0.13 GPA and has passed 2 classes in 4 years and you Leftards defend that.....
students: *perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: okay, here you go
democrats: *spend even more money on administration and ridiculous curricula*
students: *continue to perform poorly*
democrats: we need more money for education
republicans: wait we gave you a bunch already what did you spend it on
What we need is what every other modern country has, a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly no more giveaway to the rich brainwashed the rubes GOP. What a disgrace. The worst inequality ever means blacks are screwed more than anyone as always. The whole country is a GOP mess, only brainwashed ignoramuses like you don't know it, in the entire world.
Funny how every minority prefers to immigrate to America instead of your utopian fantasy worlds. And not one Leftard has ever left America for your land of Progressive Nirvana.
Other modern countries have an ID card to end illegal immigration. They don't have the GOP's screwing everything up obstructing an intelligent system and going on and on about a stupid wall that will not work and harassment laws against minorities. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional racist moron. That is brainwashed functional....
ID cards are racist, remember?
Try to keep your lies straight.
Minorities and the old and the young have trouble getting IDs. That's about voting. They showed all their ID when they registered. After that there's signature that is good enough and it works-it's a stupid idea that anyone would go to the trouble of voting for someone else when the laws are so strict.... we need an ID card to end illegal immigration like all other modern countries have who have this problem. Brainwashed functional moron!
How do they sign up for benefits if they can't get IDs?
They don't get benefits, brainwashed functional moron. I'm not talking about the ID cards we have now with anyone can fake.
Minorities, the old and the young don't get benefits? Do you know how moronic that statement is? Apparently not, but try. Even a room temperature IQ should be able to figure that out.
Not if they are illegal, ding bat doop. You are totally missinformed again. All your ridiculous propaganda headlines end up being about the kids going to school and getting free breakfast. No welfare nothing like benefits. 94% of illegal men work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill with ID card, the only solution. As done in every other modern country. Jesus!
ID is racist for voting, but not proving you’re a legal immigrant!
The 2010 Democratic immigration bill started with an ID card for work which is the only solution to an illegal immigration, ding bat. People show their ID when they register to vote dumbass and 40 years later they may not have them anymore..... There is no evidence of any fraud going on dipstick. Why don't you jump in your car and go run down some capital police if that's what you think?
The problem was getting voter ids was that the Republicans make it as difficult as possible for the young the elderly and minorities and forced people to try and get to a certain place to get their ID. Democrats wanted many ways to make it easier including going to them. Of course no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share......
F Amazon
They’re a cartel
Amazon should be tax ed and any monopoly policy should be stopped. things the GOP doesn't like doing the bought off bastards. No not you doops
They're following the law, why do you have a problem with that?
At this point it is Republican law and Republican corruption at work. Deregulation always ends up with a corrupt bubble and bust by the Republicans. 1929-1989 2008 2020 stupid Trump even.... And we still have giveaway to the rich Reagan tax rates.
And where have the democrats been this whole time? They've had a few turns at the control wheel. If they're really that weak and ineffective, why are you still voting for them?
Because they want intelligent policies. And have been totally obstructed for 40 years. All the scumbag brainwashing GOP wants is giveaway tax rates to the rich and giant corporations and screwing everyone else. They have reconciliation for that. Time to go nuclear against your disgraceful party. They had 58 filabusters before 1971. And like 200 a year since .....
Sounds like you're not getting what you want from the democrats. If they are that completely ineffective you should be voting for someone else.
It is too bad we have the most gullible voters in the modern world. Including the worst brainwashing propaganda machine anywhere ever.....
I agree, voters should stop buying the garbage democrats are shoveling and stop voting for them.
The whole world of law enforcement and journalism knows you are nuts along with Trump and Rupert Murdoch who owns everything that agrees with you. Crappy Fox New York post Wall Street journal Sunday times that's it in the whole world s*******. And internet crazies.
You know, you would have more credibility talking about someone being nuts if you used punctuation. Also if you quit voting for democrats and expecting them to give you what you want.
Everyone in the world outside your GOP propaganda world knows you are nuts on almost every subject. Shove your grammar up your ass. It's the smartphone.
Oh, did she ban grandma from drinking water in the voting line?

Oh...she wants a mega-corporation to pay taxes. Nevermind.

No. Grandma can bring her own water.

Good thing mega-corporations already pay majority of taxes. She should be proud.
Actually mega corporations pay almost zero in taxes. Perhaps if you weren’t a fact averse pos?

Will your Democratic masters change the laws? I doubt it.
Thanks to your GOP filibuster rule They will go nuclear. 70% of the people in the United States are in favor of it at this point. Only brainwashed functional morons like you are not. 40 years of total GOP obstruction and giveaway to the rich... 58 filibusters before the stupid rule in 70 years and now we have 200 a year. Only you idiots don't know what is going on.
The problem was getting voter ids was that the Republicans make it as difficult as possible for the young the elderly and minorities and forced people to try and get to a certain place to get their ID.
how do they do that exactly?
You brainwashed functional morons don't know what fascists and Nazis are at this point. Until the book liberal fascism and all your crap propaganda, everyone knew they are right-wing thugs and swine who want a right-wing dictatorship like many of you idiots do. Change the goddamn channel and rejoin reality.
Delete yourself.
I wish they had a knee slap emoji. I'd click it here.
You brainwashed functional morons don't know what fascists and Nazis are at this point. Until the book liberal fascism and all your crap propaganda, everyone knew they are right-wing thugs and swine who want a right-wing dictatorship like many of you idiots do. Change the goddamn channel and rejoin reality.
Delete yourself.
I wish they had a knee slap emoji. I'd click it here.
I have a master's in history, you have a masters in garbage propaganda. I admire and respect your opinion lol. So does everyone outside your bubble of brainwash. In the whole world. Jumping Jehoshaphat
The problem was getting voter ids was that the Republicans make it as difficult as possible for the young the elderly and minorities and forced people to try and get to a certain place to get their ID.
how do they do that exactly?
They had to go to a DMV or something to get ID according to your crap law. Which will never be passed because it's stupid and based on lies ding bat. There is no evidence of voter fraud just your babbling idiot high school grad pundits like rush and Sean. And the bought off. Everyone in the world knows it but you idiots lol.... All of your heroes are perverts too. Unbelievable. Roger ales O'Reilly and on and on. Trump this new idiot. God you're stupid. Oop s brainwashed functional idiot.
Threatens to break up Amazon so they can’t heckle the DC elite.
The stupid woman doesn't seem to realize that LOOPHOLES have in tax laws have existed for decades, long before YOU .0074% Indian bitch became a senator.
She's a DEMOCRAT. She thinks loopholes somehow allows people to EVADE paying their taxes when in fact loopholes are just part of the TAX CODE written into law by the legislature so that people don't pay more than their fair share.
F Amazon
They’re a cartel
Amazon should be tax ed and any monopoly policy should be stopped. things the GOP doesn't like doing the bought off bastards. No not you doops
They're following the law, why do you have a problem with that?
At this point it is Republican law and Republican corruption at work. Deregulation always ends up with a corrupt bubble and bust by the Republicans. 1929-1989 2008 2020 stupid Trump even.... And we still have giveaway to the rich Reagan tax rates.
And where have the democrats been this whole time? They've had a few turns at the control wheel. If they're really that weak and ineffective, why are you still voting for them?
Because they want intelligent policies. And have been totally obstructed for 40 years. All the scumbag brainwashing GOP wants is giveaway tax rates to the rich and giant corporations and screwing everyone else. They have reconciliation for that. Time to go nuclear against your disgraceful party. They had 58 filabusters before 1971. And like 200 a year since .....
Sounds like you're not getting what you want from the democrats. If they are that completely ineffective you should be voting for someone else.
It is too bad we have the most gullible voters in the modern world. Including the worst brainwashing propaganda machine anywhere ever.....
I agree, voters should stop buying the garbage democrats are shoveling and stop voting for them.
The whole world of law enforcement and journalism knows you are nuts along with Trump and Rupert Murdoch who owns everything that agrees with you. Crappy Fox New York post Wall Street journal Sunday times that's it in the whole world s*******. And internet crazies.
You know, you would have more credibility talking about someone being nuts if you used punctuation. Also if you quit voting for democrats and expecting them to give you what you want.
Everyone in the world outside your GOP propaganda world knows you are nuts on almost every subject. Shove your grammar up your ass. It's the smartphone.
You mean in the echo chamber where dissent is not allowed? Even a smartphone can produce legible results if you're willing to edit what you type before you post it. But here we are.
Oh, did she ban grandma from drinking water in the voting line?

Oh...she wants a mega-corporation to pay taxes. Nevermind.

No. Grandma can bring her own water.

Good thing mega-corporations already pay majority of taxes. She should be proud.
Actually mega corporations pay almost zero in taxes. Perhaps if you weren’t a fact averse pos?

Will your Democratic masters change the laws? I doubt it.
Thanks to your GOP filibuster rule They will go nuclear. 70% of the people in the United States are in favor of it at this point. Only brainwashed functional morons like you are not. 40 years of total GOP obstruction and giveaway to the rich... 58 filibusters before the stupid rule in 70 years and now we have 200 a year. Only you idiots don't know what is going on.
Apparently democrat ideas just aren't all that popular if only Republicans can get anything done. Looks like you're voting for the wrong party.
Oh, did she ban grandma from drinking water in the voting line?

Oh...she wants a mega-corporation to pay taxes. Nevermind.

No. Grandma can bring her own water.

Good thing mega-corporations already pay majority of taxes. She should be proud.
Actually mega corporations pay almost zero in taxes. Perhaps if you weren’t a fact averse pos?

Will your Democratic masters change the laws? I doubt it.
Thanks to your GOP filibuster rule They will go nuclear. 70% of the people in the United States are in favor of it at this point. Only brainwashed functional morons like you are not. 40 years of total GOP obstruction and giveaway to the rich... 58 filibusters before the stupid rule in 70 years and now we have 200 a year. Only you idiots don't know what is going on.
Apparently democrat ideas just aren't all that popular if only Republicans can get anything done. Looks like you're voting for the wrong party.
All they do is cut taxes on the rich and screw everybody else, wrecking the country. For which they only need 51 votes thanks to their reconciliation rule. And then they have their filibuster rule to obstruct the Democrats. Quite the scam. Time for the nuclear solution. The great majority of people want it.

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