Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Can you imagine the froth and spittle from our Progressives had Sarah Palin claimed Eskimo Cheekbones and rode that to an ivy league education and teaching job?
Sarah Palin...Ivy League

That's funny
Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Source: Politicususa.com
Read more: Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Go Warren go!!! Attack loserterianism and go for the throat!!!!
Did you see the foreclosed houses she bought Trump is complaining about?


This one she bought for a measly $4,000 for a family member. What kind of condition is a house in that sells for four grand? I wondered what it looked like before her older brother and nephew fixed it up.

Donald Trump accuses Elizabeth Warren of making quick profits by flipping houses - The Boston Globe

Does anyone think Trump would mess with a house like that? Was anyone even living in it?

Hilarious! Most went to family members. Did she make any profit at all?
How many homeless families could she feed with the obscene profits she pocketed. She made better returns than Wall Street hedge fund manager
How much did she make?

She's makes absolutely no fucking sense. Her and Bernie are trying to convince us Venezuela is not THAT bad a future for the USA. She can fucking blow me



Hey, you just found the missing link!
Can you imagine the froth and spittle from our Progressives had Sarah Palin claimed Eskimo Cheekbones and rode that to an ivy league education and teaching job?
Sarah Palin...Ivy League

That's funny

Barack Obama, Constitutional Scholar

That's funny.

Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee Indian

That's funny.


If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

Actually death blow was dealt when he nailed her as "Pocahontas." That's going to stick with her for a long, long time.

Can you imagine the froth and spittle from our Progressives had Sarah Palin claimed Eskimo Cheekbones and rode that to an ivy league education and teaching job?
Sarah Palin...Ivy League

That's funny

Barack Obama, Constitutional Scholar

That's funny.

Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee Indian

That's funny.


If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

Actually death blow was dealt when he nailed her as "Pocahontas." That's going to stick with her for a long, long time.


Is one of these guys Lizzy's Dad?


Can you imagine the froth and spittle from our Progressives had Sarah Palin claimed Eskimo Cheekbones and rode that to an ivy league education and teaching job?
Sarah Palin...Ivy League

That's funny

Barack Obama, Constitutional Scholar

That's funny.

Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee Indian

That's funny.


If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

Actually death blow was dealt when he nailed her as "Pocahontas." That's going to stick with her for a long, long time.


Is one of these guys Lizzy's Dad?



I wooden know (wooden -- get it...)

Is that avatar your mom?
Can you imagine the froth and spittle from our Progressives had Sarah Palin claimed Eskimo Cheekbones and rode that to an ivy league education and teaching job?
Sarah Palin...Ivy League

That's funny

Barack Obama, Constitutional Scholar

That's funny.

Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee Indian

That's funny.


If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

Actually death blow was dealt when he nailed her as "Pocahontas." That's going to stick with her for a long, long time.


Is one of these guys Lizzy's Dad?



I wooden know (wooden -- get it...)

Is that avatar your mom?

Yes....my Mom is black and transgender.....I've always been confused about where to pee.......:(

Sarah Palin...Ivy League

That's funny

Barack Obama, Constitutional Scholar

That's funny.

Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee Indian

That's funny.


If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

Actually death blow was dealt when he nailed her as "Pocahontas." That's going to stick with her for a long, long time.


Is one of these guys Lizzy's Dad?



I wooden know (wooden -- get it...)

Is that avatar your mom?

Yes....my Mom is black and transgender.....I've always been confused about where to pee.......:(


That doesn't make sense.

You know we did away with "colored" restrooms, right?
Barack Obama, Constitutional Scholar

That's funny.

Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee Indian

That's funny.


Actually death blow was dealt when he nailed her as "Pocahontas." That's going to stick with her for a long, long time.


Is one of these guys Lizzy's Dad?



I wooden know (wooden -- get it...)

Is that avatar your mom?

Yes....my Mom is black and transgender.....I've always been confused about where to pee.......:(


That doesn't make sense.

You know we did away with "colored" restrooms, right?

Oh...it's not a color issue.....it's a personal plumbing issue. :D


Is one of these guys Lizzy's Dad?



I wooden know (wooden -- get it...)

Is that avatar your mom?

Yes....my Mom is black and transgender.....I've always been confused about where to pee.......:(


That doesn't make sense.

You know we did away with "colored" restrooms, right?

Oh...it's not a color issue.....it's a personal plumbing issue. :D

Soooo..... you go to the bathroom with your mom?

Way TMI dood.
Warren had a fit and spouted some crap. So did Rosie O'Donnell, and they both look lame.

I'll be impressed when one can intelligently explain why we don't need secure borders or why socialism is so great. As it is, they look like whiny ass losers.
You're getting off task. I believe the discussion was regarding this faux Native American. :lol:


Oh we did that, Quién no sabe. Two days ago now. Heap big myth fall down, go boom. Pogo bring down with usual arrow-link. Many pale face turn red.

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