Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

He already did and it has backfired on him.

are you living under a bridge? Trump's numbers go up every time one of your loony dems try to take him on. He destroyed the fake squaw. 1/32 indian????????????? are you guys really that gullible?

Can you disprove what she claims?

:lmao:Trotting out the fake Indian dummy? Really? Y'all Clinton Bootlickers are funny.
That is your lame response for not being able to back up your claims?

She's a shallow dumb liar. She should just shut up and go suck on some Clinton farts. Seriously, she's a pathetic loser.
Sounds like you got nothing but racist hate to back up your bullshit.
Read the links dumbass, you and your little butt buddy Pogo are looking really stupid here....but that's normal for you two goofs. Now run along and be stupid somewhere else, fool

I did ....you have yet to prove she is not 1/32 native American. You are claiming she is a liar. Burden of proof is on you

wrong, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Sooooo, post her family tree showing Sitting Bull as her great great great great grandfather.

do you understand what 1/32 means?

The burden of proof is on the claimant, absolutely.

And the claim here is "she lied".

Pretty simple sentence --- the verb there is "lied".

That requires proof of a negative, or proof of knowing falsification.

And again, what we have for evidence on that is... absolutely squat.

Playing word salad equals spinning and deflection. Read the links. She LIED

I have yet to see one of your links that proves she lied....best you have is that her claims can't be substantiated

Where is the lie? Were you able to get her grandmother to state she never told anyone there were native Americans in the family?

You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH
The post here in this thread by Trump supporters confirms that the Trump Party is the Racist Party.

Yup, pointing out she's a disingenuous slag = 'Racist'

Guess so in warped pea-brained Democrat world. :cuckoo:
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are you living under a bridge? Trump's numbers go up every time one of your loony dems try to take him on. He destroyed the fake squaw. 1/32 indian????????????? are you guys really that gullible?

Can you disprove what she claims?

:lmao:Trotting out the fake Indian dummy? Really? Y'all Clinton Bootlickers are funny.
That is your lame response for not being able to back up your claims?

She's a shallow dumb liar. She should just shut up and go suck on some Clinton farts. Seriously, she's a pathetic loser.
Sounds like you got nothing but racist hate to back up your bullshit.

Heard Clinton is ripping some heinously delicious farts for y'all today. Off ya go now. Suck away. Enjoy.

Roflol!! That's Anthony Wiener before the dic picks!
Kucinich with a cast iron spine!
Bernie Sanders !

Anthony Wiener never showed dick. Only his underwear. You could actually show them on the USMB. Not pics of Trumps wife. They don't allow porn.
I did ....you have yet to prove she is not 1/32 native American. You are claiming she is a liar. Burden of proof is on you

wrong, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Sooooo, post her family tree showing Sitting Bull as her great great great great grandfather.

do you understand what 1/32 means?

The burden of proof is on the claimant, absolutely.

And the claim here is "she lied".

Pretty simple sentence --- the verb there is "lied".

That requires proof of a negative, or proof of knowing falsification.

And again, what we have for evidence on that is... absolutely squat.

Playing word salad equals spinning and deflection. Read the links. She LIED

I have yet to see one of your links that proves she lied....best you have is that her claims can't be substantiated

Where is the lie? Were you able to get her grandmother to state she never told anyone there were native Americans in the family?

You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH

Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse
Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Source: Politicususa.com
Elizabeth Warren followed up her speech that dismantled Donald Trump with a series of tweets this afternoon that left the billionaire fumbling for childish insult and blown completely out of the water.

In a series of tweets, Sen. Elizabeth Warren unloaded on Donald Trump this afternoon:

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, we’re in for a truckload of trouble if he’s President.

— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) May 25, 2016


Democrats, like Warren, shrug off Trump’s playground taunts and keep coming and coming and coming after the billionaire. Donald Trump has never faced anything like what Democrats are going to be throwing at him.

Over the last 24 hours, Warren has shredded Trump in a major speech and on Twitter. The Republican nominee’s response has proven her correct. Trump is an empty-headed, selfish, buffoon who is unfit to be president.

Read more: Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Go Warren go!!! Attack loserterianism and go for the throat!!!!
Did you see the foreclosed houses she bought Trump is complaining about?


This one she bought for a measly $4,000 for a family member. What kind of condition is a house in that sells for four grand? I wondered what it looked like before her older brother and nephew fixed it up.

Donald Trump accuses Elizabeth Warren of making quick profits by flipping houses - The Boston Globe

Does anyone think Trump would mess with a house like that? Was anyone even living in it?

Hilarious! Most went to family members. Did she make any profit at all?
How many homeless families could she feed with the obscene profits she pocketed. She made better returns than Wall Street hedge fund manager
How much did she make?
wrong, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Sooooo, post her family tree showing Sitting Bull as her great great great great grandfather.

do you understand what 1/32 means?

The burden of proof is on the claimant, absolutely.

And the claim here is "she lied".

Pretty simple sentence --- the verb there is "lied".

That requires proof of a negative, or proof of knowing falsification.

And again, what we have for evidence on that is... absolutely squat.

Playing word salad equals spinning and deflection. Read the links. She LIED

I have yet to see one of your links that proves she lied....best you have is that her claims can't be substantiated

Where is the lie? Were you able to get her grandmother to state she never told anyone there were native Americans in the family?

You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH

Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse
Worse, they pic a man for president who says he only makes "suggestions".

Roflol!! That's Anthony Wiener before the dic picks!
Kucinich with a cast iron spine!
Bernie Sanders !

Anthony Wiener never showed dick. Only his underwear. You could actually show them on the USMB. Not pics of Trumps wife. They don't allow porn.

Awww so then we can't put pics of Obamie's mammy up?
You mean that porn star Republicans sent out pictures of claiming they were the presidents dead mother? Funny that she would sneak her baby into the country so he could be the future president and then do porn to disqualify him.

I would say this proves what disgusting lowlife Republicans are, but you clearly wouldn't know what I'm talking about.

Roflol!! That's Anthony Wiener before the dic picks!
Kucinich with a cast iron spine!
Bernie Sanders !

Anthony Wiener never showed dick. Only his underwear. You could actually show them on the USMB. Not pics of Trumps wife. They don't allow porn.

Awww so then we can't put pics of Obamie's mammy up?
You mean that porn star Republicans sent out pictures of claiming they were the presidents dead mother? Funny that she would sneak her baby into the country so he could be the future president and then do porn to disqualify him.

I would say this proves what disgusting lowlife Republicans are, but you clearly wouldn't know what I'm talking about.
Read the links dumbass, you and your little butt buddy Pogo are looking really stupid here....but that's normal for you two goofs. Now run along and be stupid somewhere else, fool

I did ....you have yet to prove she is not 1/32 native American. You are claiming she is a liar. Burden of proof is on you

wrong, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Sooooo, post her family tree showing Sitting Bull as her great great great great grandfather.

do you understand what 1/32 means?

The burden of proof is on the claimant, absolutely.

And the claim here is "she lied".

Pretty simple sentence --- the verb there is "lied".

That requires proof of a negative, or proof of knowing falsification.

And again, what we have for evidence on that is... absolutely squat.

Playing word salad equals spinning and deflection. Read the links. She LIED

I have yet to see one of your links that proves she lied....best you have is that her claims can't be substantiated

Where is the lie? Were you able to get her grandmother to state she never told anyone there were native Americans in the family?

Indeed, right there in my link way back in post 160 --- the one that lays out that there is no evidence she lied.... was this:

>> The Globe interviewed an extensive list of the professor’s relatives, who had conflicting memories. Some recalled stories of Indian ancestors, others did not.

One second cousin told the Globe that her grandmother had said that her father — one of Warren’s relatives — was part Delaware Indian. But the cousin’s mother, who did not approve of Native Americans, had always denied that claim, according to the Globe.

Warren’s siblings have all backed up the candidate’s statements. One brother told the Globe that his grandparents explained to him, after much pleading to get answers as a child, that “your grandfather is part Delaware, a little bitty bit, way back, and your grandmother is part Cherokee,” according to the Globe. <<​

Given the xenophobia this country is infamous for (see Indians, Chinese, Irish, Italians, Polish, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Indian, Mexican, etc etc ad nauseum), that kind of obscurity is in all probability the norm rather than the exception. My experience was similar in finding out I was double-Irish, let alone Black Irish. It was just never discussed, as in our parents' day you were expected to bury all that and not talk about it, especially if you were part of a persecuted group. So these roots may or may not eventually come out but they have to be ferreted.

I didn't even find out about the depth of my father's Irishness until I was actually going to Ireland in my 40s. It just wasn't talked about. Xenophobes kept it in the dark.

That's why I say, "Xenophobia -- it's what makes America grate".

Roflol!! That's Anthony Wiener before the dic picks!
Kucinich with a cast iron spine!
Bernie Sanders !

Anthony Wiener never showed dick. Only his underwear. You could actually show them on the USMB. Not pics of Trumps wife. They don't allow porn.

Awww so then we can't put pics of Obamie's mammy up?
You mean that porn star Republicans sent out pictures of claiming they were the presidents dead mother? Funny that she would sneak her baby into the country so he could be the future president and then do porn to disqualify him.

I would say this proves what disgusting lowlife Republicans are, but you clearly wouldn't know what I'm talking about.

No I mean the ones Frank Marshall Davis took

Roflol!! That's Anthony Wiener before the dic picks!
Kucinich with a cast iron spine!
Bernie Sanders !

Anthony Wiener never showed dick. Only his underwear. You could actually show them on the USMB. Not pics of Trumps wife. They don't allow porn.

Awww so then we can't put pics of Obamie's mammy up?
You mean that porn star Republicans sent out pictures of claiming they were the presidents dead mother? Funny that she would sneak her baby into the country so he could be the future president and then do porn to disqualify him.

I would say this proves what disgusting lowlife Republicans are, but you clearly wouldn't know what I'm talking about.

Roflol!! That's Anthony Wiener before the dic picks!
Kucinich with a cast iron spine!
Bernie Sanders !

Anthony Wiener never showed dick. Only his underwear. You could actually show them on the USMB. Not pics of Trumps wife. They don't allow porn.

Awww so then we can't put pics of Obamie's mammy up?
You mean that porn star Republicans sent out pictures of claiming they were the presidents dead mother? Funny that she would sneak her baby into the country so he could be the future president and then do porn to disqualify him.

I would say this proves what disgusting lowlife Republicans are, but you clearly wouldn't know what I'm talking about.

Stop repeating yourself, Derp
At the end of the day what damn difference does it make if she is 100% Indian or 100% bullshit ting bullshit?

Seriously, who gives a fuck.....

no one, but she made up the story trying to get special treatment. she has been called out

Actually that claim itself is what's been called out. And we did this yesterday. SIL gottum heap big ass-handing.

But I understand your tactic is to drone on and on and on and on and on and on with a myth you know you can't prove in order to obscure the original point of the actual content. Doesn't take much to see child psychology.


OK, I'll try to go slow. Warren claims to be 1/32 native American. She has offered no proof except she said it.

OK so far?

Others have said that since she can't prove it, she must be lying about it

still with me?

Sooooooooooooooooooo, the burden of proof is on the original claim of being part indian.

Provide her proof and then we can continue. OR, you can just admit that she made it up.
Read the links dumbass, you and your little butt buddy Pogo are looking really stupid here....but that's normal for you two goofs. Now run along and be stupid somewhere else, fool

I did ....you have yet to prove she is not 1/32 native American. You are claiming she is a liar. Burden of proof is on you

wrong, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Sooooo, post her family tree showing Sitting Bull as her great great great great grandfather.

do you understand what 1/32 means?

The burden of proof is on the claimant, absolutely.

And the claim here is "she lied".

Pretty simple sentence --- the verb there is "lied".

That requires proof of a negative, or proof of knowing falsification.

And again, what we have for evidence on that is... absolutely squat.

bullshit: the claim is that she is 1/32 indian. That is what has to be proven by those making the claim.

Where'd anybody claim that?

Cue Mister Zero again....

that is what Warren claims, dipshit. try to at least keep up with the dialog.
At the end of the day what damn difference does it make if she is 100% Indian or 100% bullshit ting bullshit?

Seriously, who gives a fuck.....

no one, but she made up the story trying to get special treatment. she has been called out

Actually that claim itself is what's been called out. And we did this yesterday. SIL gottum heap big ass-handing.

But I understand your tactic is to drone on and on and on and on and on and on with a myth you know you can't prove in order to obscure the original point of the actual content. Doesn't take much to see child psychology.


OK, I'll try to go slow. Warren claims to be 1/32 native American. She has offered no proof except she said it.

OK so far?

Others have said that since she can't prove it, she must be lying about it

still with me?

Sooooooooooooooooooo, the burden of proof is on the original claim of being part indian.

Provide her proof and then we can continue. OR, you can just admit that she made it up.

No. That's at the most a "case not proven" --- IT IS NOT AND NEVER CAN BE PROOF OF A "LIE".

How can somebody so adept at lying claim not to know what the word means?

If I'm Irish, and I know I'm Irish, and yet I claim to be Icelandic --- THAT's a lie. Get it?

What "others said" --- and we can quote it --- was not "she must be lying". It was unequivocal: "she lied".

So those of us with ethics said "prove it". And that cannot be done. PERIOD.
wrong, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Sooooo, post her family tree showing Sitting Bull as her great great great great grandfather.

do you understand what 1/32 means?

The burden of proof is on the claimant, absolutely.

And the claim here is "she lied".

Pretty simple sentence --- the verb there is "lied".

That requires proof of a negative, or proof of knowing falsification.

And again, what we have for evidence on that is... absolutely squat.

Playing word salad equals spinning and deflection. Read the links. She LIED

I have yet to see one of your links that proves she lied....best you have is that her claims can't be substantiated

Where is the lie? Were you able to get her grandmother to state she never told anyone there were native Americans in the family?

You'd think a crowd so proficient at it would have some idea what "lied" actually means... SMH

Actually, I am getting sick of how quickly Republicans go to their "YOU LIE" chants

Bad enough in a State of the Union address, but now everyone who holds a different political opinion is declared a liar.......Bill Clinton lies, Hillary lies, Obama lies, Liz Warren lies....hell, even Ted Cruz

Republicans have gotten so simplistic in their political discourse

If your leading candidate was not a proven habitual liar, this might not be the line of discourse, but she is and it is, so deal with it.
At the end of the day what damn difference does it make if she is 100% Indian or 100% bullshit ting bullshit?

Seriously, who gives a fuck.....

no one, but she made up the story trying to get special treatment. she has been called out

Actually that claim itself is what's been called out. And we did this yesterday. SIL gottum heap big ass-handing.

But I understand your tactic is to drone on and on and on and on and on and on with a myth you know you can't prove in order to obscure the original point of the actual content. Doesn't take much to see child psychology.


OK, I'll try to go slow. Warren claims to be 1/32 native American. She has offered no proof except she said it.

OK so far?

Others have said that since she can't prove it, she must be lying about it

still with me?

Sooooooooooooooooooo, the burden of proof is on the original claim of being part indian.

Provide her proof and then we can continue. OR, you can just admit that she made it up.

No. That's at the most a "case not proven" --- IT IS NOT AND NEVER CAN BE PROOF OF A "LIE".

How can somebody so adept at lying claim not to know what the word means?

If I'm Irish, and I know I'm Irish, and yet I claim to be Icelandic --- THAT's a lie. Get it?
If you are Irish then you should be able to prove it. If warren is a native American she should be able to prove it.

If I say that you lied about being Irish, you simply provide proof and show me up. Warren could do the same, except she can't------------------------figure it out yet, hopstick?

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