Elizabeth Warren Is an Idiot

Whelp, for instance yesterday I was using it to stay awake while working. When everything is caught up and there's nothing to do, you gotta find something.

I could read a book, but then it wouldn't look like I was still working.

Seems to me if you were using the library for anything else like expanding your knowledge, your posts would reflect that. They don't.
So how much hush money are we talking about to keep your employer from finding out that you're slacking off on the job ?

Now, if you're going to cheat your employer, at least do it productively. Go look up all my OPs and posts and educate yourself to the massive amount of knowledge you've missed. You can start with my Islamization Quiz. Oh I forgot - you're a liberal,so you don't know what the word Islamization means. :rolleyes:
Whelp, for instance yesterday I was using it to stay awake while working. When everything is caught up and there's nothing to do, you gotta find something.

I could read a book, but then it wouldn't look like I was still working.

Seems to me if you were using the library for anything else like expanding your knowledge, your posts would reflect that. They don't.
So how much hush money are we talking about to keep your employer from finding out that you're slacking off on the job ?

Now, if you're going to cheat your employer, at least do it productively. Go look up all my OPs and posts and educate yourself to the massive amount of knowledge you've missed. You can start with my Islamization Quiz. Oh I forgot - you're a liberal,so you don't know what the word Islamization means. :rolleyes:

I *AM* my employer. I contract to deliver results, and I deliver them, and the client loves them. By the time I'm posting here it means that all the work that can be done up to that point, IS done. I'm that good.
I *AM* my employer. I contract to deliver results, and I deliver them, and the client loves them. By the time I'm posting here it means that all the work that can be done up to that point, IS done. I'm that good.
But not good enough to know that EVERYONE works for someone else. As a former business owner, I know who the entrepreneur's bosses are > his CUSTOMERS, and potential ones. You work for whomever the money comes from.:biggrin:

Now stop wasting time, and got to Monroe.
I *AM* my employer. I contract to deliver results, and I deliver them, and the client loves them. By the time I'm posting here it means that all the work that can be done up to that point, IS done. I'm that good.
But not good enough to know that EVERYONE works for someone else. As a former business owner, I know who the entrepreneur's bosses are > his CUSTOMERS, and potential ones. You work for whomever the money comes from.:biggrin:

Now stop wasting time, and got to Monroe.

NONE of my time on the job is wasted. Once again, the client is ecstatic with the results I give them, and once again, once my system is set up it runs itself, there is nothing more for me to do while I'm passing time posting.

Oh and it's not in "Monroe". Closest I've ever been to Monroe is Shreveport, and even then only briefly.
I read what you write but it is just not backed up by facts. You are repeating talking points designed to do miss and discredit. While I understand the tactic, I can’t take it seriously in an honest debate.
If you really think facts are on your side then used them to back up your statements. Let’s start with the first claim... the inquiry is illegal and a hoax. Prove it
The POTUS is entitled to investigate ANY corruption occurring, involving US citizens and US political office holders. Biden and his son are obvious, Hunter getting $50K/month from Burisma because he knoiws so much about gas, energy and Ukraine, right ? :puhleeze:
EARTH TO SLADE: This is already proved to everyone who isn't sitting around with ridiculous pretenses. Pleas ask for something intelligent.
and the house has the right to impeach the president if they feel he isn’t properly doing his job. So where does the illegal hoax come from? You haven’t made a case for it.

Absolutely wrong.

The House of Representatives can only constitutionally impeach someone for High Crimes or Misdemeanors.

Not incompetence or laziness or "not properly doing his job"
How is it decided if a high crime or misdemeanor has been committed?

Show actual evidence and testimony. Not "hearsay" but real evidence of a real crime

when are they suppose to present the evidence?
Sen. Elizabeth Warren earned nearly $2 million consulting for corporations and financial firms, records show

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) earned nearly $2 million working as a consultant for corporations and financial firms while she was a law professor at Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania and other law schools, according to records her campaign abruptly released Sunday evening.

Warren’s consulting work often involved companies dealing with bankruptcy, which was her specialty as an academic. Her campaign had been asked repeatedly for the information and had declined to release it multiple times.

Her work for some of the companies doesn’t fit neatly with her current presidential campaign brand as a crusader against corporate interests.

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