Elizabeth Warren Tells Iowa Crowd, ‘I Am Not A Person Of Color,’ Then Hits Trump For Racism

She’s a white women who used a lie about race to get a job putting a person of color out of work. She is the racist
Wrong she said family lore was her great great great great grandmother was an Indian. And the blood tests proved it. She never got any advantage from it, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe.
She at one time in her life did claim native American heritage even though it is very clear she is not anywhwere close to being an American Indian. It's nice to see her come to terms with the fact she is always has been and always will be a white woman but there is no need to inform us she is white we can see that.

That's why when there was a form to "check" back in college, she checked "white".

Mythology is fun and all but when the actual facts are known the myth kinda peters out.
Then why did she do the dumb DNA test to try and show her native American Heritage? If you checked white and have never made the claim there is no reason to do the test.

Obviously because the A-hole kept calling her Pocahontas.
She at one time in her life did claim native American heritage even though it is very clear she is not anywhwere close to being an American Indian. It's nice to see her come to terms with the fact she is always has been and always will be a white woman but there is no need to inform us she is white we can see that.

That's why when there was a form to "check" back in college, she checked "white".

Mythology is fun and all but when the actual facts are known the myth kinda peters out.
Then why did she do the dumb DNA test to try and show her native American Heritage? If you checked white and have never made the claim there is no reason to do the test.

Obviously because the A-hole kept calling her Pocahontas.
Kind of like how assholes keep calling someone a traitor and illegitimate President and want to try and pursue impeachment and invoking the 25th amendment because they are butthurt over election results.
She at one time in her life did claim native American heritage even though it is very clear she is not anywhwere close to being an American Indian. It's nice to see her come to terms with the fact she is always has been and always will be a white woman but there is no need to inform us she is white we can see that.

That's why when there was a form to "check" back in college, she checked "white".

Mythology is fun and all but when the actual facts are known the myth kinda peters out.
Then why did she do the dumb DNA test to try and show her native American Heritage? If you checked white and have never made the claim there is no reason to do the test.

Obviously because the A-hole kept calling her Pocahontas.

Kind of like how assholes keep calling someone a traitor and illegitimate President and want to try and pursue impeachment and invoking the 25th amendment because they are butthurt over election results.

Rants like this are not logical ^^^. Rational people understand that Trump's behavior - arrogant, stubborn and megalomania - disgust and concern them. It has nothing to do with losing an election, the concern is losing our Democratic Republic to an inept, incompetent bully who cannot learn from others or experience.
She at one time in her life did claim native American heritage even though it is very clear she is not anywhwere close to being an American Indian. It's nice to see her come to terms with the fact she is always has been and always will be a white woman but there is no need to inform us she is white we can see that.

That's why when there was a form to "check" back in college, she checked "white".

Mythology is fun and all but when the actual facts are known the myth kinda peters out.
Then why did she do the dumb DNA test to try and show her native American Heritage? If you checked white and have never made the claim there is no reason to do the test.

Obviously because the A-hole kept calling her Pocahontas.

Kind of like how assholes keep calling someone a traitor and illegitimate President and want to try and pursue impeachment and invoking the 25th amendment because they are butthurt over election results.

Rants like this are not logical ^^^. Rational people understand that Trump's behavior - arrogant, stubborn and megalomania - disgust and concern them. It has nothing to do with losing an election, the concern is losing our Democratic Republic to an inept, incompetent bully who cannot learn from others or experience.
I’m sure they irony of your ranting response is completely lost on you. You and others like you run around with your hair on fire doing your best chicken little the sky is falling impersonation while the reality around you is totally different.
I've always found the term "people of color" hilarious. Because it sounds like something I would have seen in my train-wreck, early 20s LSD, mushroom and GHB trips (sometimes all 3 drugs at once). People of color......one of those hallucinations you only see when you're heavily tripping and seeing thousands of those rainbow sparkly things dancing around the edges of every surface you look at! And seeing waves of ripples and eddies in every flat surface you look at. "People of color" seem to fit right into that drug-warped scenario.
She at one time in her life did claim native American heritage even though it is very clear she is not anywhwere close to being an American Indian. It's nice to see her come to terms with the fact she is always has been and always will be a white woman but there is no need to inform us she is white we can see that.

That's why when there was a form to "check" back in college, she checked "white".

Mythology is fun and all but when the actual facts are known the myth kinda peters out.
Then why did she do the dumb DNA test to try and show her native American Heritage? If you checked white and have never made the claim there is no reason to do the test.

How the fuck does taking a DNA survey affect checking the "white" box in college?

I took one of them things and I never check that box at all. One has no bearing on the other.

She was telling the facts.
She doesn't consider herself a person of color.
And Trump is a racist.
You have too much time on your hands.
And Warren makes your junk shrink, just like she makes Donald's.

She doesn't consider herself a person of color...anymore?

Never did, she made a claim that her family believed she had a Native American Ancestor. That is far and away from the BIG LIE she claimed to be a person of color.

23&Me has a number of surprises for many who have had their DNA Checked. Her's suggested she may have some Native American Ancestor.

The entire hysteria is because Donald Trump is a jackass and used a racist remark over and over to cheers from his fellow travelers.

I'm still learning about her as she is on the opposite side of the country so I have never really paid attention to her but I found this little bit that seems to prove that your claim is inaccurate. The only way that she could be mentioned in this way is if she claimed it.

Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American.

Survey: Diversity Lacking At HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

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