Elon Musk suggests that anyone over the age of 70 should be barred from running for political office

I wish people would do the right thing, and choose to step down once they get to that age.

Why would they do that when we keep voting for them?
If there's a minimum age requirement for President, there's no reason in the world why their should be an age limit,..
The election process is to suppose to govern that.
No one would have ever thought that so many people would vote for a man so OBVIOUSLY in cognitive decline.
Go ahead and make some comment about Trump... Trump is not senile, you may not like him... you may hate him... he is erratic, egotistical etc. I can understand that... but he isn't a senile buffoon.
A 70 Year old Genius _(Reagan) is far more valuable than a 30 year old Idiot (AOC)
Sorry, but Reagan was no genius. Ironically, he and AOC probably are of the same IQ, really close. Clinton and Carter were geniuses.
The election process is to suppose to govern that.
No one would have ever thought that so many people would vote for a man so OBVIOUSLY in cognitive decline.
Go ahead and make some comment about Trump... Trump is not senile, you may not like him... you may hate him... he is erratic, egotistical etc. I can understand that... but he isn't a senile buffoon.

Why would I make some comment about Trump?
I suggest BANNING anyone UNDER 95 from running.

Hopefully, a gerontocracy won't be able to screw up anything.
Sorry, but Reagan was no genius. Ironically, he and AOC probably are of the same IQ, really close. Clinton and Carter were geniuses.
Clinton was ruled by his cock and Carter was a goody two shoe do gooder who had no business being a President. Awesome guy, but a terrible President.
Reagan was an idealist. He did many good things in office, but as Presidential historian Stephen Ambrose stated - "Every great leader is both great and terrible" - Reagan fit that bill.
Why would I make some comment about Trump?
Because as soon as someone whispers something bad about Biden... 90% of the time the result will be "Yeah but Trump..."
Perhaps you are not one of them. I had a 90% chance of being right.
Term Limits is more important. Also, legal consequences for selling out citizens and misuse of funds.

China is going to win. The West did it to themselves. Canada is a prime example, it's never believed in democracy or accountability to its population, do NOT become like us.
We already have term limits. They are called elections.
We already have term limits. They are called elections.
Excellent point.
The system depends on the general population not be insane.
The last election proved that can no longer be depended on.
At no point in my life did I think people would knowingly vote for someone who literally doesn't have the mental capacity to finish a sentence.
Because as soon as someone whispers something bad about Biden... 90% of the time the result will be "Yeah but Trump..."
Perhaps you are not one of them. I had a 90% chance of being right.

Crazy how those odds didn't work in your favor, huh?

That's the problem with political discourse. All I did was say there's no reason to not have an age limit, and you went off on some tangent about people voting for someone who was in obvious cognitive decline and how I could say what I wanted about Trump, even suggesting that I might hate him, and pointing out that he's not a senile buffoon.

Where you found the foothold to make such ignorant and stupid comments is a mystery.

I voted for Trump twice...
Crazy how those odds didn't work in your favor, huh?

That's the problem with political discourse. All I did was say there's no reason to not have an age limit, and you went off on some tangent about people voting for someone who was in obvious cognitive decline and how I could say what I wanted about Trump, even suggesting that I might hate him, and pointing out that he's not a senile buffoon.

Where you found the foothold to make such ignorant and stupid comments is a mystery.

I voted for Trump twice...
Haha... 90% is pretty good odds.
And for you to pretend that as soon as someone even mention the word "Biden"... and not be followed by a string of "Yeah but Trump"... seriously?
So what?
“Nothing so strongly impels a man to regard the interest of his constituents, as the certainty of returning to the general mass of the people, from whence he was taken, where he must participate in their burdens.” George Mason
educate me plz Winston, who is this man?

Haha... 90% is pretty good odds.
And for you to pretend that as soon as someone even mention the word "Biden"... and not be followed by a string of "Yeah but Trump"... seriously?
So what?

Sure, it happens.

And then there are the times when it doesn't happen, because you don't know anything about the person your conversing with, and you end up looking like a fool...
Sorry, but Reagan was no genius. Ironically, he and AOC probably are of the same IQ, really close. Clinton and Carter were geniuses.
You are comparing the BEST President in the 20th Century with a Pseudo-Intellectual BarMaid? Carter was an incompetent boob. Clinton? A professional Politician. And HE knew when to compromise. I had no problems with the 90's. However ,I hated his Pig Wife.

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