Elon Musk Confirms He will UNBAN TRUMP if Twitter Buyout Goes Through

Trump does not have social media in any meaningful sense. Downloads are way down, usage is abysmal and Trump doesn’t even post to the platform.

It will take time. If he wants it to succeed, it will. It will create problems for the Establishment for sure who will no longer be able to silence him.

Trump Truth Social App Gets Half a Million Users in First 48 Hours​

Trump does not have social media in any meaningful sense. Downloads are way down, usage is abysmal and Trump doesn’t even post to the platform.
Hell, He just started it. Trump has posted. You people expect a flick of a switch.
It should only matter what Trump said. Bad actions by Farrakhan hardly make Trump smell like a rose.
No, what should matter is equal moderation.
It should only matter what Trump said. Bad actions by Farrakhan hardly make Trump smell like a rose.
Well we know you want that one way street of evaluation but still does not work like that in a still free society
Comparison and contrast is Always how an evaluation of different things works
Anyone taking bets on how long until Trump gets banned again? Even Musk has his limits.

Limits on what? Truth? Saying words like Bigly or cofefe? Talking about the election fraud? There is a simple way you could totally permanently shut Trump up on that: just produce some of the evidence the Left has been claiming it had since only a few days after the election that all of the fraud claims have been debunked that I've heard or been told a thousand times!

Of course, you gladly WOULD if you could just to shut Trump up and make him look bad further killing his chances of reelection, but you obviously can't or you already would have, because there ISN'T any proof because the election WAS stolen just as documented and confessed to, and that's why you want him shut up.
I was on a website run by a far-leftist. He banned me for explaining why Bernie Sanders‘ plan to make college free (or whatever it was) by raising the taxes on those earning $10 million or more (or whatever it was….can’t remember the details at this point) simply didn’t provide enough funding, given how many $10 million earners there were and the number of kids in college. I showed that even if the entire amount was confiscated, it would not cover it.

Boom! Post deleted within seconds without explanation. When I DM’d the owner and asked why, double-boom! Banned. I was a member of that site for less than a day.

At the same time, the most vicious lies about Israel, and disgusting remarks about Jews and Hitler “finishing the job” were allowed to stand.

Thank G-d we are finally going to get the chance to express ourselves without being silenced, censored, and banned.

Twitter acquisition is “not a done deal”, @elonmusk tells #FTCar, and says the best case scenario would be if it is done within three months.

Musk says he “would reverse the permaban [permanent ban]” of Donald Trump on Twitter. Says it was a “morally bad decision and foolish in the extreme” to remove Trump in the first place.

This is interesting to see, right before midterms. Ohhh boy.

Elon is longing for a cabinet position, maybe a pat on the ass, a chance to grope Mrs. Trump.
As bad as the Covid hoax has been to defeat Trump it’s more important to not allow Musk to operate a huge free speech site.
I suspect yet another non lawful and nebulous “mandate” for “public good” to prevent the proliferation of free fact based conservative speech. The “misinformation panel” bullshit is already a step in that direction

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