Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

I'm not misinformed about anything. Those women (who are ignorant America haters represent you) show just what an illiterate ignorant America hating piece of shit you are.
Of course everything you know about them is crap an anti-American disgrace. Of course you don't care whether it's true or not.

Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Couldn't tell you. I don't follow them.
No, she just didn't want to be subjected to Congressional Oversight which would have unveiled the whole scheme.

Why do libs have a problem with congressional oversight?

When the Senate issues subpoenas for Hillary Clinton and B. Hussein O to explain themselves, it should be interesting.
It will never happen, you know, because of the giant conspiracy. Actually you are just totally fos cuz you listen to that crap.

So if I understand you correctly, no DEM is ever guilty of anything yet ALL pubs are guilty of everything Dems say they are.
Law enforcement and journalists tell me I'm right. And that you believe a pile of excrement as a GOP dupe. You people believe Hillary is a criminal and she's never been anywhere near a courtroom or anyting or being arrested. Total garbage along with all your phony scandals, Super Dupe.all respected journalists and law enforcement in the world congratulate the Obama Administration as being without even a breath of Scandal. And you think they're criminals absolute idiocy.

Yep, that's what happens when you get all your news from MSN, Fakebook and CNN....dumbass.
and the BBC and France 24 and the hindustani times and the New York Times And The Washington Post, USA today and fox and Rush. Google Google News it's got everything. ABC CBS NBC nightly News and morning shows and etc etc. And everyone agrees, all the respected media agrees that fox and Rush are totally full of s***... You people believe the high school graduate pundits and crap put out by Rupert Murdoch basically. Talk about ignorant.

Says one of the dumbasses that bought into the collusion illusion for almost 3 years.
I'm not misinformed about anything. Those women (who are ignorant America haters represent you) show just what an illiterate ignorant America hating piece of shit you are.
Of course everything you know about them is crap an anti-American disgrace. Of course you don't care whether it's true or not.

Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Speaking of a circle jerk, how's that collusion working for ya...dumbass.
Of course everything you know about them is crap an anti-American disgrace. Of course you don't care whether it's true or not.

Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Speaking of a circle jerk, how's that collusion working for ya...dumbass.

The collusion was between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the alien adversaries like Christopher Steele and his Russian sources that cooked up the Phony Dossier.

The fact that the Obama Regime knew about it, and actually tapped the phones of the Trump Tower- just like President Trump said- means the Obama Administration is the most corrupt in human history. There is going to be hell to pay, particularly as we have a no-nonsense AG in office now.
pthe GOP propaganda machine is made up of many parts and they all agree.
You are misinformed as always. How are all the trials of Hillary Obama Lerner holder the FBI etcetera coming along. And I don't mean your silly Senate investigations.

I'm not misinformed about anything. Those women (who are ignorant America haters represent you) show just what an illiterate ignorant America hating piece of shit you are.
Of course everything you know about them is crap an anti-American disgrace. Of course you don't care whether it's true or not.

Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
It's all the same crap just more crazy or less.... Conspiracy Nut Job.
Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Speaking of a circle jerk, how's that collusion working for ya...dumbass.

The collusion was between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the alien adversaries like Christopher Steele and his Russian sources that cooked up the Phony Dossier.

The fact that the Obama Regime knew about it, and actually tapped the phones of the Trump Tower- just like President Trump said- means the Obama Administration is the most corrupt in human history. There is going to be hell to pay, particularly as we have a no-nonsense AG in office now.
1 British spy quite respected is not a Russian conspiracy to screw up our elections. None of the dossier has been disproved. Just your propaganda machine babbling on
Of course everything you know about them is crap an anti-American disgrace. Of course you don't care whether it's true or not.

Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Speaking of a circle jerk, how's that collusion working for ya...dumbass.
We'll see. The attorney general is a tool, and they're both Republicans just like Comey the big mouth election wrecker... In fact, not just in garbage propaganda.
Fake news, super dupe.

You're a child son, an emotionally stunted child. They are ignorant filth, as are you.
You are misinformed as always. How are all the trials of Hillary Obama Lerner holder the FBI etcetera coming along. And I don't mean your silly Senate investigations.

I'm not misinformed about anything. Those women (who are ignorant America haters represent you) show just what an illiterate ignorant America hating piece of shit you are.
Of course everything you know about them is crap an anti-American disgrace. Of course you don't care whether it's true or not.

Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
Try to remain calm. LOL sorry you're totally misinformed, hater dupe.
Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Speaking of a circle jerk, how's that collusion working for ya...dumbass.

The collusion was between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the alien adversaries like Christopher Steele and his Russian sources that cooked up the Phony Dossier.

The fact that the Obama Regime knew about it, and actually tapped the phones of the Trump Tower- just like President Trump said- means the Obama Administration is the most corrupt in human history. There is going to be hell to pay, particularly as we have a no-nonsense AG in office now.
That was the FBI going after Carter page the Russian assistant... Not everyone is so easy about Russian interference, comrade.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Speaking of a circle jerk, how's that collusion working for ya...dumbass.

The collusion was between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the alien adversaries like Christopher Steele and his Russian sources that cooked up the Phony Dossier.

The fact that the Obama Regime knew about it, and actually tapped the phones of the Trump Tower- just like President Trump said- means the Obama Administration is the most corrupt in human history. There is going to be hell to pay, particularly as we have a no-nonsense AG in office now.
1 British spy quite respected is not a Russian conspiracy to screw up our elections. None of the dossier has been disproved. Just your propaganda machine babbling on

Great Britain is America's oldest enemy, you know. We fought two wars against them. Further, Steele was colluding with Russia to get the alleged "facts" in the dossier.

Personally I don't understand why libs think the dossier is incriminating in the least. If Donald J. Trump wants to hire prostitutes to ruin hotel mattresses, why would anyone care? They can just put the mattresses on his bill- he's a billionaire he can afford it.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Speaking of a circle jerk, how's that collusion working for ya...dumbass.

The collusion was between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the alien adversaries like Christopher Steele and his Russian sources that cooked up the Phony Dossier.

The fact that the Obama Regime knew about it, and actually tapped the phones of the Trump Tower- just like President Trump said- means the Obama Administration is the most corrupt in human history. There is going to be hell to pay, particularly as we have a no-nonsense AG in office now.
That was the FBI going after Carter page the Russian assistant... Not everyone is so easy about Russian interference, comrade.

Carter Page is an American citizen who was never charged with anything. A true Law Abider and loyal American. No reason at all to spy on him.
Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Speaking of a circle jerk, how's that collusion working for ya...dumbass.
We'll see. The attorney general is a tool, and they're both Republicans just like Comey the big mouth election wrecker... In fact, not just in garbage propaganda.

All presidents choose AG's of their own party. This is nothing new.
Of course everything you know about them is crap an anti-American disgrace. Of course you don't care whether it's true or not.

Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Speaking of a circle jerk, how's that collusion working for ya...dumbass.
Why would the Russians bother with these idiots. I don't care about any of it really LOL. What bothers me is you're lying propaganda machine and not taxing the rich enough so the middle class and infrastructure are going to hell along with the middle class and the working class. The rich are fine. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you.
Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Speaking of a circle jerk, how's that collusion working for ya...dumbass.
Why would the Russians bother with these idiots. I don't care about any of it really LOL. What bothers me is you're lying propaganda machine and not taxing the rich enough so the middle class and infrastructure are going to hell along with the middle class and the working class. The rich are fine. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you.

Actually, President Trump has promised to work on the Infrastructure. Obama was *supposed* to fix the infrastructure with his Trillion Dollar Porkulus, but Obama just pissed that money away.
Sorry asshole, go back to Rachel and Mika and get your talking points.
I don't listen to them actually. The non-stop gabfest on them and fox are a disgrace. The only news they talk about is when there is a big shooting.

Couldn't tell ya, I don't watch FOX.
Actually the best part of the propaganda machine is like Shepherd... Rush and Levin Savage etc are the purest garbage. A big circle jerk of gossip without evidence.

Speaking of a circle jerk, how's that collusion working for ya...dumbass.
Why would the Russians bother with these idiots. I don't care about any of it really LOL. What bothers me is you're lying propaganda machine and not taxing the rich enough so the middle class and infrastructure are going to hell along with the middle class and the working class. The rich are fine. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you.

Dood, you're obviously not the brightest bulb.
No, it isn’t. It’s flat out irresponsible to pile on that kind of debt on top of the 22 trillion this country already owes. It’s mortgaging our future even more to win votes from idiots like you today.

They're going to keep adding trillions to the debt either way. Maybe one of those trillions could actually help people for a change.
What about all the people that paid theirs off?
They can thank the Democrats for keeping their loan payments so low before the Republicans screwed up the whole system...
Lol, it was your transgendered man child that did that.
Artificial demand artificially raises costs.

40% of College Freshmen do not get a degree in 4 years.

Seems to me that those people shouldn't have gone to college and we should not be guaranteeing loans for people who don't graduate.

Except who created the artificial demand?

In my field, purchasing, most of the jobs require a four year degree. You really don't need one.

When I got laid off in 2008, along with two other buyers, I was the only one that had a four year degree and I got picked right back up within three weeks. Another buyer who only had some college took six months to find a new job. A third one with no college, didn't get a new job for nearly a year. Forget that she had 20 years of experience as a buyer, the fact that she didn't have a degree was a conversation stopper at that point.
The programs available for years on loan forgiveness have been cancelled during Trump. Even the one for becoming disabled...

Do you give reperations to all those who DID pay back student loans? Do you pay equivelant to those who made other choices and did not run up school debt?
Artificial demand artificially raises costs.

40% of College Freshmen do not get a degree in 4 years.

Seems to me that those people shouldn't have gone to college and we should not be guaranteeing loans for people who don't graduate.

Except who created the artificial demand?

In my field, purchasing, most of the jobs require a four year degree. You really don't need one.

Think it through Joe. If government wasn't subsidizing degrees, less people would buy them. Which means, employers in your field would need to seriously consider hiring people without degrees. The only reason they can get away demanding degrees (which you say aren't really needed) is because the number of applicants with degrees is artificially inflated by government policy.

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