Elon Musk Issues Ultimatum

Wow he is treating Twitter like a business and expecting employess to actually work hard what a concept.

Yeah, nothing says 'Treating Twitter like a business' like attacking your own customers and refusing to take responsibilities for his numerous failures.
80 hour week.

Many of the engineers are reporting that they are expected to work 24/7 until certain projects are finished, sleeping in the office.

Which begs the question....what orifice did Whitehall pull his 40 hours a week number from?
Musk is opening up huge opportunities for Twitter alternatives. There's a non-right wing market for what Twitter offers. Lay off enough engineers, and they'll make it.
I’m not so sure that market exists. I recently made a truth social account. It is like a bunch of angry guys in a bar looking for a fight and there is nobody to fight against.
Is that a good business strategy in your world?
Time will tell so far very few have actually left Twitter over it. They are like the people who claim they will leave the country if insert name here wins an election most never do. The majority of those bitching about Musk and Twitter will throw a temper tantrum but that will be about it they are to addicted to Twitter to leave it for good.
When you as customer attack him on Twitter he is allowed to respond you know that whole freedom of speech thing.

Twitter users aren't its customers. They are its product.

Twitter ADVERTISERS are its customers. And Elon railed against them.

Which was beyond stupid.

No one is saying that Elon doesn't have the right to attack his advertisers. We're speaking of the wisdom as a businessman of doing so. You're not following what is being discussed.
Time will tell so far very few have actually left Twitter over it. They are like the people who claim they will leave the country if insert name here wins an election most never do. The majority of those bitching about Musk and Twitter will throw a temper tantrum but that will be about it they are to addicted to Twitter to leave it for good.

Elon himself has already confirmed a massive revenue drop and is now discussing bankruptcy. We don't have to speculate about if advertisers will pull back their budgets.

They already have.
Evidence please. WE know major companies have, if not all at this point, which he already admitted to.
And we know others will take their place this is nothing new and usually the companies that do something like this wait till the media attention dies down and quietly get right back on. Like I said time will tell.
I’m not so sure that market exists. I recently made a truth social account. It is like a bunch of angry guys in a bar looking for a fight and there is nobody to fight against.

Truth Social is a Trump oriented right wing social media platform. If you're looking to sell pillows, supplements or QAnon branded solar radios, its a superb place to advertise.

But Disney? Eli Lilly? Apple? Ford? Coca-Cola? Any major company NOT run by Mike Lindell? There are few ad dollars spent there. Tesla didn't even bother to advertise there.

The alternative I'm speaking of is not another right wing twitter knock off. But NON-right wing Twitter competitor. The services that Twitter used to offer has a market for advertisers. Fill that niche without all the conspiracy, confusion and hate speech.....and you can generate revenue.

Profit.....a little harder. Twitter has only been profitable two years in its history.
The alternative I'm speaking of is not another right wing twitter knock off. But NON-right wing Twitter competitor. The services that Twitter used to offer has a market for advertisers. Fill that niche without all the conspiracy, confusion and hate speech.....and you can generate revenue.
Agree. I misunderstood
NOT if thats standard in the industry. Another large soft tech company near Twitter has food, cleaners, and barber on site. You work a lot of hours but basically don't have to leave.
is it facebook? cause they are doing mass lay offs now too
There is no free lunch anymore! And you have to actually work and not play ping pong all day long :auiqs.jpg:
There is no free lunch anymore! And you have to actually work and not play ping pong all day long :auiqs.jpg:

Sigh.....you don't generate $5 billion in revenue in 2021 playing ping pong
A lot of hatred for employees on this board. Interesting that.

Its the conservative default. They worship wealth, and by default, the wealthy.

The people that actually do the work to generate the wealth are disdained. They are the 'takers' per conservatives. While the wealthy are the 'makers'.

Which is ironic given that almost all republicans aren't wealthy and work for a living. There's a lot of self loathing in their mindset.
Every tech worker in the world wants to work for a Musk company. Except perhaps for the woke. But they need to go anyway.

Top tech workers want to work for companies on the leading edge of technology. Musk's talk of bankruptcy is a clear signal that Twitter is on the bleeding edge and for top talent to jump ship, if they haven't yet already.
Top tech workers want to work for companies on the leading edge of technology. Musk's talk of bankruptcy is a clear signal that Twitter is on the bleeding edge and for top talent to jump ship, if they haven't yet already.
Talk of bankruptcy was just shaking the trees to see what nuts fall out. Top talent in the world are sending resumes to Twitter. Especially the unwoke that the twits tried to destroy.

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