Elizabeth Warren Tells Iowa Crowd, ‘I Am Not A Person Of Color,’ Then Hits Trump For Racism

What is all the fuss about?

So she remarked that she was not a person of color... big deal.
She’s a white women who used a lie about race to get a job putting a person of color out of work. She is the racist

She was telling the facts.
She doesn't consider herself a person of color.
And Trump is a racist.
You have too much time on your hands.
And Warren makes your junk shrink, just like she makes Donald's.
Yeah, that’s why she claimed to be a Native American to get a job!
She is a purebred moron....please libs donate to her campaign.....
And how long did it take her to finally admit what was ridiculously obvious? She's as white as Wonder bread and just as worthless.
She was telling the facts.
She doesn't consider herself a person of color.
And Trump is a racist.
You have too much time on your hands.
And Warren makes your junk shrink, just like she makes Donald's.

She was telling the facts.
She doesn't consider herself a person of color.
And Trump is a racist.
You have too much time on your hands.
And Warren makes your junk shrink, just like she makes Donald's.

She doesn't consider herself a person of color...anymore?

Never did, she made a claim that her family believed she had a Native American Ancestor. That is far and away from the BIG LIE she claimed to be a person of color.

23&Me has a number of surprises for many who have had their DNA Checked. Her's suggested she may have some Native American Ancestor.

The entire hysteria is because Donald Trump is a jackass and used a racist remark over and over to cheers from his fellow travelers.
She at one time in her life did claim native American heritage even though it is very clear she is not anywhwere close to being an American Indian. It's nice to see her come to terms with the fact she is always has been and always will be a white woman but there is no need to inform us she is white we can see that.

She was telling the facts.
She doesn't consider herself a person of color.
And Trump is a racist.
You have too much time on your hands.
And Warren makes your junk shrink, just like she makes Donald's.

She doesn't consider herself a person of color...anymore?

Never did, she made a claim that her family believed she had a Native American Ancestor. That is far and away from the BIG LIE she claimed to be a person of color.

23&Me has a number of surprises for many who have had their DNA Checked. Her's suggested she may have some Native American Ancestor.

The entire hysteria is because Donald Trump is a jackass and used a racist remark over and over to cheers from his fellow travelers.
She put on official documents she was a Native American.

Cherokees like my wife are livid about her lies.

She was telling the facts.
She doesn't consider herself a person of color.
And Trump is a racist.
You have too much time on your hands.
And Warren makes your junk shrink, just like she makes Donald's.
You are right about one thing, she does have that Hillary boner shrinking quality. Especially when she tries to act like a normal beer drinking gal. Good lord.

She was telling the facts.
She doesn't consider herself a person of color.
And Trump is a racist.
You have too much time on your hands.
And Warren makes your junk shrink, just like she makes Donald's.

She doesn't consider herself a person of color...anymore?

Never did, she made a claim that her family believed she had a Native American Ancestor. That is far and away from the BIG LIE she claimed to be a person of color.

23&Me has a number of surprises for many who have had their DNA Checked. Her's suggested she may have some Native American Ancestor.

The entire hysteria is because Donald Trump is a jackass and used a racist remark over and over to cheers from his fellow travelers.
Elizabeth Warren’s Native American Claim & Academic Fraud | National Review
As expected, the first Democrat to announce their intention to run for President, faces character assassination by USMB members echoing each other and conservative publications.

Welcome to the butt hurt who still can't sit for more than a few minutes since the Blue and Pink Wave rolled over their arrogant and childish arrogance, and expect similar attacks on every Democrat who seek their party nomination.

Don't expect any rational discussion on the issues, that is something the Trump Team cannot grasp.
Even when snowflakes asked why Warren had lied about being Native American they still tried to make Trump out to be the bad guy...

It was the first question posted to Elizabeth Warren by Democrats in Sioux City Saturday:

“Why did you undergo the DNA testing and give Donald Trump more fodder to be a bully?" a woman asked when Warren opened up her event...

'Bully' - that's what snowflakes call someone who points out a liberal is lying their ass off. LOL

Warren then proceeded to lie her ass off again... :p

"Yeah, well, I’m glad you asked that question. I genuinely am," Warren told the Sioux City Crowd.

Yeah, she was deliriously happy about having to talk about how she had lied as part of a scam to steal a scholarship to a prestigious college from a minority...

"I am not a person of color."

No shit?!


DNA test follows Elizabeth Warren to Iowa: 'I am not a person of color,' she said/
The woman who lied as part of a scam to steal a scholarship to a prestigious college from a minority is calling Trump a racist?


Democrats can simply NOT stop USING minorities for their own benefit.... :p

...and yet another fine example of how Democrats always accuse others of doing what they have done, of doing what they are doing, and of being who they are...

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