Elizabeth Warren? Seriously?

Sure...got any with gold in them?


It's green....like old copper. :puke:

Vinegar will clean that hog right up.

I'm using apple cider vinegar on a mole over my eyebrow...soak a bandaid in it and leave it on overnight....seems to be working...it was black, now it's light brown and shrinking.
My work is done here. The parroting rubes have no evidence Warren was hired by Harvard because she claimed to be a Native American. No evidence to support their preferential treatment manufactured bullshit.

You have a guy on the very hiring committee who says he has no idea what these idiots are talking about.

You should all have to use this for your avatar:


You want a medal? :D

Sure...got any with gold in them?


It's green....like old copper. :puke:

Vinegar will clean that hog right up.

I'm using apple cider vinegar on a mole over my eyebrow...soak a bandaid in it and leave it on overnight....seems to be working...it was black, now it's light brown and shrinking.

ACV is da bomb. I slip some now and then to keep cholesterol down.
So...73 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.

Please quote a post of a poster claiming that.

I already have. In fact, I did it just for you many pages ago when you asked me to do so yesterday.

The point is, she claimed that she was native American when she was not. When confronted with that information, she lied and said she didn't know anything about it. When confronted with evidence to the contrary, she said the reason she did it was because of her family stories, and to get invited to parties. However, she never "specified" native American. She did put down that she was a minority, and the native American story came later after she was caught red-handed lying. Now, debunk it, smarty pants. :)

You poor bastards drank the piss that Warren was given preferential treatment when she was hired. Now that you have realized you have no evidence that is true, rather than admit you were bamboozled by your masters, you retreat to a who-gives-a-fuck backup plan about her saying she was a Native American AFTER she was hired when it meant fuck-all.

So...90 pages and we are still waiting for a link which proves Harvard hired Warren because she told them she was a Native American.

According to all of my research on the matter, she WAS given preferential treatment, and it's stated in my links. :D You can keep denying it all day, but it's true.
My work is done here. The parroting rubes have no evidence Warren was hired by Harvard because she claimed to be a Native American. No evidence to support their preferential treatment manufactured bullshit.

You have a guy on the very hiring committee who says he has no idea what these idiots are talking about.

You should all have to use this for your avatar:




Here's the work you did.

Phew, you must be tired now. Lol.
Actually I've lost weight. :eusa_angel:

she loves me... she loves me not...

Yanno when I was putting that sig up I wondered if it was worth it. Seemed kinda lame. You have extinguished my doubts though, so.. thanks. :thanks:

BTW, the quote is rather lame. It doesn't sound racist even though that is what you were hoping to accomplish. :D Simply noting that one looks Caucasian means . . . nothing.

No, I know it doesn't. That's not the value of it.
The value is that it's a link, and somebody seeing that in, say, the Food and Wine forum will get curious, click the link to see what the context is, and your denailist logic is thus exposed.

To the whole world. The whole world, ya hear me?? Why we've got over 3200 hits here already! :coffee:

Oh good Lord, I'm shaking! Lol. That is stupidest thing ever. None of my posts are racist. Fine keep the quote then, if you're going to act like a child. I've reported it already, so if it is against the rules, it will be taken off eventually. If not, then whatever, continue to act like a retard.

I don't blame ya a bit. If I had posted the nonsensical drivel you have here I guess I'd want it buried too. But then I think before I hit 'post'.

Not to worry, I recycle these regularly. Before long somebody else will say something so stupid it has to live in infamy. Eventually.

I'm pretty sure you can't use a quote if the person you took it from objects. :D

I'm pretty sure that isn't true, especially if they are public figures. One thing you can't do is publish their picture without their consent.

Guess which hand conservatives are looking to for additional tax revenue?

What morons like you fail to understand is that the super wealthy have all their assets tied up in plant and equipment. In a capitalist economy, a small segment of the population builds up and owns the capital. They are what make the economy work.

Confiscating their earnings or assets and turning them over to the government would be an unmitigated economic disaster.
BTW, the quote is rather lame. It doesn't sound racist even though that is what you were hoping to accomplish. :D Simply noting that one looks Caucasian means . . . nothing.

No, I know it doesn't. That's not the value of it.
The value is that it's a link, and somebody seeing that in, say, the Food and Wine forum will get curious, click the link to see what the context is, and your denailist logic is thus exposed.

To the whole world. The whole world, ya hear me?? Why we've got over 3200 hits here already! :coffee:

Oh good Lord, I'm shaking! Lol. That is stupidest thing ever. None of my posts are racist. Fine keep the quote then, if you're going to act like a child. I've reported it already, so if it is against the rules, it will be taken off eventually. If not, then whatever, continue to act like a retard.

I don't blame ya a bit. If I had posted the nonsensical drivel you have here I guess I'd want it buried too. But then I think before I hit 'post'.

Not to worry, I recycle these regularly. Before long somebody else will say something so stupid it has to live in infamy. Eventually.

I'm pretty sure you can't use a quote if the person you took it from objects. :D

I'm pretty sure that isn't true, especially if they are public figures. One thing you can't do is publish their picture without their consent.

If Pogo publishes my pictures, I'm going to kick his arse! :wink_2:
I absolutely understand the difference between wealth and income. We can't touch existing wealth and don't really want to

But the question remains ....why do we continue economic programs whose only purpose is to ensure future wealth goes to the one percent?

That is why we need to increase the upper tax rate to the mid 40s, equalize capital gains and eliminate the vast number of tax exemptions
Dodging the question?
What should the income tax rate be for the bottom 40% of income earners?

I am fully satisfied with 0% until the above chart starts to shift. That is the rate that George Bush set
So you're fine with people mooching off the system. You realize 0% would actually be a tax increase, right? Because currently those people pay a negative rate.

They are not mooching. The bottom 40 % are hard working Americans who are the backbone of America. Why Conservatives would target the 40% of Americans who have manged to accumulate only 2% of our nations wealth is beyond me.
What is it Rabbi? You will not be satisfied until they have no wealth at all?
They use roads, bridges and other infrastructure and expect others to pay for it.
How is that not mooching?

They receive welfare and contribute nothing to society aside from additional mouths to feed.

Guess which hand conservatives are looking to for additional tax revenue?
Confusing wealth and income. Again.

Not at all

Why are you looking for added tax revenue from the guy who has 19 cents to his name?

To paraphrase Willie Sutton on why he robbed banks...That's where the money is

Why are conservatives looking at the guy with 19 cents rather than the guy with $34.60?

You just endorsed the ethical code of a thug.

No one is suprised, however.
No, I know it doesn't. That's not the value of it.
The value is that it's a link, and somebody seeing that in, say, the Food and Wine forum will get curious, click the link to see what the context is, and your denailist logic is thus exposed.

To the whole world. The whole world, ya hear me?? Why we've got over 3200 hits here already! :coffee:

Oh good Lord, I'm shaking! Lol. That is stupidest thing ever. None of my posts are racist. Fine keep the quote then, if you're going to act like a child. I've reported it already, so if it is against the rules, it will be taken off eventually. If not, then whatever, continue to act like a retard.

I don't blame ya a bit. If I had posted the nonsensical drivel you have here I guess I'd want it buried too. But then I think before I hit 'post'.

Not to worry, I recycle these regularly. Before long somebody else will say something so stupid it has to live in infamy. Eventually.

I'm pretty sure you can't use a quote if the person you took it from objects. :D

I'm pretty sure that isn't true, especially if they are public figures. One thing you can't do is publish their picture without their consent.

If Pogo publishes my pictures, I'm going to kick his arse! :wink_2:

That's Pennyante's department. I work in Logic. Different building.
My work is done here. The parroting rubes have no evidence Warren was hired by Harvard because she claimed to be a Native American. No evidence to support their preferential treatment manufactured bullshit.

You have a guy on the very hiring committee who says he has no idea what these idiots are talking about.

You should all have to use this for your avatar:
You seriously took up that argument? Unbelievable.

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