Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

Oh ya, nailed it.


Warren lied about being Native American. Rachel Dolezal lied about being African American. Hillary lies about everything.

You don't need to surf the net to find stupid lies since sometimes they come out of the mouth of libs.
You're getting off task. I believe the discussion was regarding this faux Native American. :lol:


Oh we did that, Quién no sabe. Two days ago now. Heap big myth fall down, go boom. Pogo bring down with usual arrow-link. Many pale face turn red.

I like the little fake Indian. Sure....she's a complete fucking moon-bat, but what-the-hell.....stupid people who can't do basic math need politicians like Lizzy and Bernie. :thup:

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

Oh ya, nailed it.


Warren lied about being Native American. Rachel Dolezal lied about being African American. Hillary lies about everything.

You don't need to surf the net to find stupid lies since sometimes they come out of the mouth of libs.

But you do need a link to prove your point.
And none exists.

Been there, done that. Go see post 160. Thank me later.
Warren had a fit and spouted some crap. So did Rosie O'Donnell, and they both look lame.

I'll be impressed when one can intelligently explain why we don't need secure borders or why socialism is so great. As it is, they look like whiny ass losers.

Irony post.
You're getting off task. I believe the discussion was regarding this faux Native American. :lol:


Oh we did that, Quién no sabe. Two days ago now. Heap big myth fall down, go boom. Pogo bring down with usual arrow-link. Many pale face turn red.
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May 25, 2016 0
Stephen King And Hundreds Of Writers Sign Letter Warning Against A Trump Presidency

Pretty strong words from a large group of people who know all too well the power that words can have in our lives

Yeah, right, a bunch of people who tell stories for a living are who we should take advice from.
Trump tells stories for a living..stories about a University that will lead to success, stories about mass deportations ...stories about raising minimum wage and hiking taxes for the rich ...you know fiction

You think Hillary doesn't tell stories for a living? Really? How many different stories has she told about her emails? Benghazi? Remember the famous story about the video that killed the embassy personnel?

Don't forget the time her helicopter landed and they were ducking sniper fire as they ran for shelter.
I remember when Trump turned left at a GOP debate!

Totally wrecked the party with Bush did not keep us safe on 911 and lies about wmds in Iraq.

I was rolling on the floor when he did that!!

You're so desperate you still keep up those SAME LIES. Were you not so pathetic, this would be funny.
This is how stupid the left is...Warren was caught red handed lying about her heritage but that's ok....because she is on the left. If someone on the right pulled this shit their heads would spin and explode....anyone of them denies it and they are a god damn liar

BULLSHIT. I challenged you and anyone else to prove that yesterday. You FAILED.

No,, you chose to ignore the facts, that isn't fail on my part, it's fail on your part. Now sit down with your utter nonsense and toeing the party line at all costs...even looking like an ignorant fool

Funny you still can't prove it then, huh. :itsok:

Hey, maybe if ya put on the Special Red Shoes, click them together three times....

GFY there are numerable links proving she lied. Your attempt at being condescending is just more fail on your part. You really are a worthless troll

Warren claims she is 1/32 Native American

You have yet to disprove it

She has yet to prove it. Being that she is blond and blue eyed, my guess there is a better chance her ancestors are Vikings!
Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

Let's see...you're tired of Republicans going to their "YOU LIE" chants.

Given that, we're dealing with the Clinton's and Socialist who lies that she is Pocahontas, where else can one go? Throw in Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who won Liar of the Year Award.

Then there is the "study" done by Elizabeth Warren that she uses to claim the majority of bankruptcies are caused by medical expenses. FLAT OUT LIE.
<--endorses Trump..

"Pharma bro" Martin Shkreli endorses Trump
Source: The Hill

Embattled former pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli endorsed Donald Trump Thursday night, saying he supports him over Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

“I haven’t been called by the Trump camp. I support him vs. Hillary,” Shkreli tweeted Thursday. “He should find a VP candidate who is seasoned in politics, an ugly game.”

The former Turing Pharmaceuticals executive became subject to national scorn after he raised the costs of a life-saving drug called Darpin by more than 5,000 percent last year, and buoyantly touted the profits on social media.

Shkreli was also arrested last December for his involvement with another drugmaker, Retrophin, which federal prosecutors said he operated like a quasi-Ponzi scheme.

Read more: Embattled pharma CEO endorses Trump

What? A long skreed of single quotes that doesnt share with us any of Trumps responses? That is 'shredding' someone?

Were one engaging in critical thought, one would try to get BOTH sides of this discussion, but Matthew, you are citing an attack piece that fails to even give a sock puppet defense of Trump it is so completely one sided.

Is that what passes of rational objective thought these days?

It is simply astonishing that a woman who fraudulently claims to be an Amerindian, makes $350k annually and lives in a million dollar mansion is presenting herself as the defender of the poor and downtrodden.

Despite all the rhetoric from Warren about the Wall Street fiasco, and she is justified in her rage, I dont get the impression she really understands the completely unregulated derivatives market $600 TRILLION+ Leviathon that could crush any single nations economy with a hiccup like the one in 2008? If she does, then why isnt she talking more about that instead of getting into the weeds of pushouts and other arcane legal wrangling items that only a legal accountant could appreciate? I have seen Sanders discuss this some, but not Warren, which makes me suspect she is as much of a financial expert as she is Amerindian.

And what about some of her slams on Trump as a 'loser'; WTF? They say she is trying to out-Trump Trump, but that is not the kind of thing Trump does. Trump 'rebrands' people by taking truthful things and focusing attention on them like Jeb!s 'low energy'. Dude, Jeb! is nothing if not low energy. Take for example that speech he gave in Floriduh where he had to clue the audience in to applaud after he woke them up. Trump nailed that one, and his summation of Ted Cruz as 'Lying Ted', which rang true to anyone that dug into Cruz' career of exaggerating his opponents nonConservative statements. Again Trump made it stick because people could see that there was an element of Truth to it.

But Warrens characterization of Trump as a loser? Give me a break; how is a multi-trillion dollar successful businessman in one of the toughest real estate markets in the world, who is also a successful author and TV star for 12 years running, how is such man even remotely a 'loser'? That does not stick except to a delusional ignoramus or an ideologue and comes nowhere close to rebranding Trump. Warren is just blowing gas out of her pie hole.

Warren has also called Trump a demagogue but that seems hypocrital coming from a fake Cherokee who got into Harvard by pushing her Amerindian minority status that was simply bullshit. Trump Responds To Elizabeth Warren’s Criticism By Calling Her ‘The Indian’ Of course, she now says she only did that so she could meet other Amerindians on the faculty; lol, yeah, no kidding, complete horse shit.

And talk about ducking regulations and failing to disclose assets, how did she miss her $1.3 million line of credit from Bank of America? Why does that not count as much as anyone elses financial assistance from a bank? Why does it not raise questions about whether Warren is sold goods? Trump Responds To Elizabeth Warren’s Criticism By Calling Her ‘The Indian’

While Elizabeth Warren presents herself as a champion of the Middle Class, what has she accomplished other than getting her own party pissed with her? Obama has slammed on her efforts against global trade, etc, and she sounds kind of like the Democrat version of Ted Cruz, but I dont see anything she has accomplished for anyone, much like Hillary. Two women who run on their credentials and ticket punched resume but who have no accomplishments to show for it other than holding office itself.

At least Trump has built some buildings, sold a bunch of books and became a TV star for 12 years straight. And that makes idiots like Warren consider him a loser? Only in the insane world of politics and academia.
Obama Rips Trump

President Obama’s public disparagement of Donald Trump during a news conference in Japan “obliterated the now-quaint political convention that partisanship stops at the water’s edge. It also revealed a stark truth: The world is worried about Trump,” the Washington Post reports.

“Although he is not on the November ticket, Obama has a foreign policy legacy to protect, particularly against Trump, who has called the president’s approach weak and incoherent.”
If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

She nailed it

Actually death blow was dealt when he nailed her as "Pocahontas." That's going to stick with her for a long, long time.
Never ceases to amaze me how simplistic conservatives are. Pocahontas and some racist Indian references and they go into a tizzy

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