Elizabeth Warren’s new housing proposal is actually a brilliant plan to close the racial wealth gap

Give money to people for a down payment, is not brilliant. It is a way to provide short term housing to people who can't afford the house. We did that once, it failed. It creates a lack of ownership, so maintaining the property is not as likely. It makes moving out easier as you can take the down payment money and run.
Give money to people for a down payment, is not brilliant. It is a way to provide short term housing to people who can't afford the house. We did that once, it failed. It creates a lack of ownership, so maintaining the property is not as likely. It makes moving out easier as you can take the down payment money and run.

Fuck you give my money to people for a down payment. I saved mine at $6 an hour. We already had one housing crash. Progressives would like another?
The very core of socialism is reward for bad behavior. There's a reason some own a home and others don't. The former is responsible, desires a home and earns the home. The latter is irresponsible. Sure they'll take a hand-out. They won't make the payments.

Pocahantas is wealthy. She should close her accounts and share the wealth.

ILMAO at progressives. On one hand they want a stronger dollar and affordable housing. On another they want open borders and high taxes. Fucking progressives, somehow they can't add 2+2 to get 4.
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Giving someone a down payment on a house does not make them responsible owners.

During the last housing frenzy, poor people using liar loans bought houses. They didn't understand paying utilities or for trash or water. They never thought of property taxes. They ended up cold, with no running water and mountains of trash.
Giving someone a down payment on a house does not make them responsible owners.

During the last housing frenzy, poor people using liar loans bought houses. They didn't understand paying utilities or for trash or water. They never thought of property taxes. They ended up cold, with no running water and mountains of trash.

There's always a ceiling and it was mostly clear we had reached it. Based on averages, homes were way too high. Based on averages, home values are about right today with one caveat, interest rates are still too low.

When interest rates are considered, the crash was deeper than the climb. Matter of fact, based on historical rates, homes were worth half the market value. So that 250K home that jumped to 560, then dropped down to 235, the bottom would be approx. 120K under a historically reasonable interest rate. The Bush admin. fucked up on interest rates, among other things. They were used to detour a recession under 9-11 and the Dot.com crash.

Many blame banks and Gov. for the climb and fall, but the public takes 1/3rd the responsibility. Know what you're signing, imagine the worst case scenario and do basic math.
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Give money to people for a down payment, is not brilliant. It is a way to provide short term housing to people who can't afford the house. We did that once, it failed. It creates a lack of ownership, so maintaining the property is not as likely. It makes moving out easier as you can take the down payment money and run.

Fuck you give my money to people for a down payment. I saved mine at $6 an hour. We already had one housing crash. Progressives would like another?

What part of not brilliant fucked you up?
Not everyone should own a home. It's not the job of government to determine who lives where.

Actually that part of the story is true. The government tried to tell people where to live and then provided unrealisitic guidelines for getting a mortgage fifteen years ago. It has been the self appointed job of government to provide housing and they are proven terrible at it.
more dumbshit as usual
good on paper but DUMB realistically
like Obamacare/MObama's lunch program = waste of tax $$$

this is SIMPLE
blacks graduate high school at lower rates meaning less qualified for college and graduate college at lower rates = lower wages--duh
blacks commit crime at higher rates = messed up/No wages/broken families/etc
the cycle goes on and on and on
...if you need someone to give you a down payment for a house means you are not financially/mentally/etc disciplined to own-pay for a house
Its-------he Everybody Gets a Free Tee Pee Plan!

Who pays for it? Used to be hard working American Taxpayers.

Now, its starting to look like its going to be whoever is foolish enough to loan the USA more money on top of the 21 Trillion it already owes---mostly from past Free Stuff Plans---most of which merely rob people of their instinct for Self-Reliance and turn them into a permanently dependent grievance class--i.e. Democrat Voters.

"Raving Loon" Warren is trying to make up for getting caught pretending to be "Pocahontas", and profiting from it---when she is actually "Snow White".

Hypocrisy---its what Liberals do.
because fauxcahauntas wants everybody to enjoy the largess of government funded housing, like on the reservations

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