CDZ Email - What is the level of Privacy canyou Expect?

Why is that Jack? Who decided that. I don't know anyone who volunteered to give up their privacy in emails.

I would say the level of privacy is based upon the system they are sent over. In the case of Gruden they were sent to official NFL mailboxes, once you do that you have no assumption of privacy. Every company has the right and power to monitor what is sent and received on their system.
  1. What could be in an email worth firing someone over? Some tits? From a guy?
  2. Its a federal crime to just open someone else's mail, but anyone can do anything with an electronic-mail? Who decided that?
  3. Where is the statute of limitations? You can't prosecute a person in court after two years but apparently emails are forever?
  4. I can change an email to say almost anything. Emails can be faked because they are electronic.
  5. Who ever decided that in a society of very STRICT rules over what you can sue or be prosecuted over, that apparently outside of court, you can be prosecuted and found guilty of almost anything by almost anyone, for almost any length of time! What next, a childhood friend comes forth to denounce you for something you said in 6th grade?

1. Anything against company policy or that harms the company in some manner.

2. I think it depends where it is sent. Anything sent from or to a company is the property of the company. I have to agree to such things every day when I log onto my work computer.

3. Based totally on the court of public opinion.

4. They can be, but this was not the case with Gruden.

5. There is no good way to control the court of public opinion. Can you think of any way to do so?
The firing of John Gruden over leaked emails from 10 years ago raise the question:
How private is email? The the leaks from Gruden's emailswere 10 years on so at the time hewas working for eSPN as an annoucer onn MNF He sent emails to the Redskins official, The NFLread the emails during an investigtion that hd nothingtodo with Gruden.
The NFL leaked the Emails andGruden was fired. WhatgavetheNFL the rightto leak the emails in thefirst place? At the time Gruden was employed by ESPN and not the NFL.


If you send me an e-mail; I can do whatever I want with it as long as it's not a state secret.

This latest right wing "outrage" (you're not really outraged but you really want to be right?) is just about as dumb as Hillary's "missing" e-mails. By definition, an e-mail is sent between two people (minimum). They are not "missing"....

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