Elon Musk Issues Grave Warning for America: “The Groundwork is Being Laid for Something Far Worse than 9/11”


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
When you have 10M citizens illegaly in your country over the last three years alone arriving from parts unknown what would anyone reasonably expect? Do some believe the worlds hostile governments are lead by nice, gentle leaders looking to help America?
When the next 9/11 happens in a blue city don't expect me to be outraged.....Except at the scumdog leftist dems that laid the groundwork for it to happen.....And happen it will.....Sure as shit.
Too many are in denial....though many recognize that it is not a matter of if...but a matter of when.

It isn't even Biden doing this, it isn't even his administration, they are simply the hands doing the work of the real people behind it all. And those are people like George soros, claus schaub, blackrock and the world economic forum. Although Biden and all of his enablers should be charged with treason against the United States of America and be held accountable for the damage they have done to our nation and it's citizens.

This will be a scenario where one day people will wake up and find the country has absolutely gone too shit and by then it will be too late to do anything about it. It won't be quick, it's going to be gradual and slow. We won't realize the trap is being built around us.

Flying illegals in in secret, letting 10s of millions walk across the border, our government fighting against states just trying to protect their own people by not letting illegals in, spending countless millions to provide for illegals and giving them more than a lot of Americans have, softening language from illegal to migrant, politicians asking people to let illegals live with them, closing schools to house illegals and so on. Biden says he will close the border and his administration lies for him but they absolutely will not close it because they WANT this to happen.

There is a plan for all of this make no mistake. I'm telling you this is the world economic forum destroying our country on purpose.

America can not fall like they predict unless they make it fall. And how do you topple a world super power? You rot it from the inside out. You start by infecting the youth with weakness and selfishness, then you flood the country with people who have no love or pride for the country, people that don't have American morals, values, standards and pride. And those people are poor, criminal, dumb illegals and that's exactly what we're getting.

If this isn't turned around 180 degrees and quickly we will be too far gone to recover and the strong, independent, dominant, adventurous, smart, successful America that has been here for 100s of years will be gone for good.

Just look around, the america we had even just 20 years ago is in the distance now and is fading away.
When you have 10M citizens illegaly in your country over the last three years alone arriving from parts unknown what would anyone reasonably expect? Do some believe the worlds hostile governments are lead by nice, gentle leaders looking to help America?
When you give money and weapons to bullies their victims just might hit back. Reagan thought he was a bad ass when he bombed Libya and he didn`t shut up until they blew up an airliner over Scotland. I wouldn`t be surprised if Islamic extremists fly more airliners into our skyscrapers.
When you have 10M citizens illegaly in your country over the last three years alone arriving from parts unknown what would anyone reasonably expect? Do some believe the worlds hostile governments are lead by nice, gentle leaders looking to help America
Most of those immigrants are coming from countries that WE fucked up. Any leader who wanted to help their people, we got rid of and replaced them with a rightwing dictator. Read books and learn something.
The old Alex Jones offense. “Something sinister is going to happen.” And when it does but doesn’t match what you said...... “See I was right all along!!!"
When the next 9/11 happens in a blue city don't expect me to be outraged.....Except at the scumdog leftist dems that laid the groundwork for it to happen.....And happen it will.....Sure as shit.
Wherever and whenever it happens will make no difference....The gubmint will still use the event as an excuse to again greatly exceed their lawful authority.
Most of those immigrants are coming from countries that WE fucked up. Any leader who wanted to help their people, we got rid of and replaced them with a rightwing dictator. Read books and learn something.
Right. 28,000 From China, did America screw them over?

If you believe your assertion then what is the impetus to allowing them all inside the U.S?
"Elon Musk makes racist douche speech, racist douches applaud. FIlm at 11."
Most of those immigrants are coming from countries that WE fucked up.
(1) Intellectually honest people of all political stripes agree that the United States regularly interfered in other countries' politics.

(2) That is why, for example, much of El Salvador's population is now here in Los Angeles.

(3) At the beginning of the 20th century, Mexico got its first democratically elected president, Francisco Madero. He was overthrown when the American ambassador told some Mexican generals that they could go ahead and overthrow him. The army then imprisoned him, and when he supposedly tried to escape, he was killed.

(4) And, of course, we all know that Henry K. told the army of Chile that they could overthrow President Allende.

(5) And the United States was not too fond of Prime Minister Mobutu in the Congo, so he ended up tied up in the back of a pickup truck as rebel soldiers insulted him and eventually murdered him.
Most of those immigrants are coming from countries that WE fucked up. Any leader who wanted to help their people, we got rid of and replaced them with a rightwing dictator. Read books and learn something.
They are coming from every country on Earth and even if the USA did meddle in the affairs (Ukraine cough couch) that doesn't equate to they get to come here. And they would be coming regardless because their country would still be a 3rd world chithole with or without SA meddling.
Too many are in denial....though many recognize that it is not a matter of if...but a matter of when.

I'm afraid that even though am generally optimistic, I am sincerely concerned that America's aiding and abetting what ethical Jews and non Jews regard as the Gaza genocide (1) is most likely to incite an attack on America or American interests.

Just as right wing Israeli lobbies deceived and manipulated the US (2) into sacrificing young American G.I.s and countless $ Billions in a fatally flawed war on Iraq for Israel, it is becoming more evident that America is now being manipulated into a War on Islam from which only Israel's right wing benefits and America sends more young Americans to die for Israel. (3)

It's long past time for America to extract itself from one sided foreign entanglements.
For example:

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” - Benjamin Netanyahu


(1). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

(3). "Top US General Says American Troops Should Be Ready To Die For Israel"

EXCERPT "We can't find anything in the oath of enlistment or the Constitution [federal statute in 10 U.S.C. 502, and based in Article VI of the Constitution] that requires US citizens or soldiers to defend and fight for a foreign nation."CONTINUED

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