Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

At the end of the day what damn difference does it make if she is 100% Indian or 100% bullshit ting bullshit?

Seriously, who gives a fuck.....

no one, but she made up the story trying to get special treatment. she has been called out

Actually that claim itself is what's been called out. And we did this yesterday. SIL gottum heap big ass-handing.

But I understand your tactic is to drone on and on and on and on and on and on with a myth you know you can't prove in order to obscure the original point of the actual content. Doesn't take much to see child psychology.


OK, I'll try to go slow. Warren claims to be 1/32 native American. She has offered no proof except she said it.

OK so far?

Others have said that since she can't prove it, she must be lying about it

still with me?

Sooooooooooooooooooo, the burden of proof is on the original claim of being part indian.

Provide her proof and then we can continue. OR, you can just admit that she made it up.

No. That's at the most a "case not proven" --- IT IS NOT AND NEVER CAN BE PROOF OF A "LIE".

How can somebody so adept at lying claim not to know what the word means?

If I'm Irish, and I know I'm Irish, and yet I claim to be Icelandic --- THAT's a lie. Get it?
If you are Irish then you should be able to prove it. If warren is a native American she should be able to prove it.

If I say that you lied about being Irish, you simply provide proof and show me up. Warren could do the same, except she can't------------------------figure it out yet, hopstick?

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way here on Earth. Never did.

If I say I'm Irish and you say I didn't prove that -- you're right. Until I provide proof, I didn't.
If I say I'm Irish and you say I "lied" -- then you've declared the action on my part, and the burden of proof is YOURS.
no one, but she made up the story trying to get special treatment. she has been called out

Actually that claim itself is what's been called out. And we did this yesterday. SIL gottum heap big ass-handing.

But I understand your tactic is to drone on and on and on and on and on and on with a myth you know you can't prove in order to obscure the original point of the actual content. Doesn't take much to see child psychology.


OK, I'll try to go slow. Warren claims to be 1/32 native American. She has offered no proof except she said it.

OK so far?

Others have said that since she can't prove it, she must be lying about it

still with me?

Sooooooooooooooooooo, the burden of proof is on the original claim of being part indian.

Provide her proof and then we can continue. OR, you can just admit that she made it up.

No. That's at the most a "case not proven" --- IT IS NOT AND NEVER CAN BE PROOF OF A "LIE".

How can somebody so adept at lying claim not to know what the word means?

If I'm Irish, and I know I'm Irish, and yet I claim to be Icelandic --- THAT's a lie. Get it?
If you are Irish then you should be able to prove it. If warren is a native American she should be able to prove it.

If I say that you lied about being Irish, you simply provide proof and show me up. Warren could do the same, except she can't------------------------figure it out yet, hopstick?

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way here on Earth. Never did.

If I say I'm Irish and you say I didn't prove that -- you're right. Until I provide proof, I didn't.
If I say I'm Irish and you say I "lied" -- then you've declared the action on my part, and the burden of proof is YOURS.

your attempt at logical reasoning fails, just as your liberal bullshit rants fail every single time.
The burden of proof is on the claimant, absolutely.

And the claim here is "she lied".

Pretty simple sentence --- the verb there is "lied".

That requires proof of a negative, or proof of knowing falsification.

And again, what we have for evidence on that is... absolutely squat.

Playing word salad equals spinning and deflection. Read the links. She LIED

I have yet to see one of your links that proves she lied....best you have is that her claims can't be substantiated

Where is the lie? Were you able to get her grandmother to state she never told anyone there were native Americans in the family?

You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH

Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.
What you claim has not even been credibly suggested. Habitual lying is what Trump does. It means routine and repeated lies about a wide range of topics that are repeated even after credible refuting. At best the allegations against Clinton has been that she told some lies, all of which she has addressed with explanations and taken responsibility for. Trump just doubles down and repeats the lies. That is what makes him habitual and pathological. The refusal to take responsibility indicates a mental illness.
The burden of proof is on the claimant, absolutely.

And the claim here is "she lied".

Pretty simple sentence --- the verb there is "lied".

That requires proof of a negative, or proof of knowing falsification.

And again, what we have for evidence on that is... absolutely squat.

Playing word salad equals spinning and deflection. Read the links. She LIED

I have yet to see one of your links that proves she lied....best you have is that her claims can't be substantiated

Where is the lie? Were you able to get her grandmother to state she never told anyone there were native Americans in the family?

You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH

Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.

Yea..yea...25 years ago she claimed she landed where there were snipers
50 years ago she thought she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary

Meanwhile your leading candidate lies to claim he saw Muslims dancing in our streets, he lies to claim he never met the handicapped man he mocked, lied to claim he never said John McCain was not his type of hero
Actually that claim itself is what's been called out. And we did this yesterday. SIL gottum heap big ass-handing.

But I understand your tactic is to drone on and on and on and on and on and on with a myth you know you can't prove in order to obscure the original point of the actual content. Doesn't take much to see child psychology.


OK, I'll try to go slow. Warren claims to be 1/32 native American. She has offered no proof except she said it.

OK so far?

Others have said that since she can't prove it, she must be lying about it

still with me?

Sooooooooooooooooooo, the burden of proof is on the original claim of being part indian.

Provide her proof and then we can continue. OR, you can just admit that she made it up.

No. That's at the most a "case not proven" --- IT IS NOT AND NEVER CAN BE PROOF OF A "LIE".

How can somebody so adept at lying claim not to know what the word means?

If I'm Irish, and I know I'm Irish, and yet I claim to be Icelandic --- THAT's a lie. Get it?
If you are Irish then you should be able to prove it. If warren is a native American she should be able to prove it.

If I say that you lied about being Irish, you simply provide proof and show me up. Warren could do the same, except she can't------------------------figure it out yet, hopstick?

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way here on Earth. Never did.

If I say I'm Irish and you say I didn't prove that -- you're right. Until I provide proof, I didn't.
If I say I'm Irish and you say I "lied" -- then you've declared the action on my part, and the burden of proof is YOURS.

your attempt at logical reasoning fails, just as your liberal bullshit rants fail every single time.

That's pretty funny what you just really said there. :lmao:
Actually that claim itself is what's been called out. And we did this yesterday. SIL gottum heap big ass-handing.

But I understand your tactic is to drone on and on and on and on and on and on with a myth you know you can't prove in order to obscure the original point of the actual content. Doesn't take much to see child psychology.


OK, I'll try to go slow. Warren claims to be 1/32 native American. She has offered no proof except she said it.

OK so far?

Others have said that since she can't prove it, she must be lying about it

still with me?

Sooooooooooooooooooo, the burden of proof is on the original claim of being part indian.

Provide her proof and then we can continue. OR, you can just admit that she made it up.

No. That's at the most a "case not proven" --- IT IS NOT AND NEVER CAN BE PROOF OF A "LIE".

How can somebody so adept at lying claim not to know what the word means?

If I'm Irish, and I know I'm Irish, and yet I claim to be Icelandic --- THAT's a lie. Get it?
If you are Irish then you should be able to prove it. If warren is a native American she should be able to prove it.

If I say that you lied about being Irish, you simply provide proof and show me up. Warren could do the same, except she can't------------------------figure it out yet, hopstick?

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way here on Earth. Never did.

If I say I'm Irish and you say I didn't prove that -- you're right. Until I provide proof, I didn't.
If I say I'm Irish and you say I "lied" -- then you've declared the action on my part, and the burden of proof is YOURS.

your attempt at logical reasoning fails, just as your liberal bullshit rants fail every single time.
Actually, your are getting your ass handed to you, as usual, and showing you are too dumb to know when to quit.
Playing word salad equals spinning and deflection. Read the links. She LIED

I have yet to see one of your links that proves she lied....best you have is that her claims can't be substantiated

Where is the lie? Were you able to get her grandmother to state she never told anyone there were native Americans in the family?

You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH

Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.

Yea..yea...25 years ago she claimed she landed where there were snipers
50 years ago she thought she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary

Meanwhile your leading candidate lies to claim he saw Muslims dancing in our streets, he lies to claim he never met the handicapped man he mocked, lied to claim he never said John McCain was not his type of hero

Oh don't stop there -- claimed to not know anything about the vitamin-scam company even after personally making videos and personal appearances for it --- claimed not to know who David Duke is, sixteen years after publicly distancing himself specifically... claimed not to have any bankruptcies.... claimed to still have steaks and magazines that no longer exist...
Actually that claim itself is what's been called out. And we did this yesterday. SIL gottum heap big ass-handing.

But I understand your tactic is to drone on and on and on and on and on and on with a myth you know you can't prove in order to obscure the original point of the actual content. Doesn't take much to see child psychology.


OK, I'll try to go slow. Warren claims to be 1/32 native American. She has offered no proof except she said it.

OK so far?

Others have said that since she can't prove it, she must be lying about it

still with me?

Sooooooooooooooooooo, the burden of proof is on the original claim of being part indian.

Provide her proof and then we can continue. OR, you can just admit that she made it up.

No. That's at the most a "case not proven" --- IT IS NOT AND NEVER CAN BE PROOF OF A "LIE".

How can somebody so adept at lying claim not to know what the word means?

If I'm Irish, and I know I'm Irish, and yet I claim to be Icelandic --- THAT's a lie. Get it?
If you are Irish then you should be able to prove it. If warren is a native American she should be able to prove it.

If I say that you lied about being Irish, you simply provide proof and show me up. Warren could do the same, except she can't------------------------figure it out yet, hopstick?

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way here on Earth. Never did.

If I say I'm Irish and you say I didn't prove that -- you're right. Until I provide proof, I didn't.
If I say I'm Irish and you say I "lied" -- then you've declared the action on my part, and the burden of proof is YOURS.

your attempt at logical reasoning fails, just as your liberal bullshit rants fail every single time.

Hey, I don't make the laws of logic. I just enforce 'em.
Now put your hands behind your back....
This is how stupid the left is...Warren was caught red handed lying about her heritage but that's ok....because she is on the left. If someone on the right pulled this shit their heads would spin and explode....anyone of them denies it and they are a god damn liar

BULLSHIT. I challenged you and anyone else to prove that yesterday. You FAILED.
Down heah, in the dip south, the races be pure - no mixin' nevah went on. That moviah that yankee Mckonnahay is makin' is all a pack ah lies!
Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Source: Politicususa.com
Elizabeth Warren followed up her speech that dismantled Donald Trump with a series of tweets this afternoon that left the billionaire fumbling for childish insult and blown completely out of the water.

In a series of tweets, Sen. Elizabeth Warren unloaded on Donald Trump this afternoon:

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) May 25, 2016


Democrats, like Warren, shrug off Trump’s playground taunts and keep coming and coming and coming after the billionaire. Donald Trump has never faced anything like what Democrats are going to be throwing at him.

Over the last 24 hours, Warren has shredded Trump in a major speech and on Twitter. The Republican nominee’s response has proven her correct. Trump is an empty-headed, selfish, buffoon who is unfit to be president.

Read more: Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Go Warren go!!! Attack loserterianism and go for the throat!!!!
Did you see the foreclosed houses she bought Trump is complaining about?


This one she bought for a measly $4,000 for a family member. What kind of condition is a house in that sells for four grand? I wondered what it looked like before her older brother and nephew fixed it up.

Donald Trump accuses Elizabeth Warren of making quick profits by flipping houses - The Boston Globe

Does anyone think Trump would mess with a house like that? Was anyone even living in it?

Hilarious! Most went to family members. Did she make any profit at all?
How many homeless families could she feed with the obscene profits she pocketed. She made better returns than Wall Street hedge fund manager
How much did she make?

She's makes absolutely no fucking sense. Her and Bernie are trying to convince us Venezuela is not THAT bad a future for the USA. She can fucking blow me
Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Source: Politicususa.com
Elizabeth Warren followed up her speech that dismantled Donald Trump with a series of tweets this afternoon that left the billionaire fumbling for childish insult and blown completely out of the water.

In a series of tweets, Sen. Elizabeth Warren unloaded on Donald Trump this afternoon:

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) May 25, 2016


Democrats, like Warren, shrug off Trump’s playground taunts and keep coming and coming and coming after the billionaire. Donald Trump has never faced anything like what Democrats are going to be throwing at him.

Over the last 24 hours, Warren has shredded Trump in a major speech and on Twitter. The Republican nominee’s response has proven her correct. Trump is an empty-headed, selfish, buffoon who is unfit to be president.

Read more: Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Go Warren go!!! Attack loserterianism and go for the throat!!!!
Did you see the foreclosed houses she bought Trump is complaining about?


This one she bought for a measly $4,000 for a family member. What kind of condition is a house in that sells for four grand? I wondered what it looked like before her older brother and nephew fixed it up.

Donald Trump accuses Elizabeth Warren of making quick profits by flipping houses - The Boston Globe

Does anyone think Trump would mess with a house like that? Was anyone even living in it?

Hilarious! Most went to family members. Did she make any profit at all?
How many homeless families could she feed with the obscene profits she pocketed. She made better returns than Wall Street hedge fund manager
How much did she make?

She's makes absolutely no fucking sense. Her and Bernie are trying to convince us Venezuela is not THAT bad a future for the USA. She can fucking blow me

Can you imagine the froth and spittle from our Progressives had Sarah Palin claimed Eskimo Cheekbones and rode that to an ivy league education and teaching job?

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