Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

It’s important to note that entrance and advancement in the law school profession is governed by the Association of American Law Schools, which requires registrants interested in teaching at law schools to fill out a questionnaire detailing their education, experience, bar passage and, yes, ethnicity. This information is then disseminated to law schools around the country that, as Warren surely knew, are always on the lookout to add to the diversity of their faculty.

^^ STILL posting links to "Page Not Found".

That about sums it up, donut?
Ms. Warren lied, is that too hard for you to admit?

Your proof, sir?

"The New England Historical Genealogical Society found no documentary proof of Warren having Native American lineage,[62"

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"According to Warren and her brothers, they grew up "listening to our mother and grandmother and other relatives talk about our family’s Cherokee and Delaware heritage"

Same link, you don't make a claim you cannot prove.

Should she have screamed at her Grandma........Prove it!

No, but she should NOT have applied for minority status. What a dope! :lol:

She didn't.
Feel free to prove me wrong.

Note the operative word there is "prove".

Yes, she did. :D I've already proved you wrong multiple times.
You really gotta wonder about people who cling to a wishful thinking myth after it's been obliterated. Not just that they can self-deceive to that degree, but that they have a vote.

Maybe there oughta be some kind of logic test before one gets in the voting booth.

You couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag. :D All you do is deny the facts.

Sure...got any with gold in them?
Obama didn't lie either, huh.

No idea - he's a politician so I'm sure he did at some point. Are you condeding via deflection to an entirely different subject?

Back on this planet the point remains:
Given: The poster stated an absolute;
Given: The poster cannot prove that absolute;
Therefore the poster's point FAILS.

Ain't fuckin' rocket surgery.

Ain't fuckin' rocket surgery

Looks like a signature for ChrisL

:lol: Rocket surgery, huh? I wonder where you go to school to become a rocket surgeon?
Really? You guys couldn't tell that was intentional?

Pennyante not real smart. Talk in Google Images and broken emoticons. Heap stupid. Even now, continue to perpetuate myths after got taken to rhetorical cleaners.
Pennyante not brightest bulb in tool shed.
So...73 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.

Please quote a post of a poster claiming that.

I already have. In fact, I did it just for you many pages ago when you asked me to do so yesterday.

The point is, she claimed that she was native American when she was not. When confronted with that information, she lied and said she didn't know anything about it. When confronted with evidence to the contrary, she said the reason she did it was because of her family stories, and to get invited to parties. However, she never "specified" native American. She did put down that she was a minority, and the native American story came later after she was caught red-handed lying. Now, debunk it, smarty pants. :)

You poor bastards drank the piss that Warren was given preferential treatment when she was hired. Now that you have realized you have no evidence that is true, rather than admit you were bamboozled by your masters, you retreat to a who-gives-a-fuck backup plan about her saying she was a Native American AFTER she was hired when it meant fuck-all.

So...90 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.
No idea - he's a politician so I'm sure he did at some point. Are you condeding via deflection to an entirely different subject?

Back on this planet the point remains:
Given: The poster stated an absolute;
Given: The poster cannot prove that absolute;
Therefore the poster's point FAILS.

Ain't fuckin' rocket surgery.

Ain't fuckin' rocket surgery

Looks like a signature for ChrisL

:lol: Rocket surgery, huh? I wonder where you go to school to become a rocket surgeon?
Really? You guys couldn't tell that was intentional?

Pennyante not real smart. Talk in Google Images and broken emoticons. Heap stupid. Even now, continue to perpetuate myths after got taken to rhetorical cleaners.
Pennyante not brightest bulb in tool shed.

Ugh. Him heap ignorant. Not sharpest knife in cookie oven. Find images but not have words. Link to pages not go nowhere. Ask for basis, him melt to pieces.
This is just to refresh ChrisL's obviously poor memory, seeing how he has just asked me to show him AGAIN who made the claim, after I had already done so yesterday for him:
Oh, darn. ChrisL's link contradicts the claim:

Harvard Law Professor Charles Fried, a member of the hiring committee at the time, has asserted that he was not aware that Warren claimed to be Native American until after she was hired

WHO made that claim?

Rabbi, among others. See here:
Liz Warren never received any "perks" from relaying that she was part native American
She got preferential hiring at Harvard because of it. That was the whole issue.
This link was provided by one of the "Warren lied to get her job" coterie earlier in this topic: Elizabeth Warren Native American Cherokee Controversy

Unfortunately, he did not read his own link:

Harvard Law Professor Charles Fried, a member of the hiring committee at the time, has asserted that he was not aware that Warren claimed to be Native American until after she was hired

I've run that phrase out here like a dozen times. Each time it's met with :lalala:, crickets or the usual Pissyante Google Image.

Linear Time: it's not for Denialists.

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