Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

Will she include vocational schools? Aprenntis prigrams? Where does pokeAhauntus draw the line? Is it retroactive? What about those smart enough to decide $129K to make $45K aint worth it and drive Trucks?

And no FISL rates were not "raised" by RWR. 6.8% in mid 70s' if you look it up. It varied.
Why though when we could borrow another trillion for bombing brown people instead? That's what real nationalism is about, right?

No, it isn’t. It’s flat out irresponsible to pile on that kind of debt on top of the 22 trillion this country already owes. It’s mortgaging our future even more to win votes from idiots like you today.

He can always run on his tax cut scam like he did last year.

Oh, wait a minute.
What about all the people that paid theirs off?

Most of them are smart enough to understand the value of doing this. Many of them are avoiding Masters and Doctorate degrees BECAUSE of the debt they already incurred.

Not everyone is a self centered right winger
What about all the people that paid theirs off?

Most of them are smart enough to understand the value of doing this. Many of them are avoiding Masters and Doctorate degrees BECAUSE of the debt they already incurred.

Not everyone is a self centered right winger
But I'm suppose to pay for their college? Shit ain't free dumbass.
Artificial demand artificially raises costs.

40% of College Freshmen do not get a degree in 4 years.

Seems to me that those people shouldn't have gone to college and we should not be guaranteeing loans for people who don't graduate.

Except who created the artificial demand?

In my field, purchasing, most of the jobs require a four year degree. You really don't need one.

When I got laid off in 2008, along with two other buyers, I was the only one that had a four year degree and I got picked right back up within three weeks. Another buyer who only had some college took six months to find a new job. A third one with no college, didn't get a new job for nearly a year. Forget that she had 20 years of experience as a buyer, the fact that she didn't have a degree was a conversation stopper at that point.

The people who convinced you that everyone has to go to college.

And a 4 year degree in what?

If a job says it requires a 4 year degree but does not specify the discipline then there is no degree requirement.

This is part of the everyone has to go to college mentality that has been fostered in this country.
What about all the people that paid theirs off?

Most of them are smart enough to understand the value of doing this. Many of them are avoiding Masters and Doctorate degrees BECAUSE of the debt they already incurred.

Not everyone is a self centered right winger
So I'm self centered if I don't want to pay for someone else to go to college ?
What about all the people that paid theirs off?

Most of them are smart enough to understand the value of doing this. Many of them are avoiding Masters and Doctorate degrees BECAUSE of the debt they already incurred.

Not everyone is a self centered right winger
So I'm self centered if I don't want to pay for someone else to go to college ?
Or buy their
We are just self centered buttholes. Lol, I bet we pay for lesh to live also.
So I'm self centered if I don't want to pay for someone else to go to college ?

If it makes the nation better? Yes.

You pay for those same people getting K-12 education. In honesty you resent THAT as well.
Regardless whether you think it's a good idea, or not, really is irrelevant. Realistically, this pipe dream is plainly pandering to certain demographics who would just love some "free" money. Our education system is badly broken, as is the way we pay for education, especially secondary education.
So, Warren's pandering is just a lot of hot air. Not only that, but she's getting shriller and more desperate with every speech she makes. I think she's got a snowball's chance in hell to win the Dem primary and every time she opens that lying pie hole of hers, she puts a knife in it. But as long as she's in the running, she's quite a distraction.
Think it through Joe. If government wasn't subsidizing degrees, less people would buy them. Which means, employers in your field would need to seriously consider hiring people without degrees. The only reason they can get away demanding degrees (which you say aren't really needed) is because the number of applicants with degrees is artificially inflated by government policy.

That has to be the dumbest thing you've said yet...

I mean, seriously, I think I need to let the dumbness hang there for a second.

They aren't "Getting away" with anything. The main reason why most companies demand college degrees is that 20% of HS Grads can't read their diplomas.

The idea that we need to make the workforce even dumber than it already is, is just kind of silly. Employers are already importing people from India because they can't find enough qualified Americans.

Now it used to be... companies would invest in developing employees themselves, but the reality- people change jobs every five years, so it isn't really worth the investment. They want people who are ready to "plug and play".
Regardless whether you think it's a good idea, or not, really is irrelevant. Realistically, this pipe dream is plainly pandering to certain demographics who would just love some "free" money. Our education system is badly broken, as is the way we pay for education, especially secondary education.
So, Warren's pandering is just a lot of hot air. Not only that, but she's getting shriller and more desperate with every speech she makes. I think she's got a snowball's chance in hell to win the Dem primary and every time she opens that lying pie hole of hers, she puts a knife in it. But as long as she's in the running, she's quite a distraction.
What a load of shit.

We have a generation of people who were told that College is the only path to a decent life...shackled to crippling debt because of it.

And that debt is crippling our ability to innovate. You can't start a business when you have that kind of debt. You can't take chances. You can't buy a home. You can't start a family
The people who convinced you that everyone has to go to college.

And a 4 year degree in what?

If a job says it requires a 4 year degree but does not specify the discipline then there is no degree requirement.

This is part of the everyone has to go to college mentality that has been fostered in this country.

Well, you have a point. College is totally wasted on MAGA hat wearers from Jesusland.

When I got my college degree in 1985, it was kind of a big deal. I was the first member of my family to achieve it.

Now, my Nephew is about to be the third person in my family to get a Master's degree.

Why do employers want more education? They want to make sure you have the wear with all to follow through on something.
Think it through Joe. If government wasn't subsidizing degrees, less people would buy them. Which means, employers in your field would need to seriously consider hiring people without degrees. The only reason they can get away demanding degrees (which you say aren't really needed) is because the number of applicants with degrees is artificially inflated by government policy.

That has to be the dumbest thing you've said yet...

I mean, seriously, I think I need to let the dumbness hang there for a second.

They aren't "Getting away" with anything. The main reason why most companies demand college degrees is that 20% of HS Grads can't read their diplomas.

The idea that we need to make the workforce even dumber than it already is, is just kind of silly. Employers are already importing people from India because they can't find enough qualified Americans.

Now it used to be... companies would invest in developing employees themselves, but the reality- people change jobs every five years, so it isn't really worth the investment. They want people who are ready to "plug and play".

Drive a Truck. Weld a pipeline. Wire a house. Chane a Toilet. STHU.
The people who convinced you that everyone has to go to college.

And a 4 year degree in what?

If a job says it requires a 4 year degree but does not specify the discipline then there is no degree requirement.

This is part of the everyone has to go to college mentality that has been fostered in this country.

Well, you have a point. College is totally wasted on MAGA hat wearers from Jesusland.

When I got my college degree in 1985, it was kind of a big deal. I was the first member of my family to achieve it.

Now, my Nephew is about to be the third person in my family to get a Master's degree.

Why do employers want more education? They want to make sure you have the wear with all to follow through on something.

So now you wrote 1000 resumes over ten years at $100 per? Wow, how can we get in on that job?
Drive a Truck. Weld a pipeline. Wire a house. Chane a Toilet. STHU.

Okay, not sure what "Chane a Toilet" means...

But those jobs only still pay kind of well because they have unions that the One Percenters are trying to get rid of, and there aren't that many of them. You want a good job, you need a degree.

So now you wrote 1000 resumes over ten years at $100 per? Wow, how can we get in on that job?

Actually, I wrote a lot more than that. But math clearly isn't your strong suit.

Never wrote one for a "Toiler Chaner" though.
Think it through Joe. If government wasn't subsidizing degrees, less people would buy them. Which means, employers in your field would need to seriously consider hiring people without degrees. The only reason they can get away demanding degrees (which you say aren't really needed) is because the number of applicants with degrees is artificially inflated by government policy.

That has to be the dumbest thing you've said yet...

You mean the part where I ask you to "think it through"? :dunno: Call me an optimist.

The main reason why most companies demand college degrees is that 20% of HS Grads can't read their diplomas.
You just said a degree isn't necessary. Are you confused? Or equivocating to cover up your blunder?
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Think it through Joe. If government wasn't subsidizing degrees, less people would buy them. Which means, employers in your field would need to seriously consider hiring people without degrees. The only reason they can get away demanding degrees (which you say aren't really needed) is because the number of applicants with degrees is artificially inflated by government policy.

That has to be the dumbest thing you've said yet...

I mean, seriously, I think I need to let the dumbness hang there for a second.

They aren't "Getting away" with anything. The main reason why most companies demand college degrees is that 20% of HS Grads can't read their diplomas.

The idea that we need to make the workforce even dumber than it already is, is just kind of silly. Employers are already importing people from India because they can't find enough qualified Americans.

Now it used to be... companies would invest in developing employees themselves, but the reality- people change jobs every five years, so it isn't really worth the investment. They want people who are ready to "plug and play".
I agree with the highlighted statements. Now, the first question begs an answer that explains WHY are so many HS Grads illiterate? Makes me feel like the K-12 education provided to them using my tax dollars is a waste of their time and my money. I suggest that our current public education system spends more time (and money) indoctrinating the young into current social agendas instead of assuring that they can READ, WRITE (properly), and CIPHER (to a minimal level).
As to the second highlighted passage, our failed/failing "educational" system has failed to produce sufficiently competent employees that employers are forced to look to sources where the truly important training is accomplished in order to find workers capable of doing the job.

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