Elon Musk asks why 'leaking' DOJ won't spill Epstein client list: 'Doesn't that seem odd?'

No riots, no stacks of bodies in freezer trucks because we don't have room for them in the morgues... no mass unemployment.

Oh, boo, hoo, I had to pay a little more for gas because I insist on driving a gas-guzzling SUV.
More died from covid under Biden and now we have mass shootings almost daily. Oh and the gas prices hurt the middle class and the poor. So the democrats always hurt them the most.
No riots, no stacks of bodies in freezer trucks because we don't have room for them in the morgues... no mass unemployment.

Oh, boo, hoo, I had to pay a little more for gas because I insist on driving a gas-guzzling SUV.
Of course if this occurred under Trump, you’d be outraged.
Don't know who did it, but Clinton was cozy with Epstein and so was randy Prince Andrew, could have been the gov'ts of either UK or US.
I doubt he is even dead... he loved democrats, therefore the fbi , doj , Obama Clinton loved him and his product. He is probably living in a secluded place with fresh pizza flown in weekly . If ta know what I mean...
No, he handed Biden what he needed and he still managed to screw it up.

Not really. He only ordered 50M doses when we needed a lot more.

And no distribution network.

Not really. He only ordered 50M doses when we needed a lot more.

And no distribution network.

Lol, you mean the vaccine that Biden claimed he didn't have? After getting two of them on TV? If it wasn't for Trump, Biden wouldn't have the vaccine and probably still wouldn't. Biden is a fuck up, even your boy Obama stated that.
Lol, you mean the vaccine that Biden claimed he didn't have? After getting two of them on TV? If it wasn't for Trump, Biden wouldn't have the vaccine and probably still wouldn't. Biden is a fuck up, even your boy Obama stated that.
Trump didn't make the vaccines.. Pfizer and Moderna did... Trump was just supposed to get it distributed, which he failed MISERABLY at.

He promised 10 million vaccinations by the end of December, but ended up at less than a million.
Trump didn't make the vaccines.. Pfizer and Moderna did... Trump was just supposed to get it distributed, which he failed MISERABLY at.

He promised 10 million vaccinations by the end of December, but ended up at less than a million.
He made it possible for them to be made. So Biden started with people vaccinated and still had more deaths than Trump. Not to mention the numerous failures of Biden's presidency.
Sorry, man, I know you go to bed praying for disaster..

But Trump was a disaster.

Plague, Riots, Recession. Good times.
Plague = Fauci, Riots = Antifa BLM leftists, Recession = States/Cities shutting down business.

All designed to get rid of Trump because he isn't a deep state tool. Your team Joe,
Sorry, man, I know you go to bed praying for disaster..

But Trump was a disaster.

Plague, Riots, Recession. Good times.
World wide pandemic.
Trump was willing to stop the summer of love, but the liberal leaders wanted it.
Economy was recovering from the pandemic.
Now we have record high gas prices.
Record high inflation.
Record high energy prices.
A well weaponized Taliban, thanks Biden for giving them that.
Mass killings on a regular basis.
Food shortages coming.
Consumer products shortages.
Blackouts happening all over. Even predicting them in south Carolina for the first time in my lifetime.
A predicted recession coming.
And Biden states there is nothing he can do about it.
Obama nailed it, when he said don't underestimate how bad ole Joe can fuck something up.
World wide pandemic.
Trump was willing to stop the summer of love, but the liberal leaders wanted it.
Economy was recovering from the pandemic.
Now we have record high gas prices.
Record high inflation.
Record high energy prices.
A well weaponized Taliban, thanks Biden for giving them that.
Mass killings on a regular basis.
Food shortages coming.
Consumer products shortages.
Blackouts happening all over. Even predicting them in south Carolina for the first time in my lifetime.
A predicted recession coming.
And Biden states there is nothing he can do about it.
Obama nailed it, when he said don't underestimate how bad ole Joe can fuck something up.
Oh yeah and maybe world War 3.
Trump was president. If you are going to blame Biden for gas prices and baby formula, then Trump owns the riots and plagues.
Nope no plague a worldwide pandemic, and the riots were looney liberals looting and burning cities down. Celebrated by the highest of your leaders. Heck Biden won't even come out and condemn the failed killing attempt on Kavanaugh. That Schumer instigated.
What the dems give they also take away. $15 min wage--how far do you think that went when gas doubled in price in one year? Ronald Reagan said it best, "A government that gives you everything you want will take EVERYTHING you have."

There is no $15 minimum wage so........
Nope no plague a worldwide pandemic, and the riots were looney liberals looting and burning cities down. Celebrated by the highest of your leaders. Heck Biden won't even come out and condemn the failed killing attempt on Kavanaugh. That Schumer instigated.

The rest of the world did a pretty good job containing Covid... we didn't, because we had Trump.

The riots happened because black people saw a racist president cheering on police brutality and decided to finally fight back.

Why should Biden condemn that? You gun nuts have said for years you need your guns to fight the government.

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