Embarrassing: Justice Ginsburg Naps During Pope's Address To Congress

When you are 82 years old and a Supreme Court Justice of the United States you can take a nap whenever and wherever you want.
This about sums it up.
She is old and at the apex of her field. Who the hell cares.
Typical, "not 100% sober" becomes
"she's a drunk" for RW media and hater dupes. About the same process you get with BENGAZI!!, IRS!!, F+F!!, FF!!, FBI!!, IRAN NUKING!!, etc etc. TOTAL BS, for hater dupes only. Your disgrace of a New BS GOP.
Saw Eric on the Five talking about Lena being some kind of a-hole. More character assassination/ bullshytte from RW?propaganda/infotainment. EVERYTHING they say is crappe if you look into it. Hater dupes!
Lena Dunham Angrily Responds to Claims She Molested Her Sister
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And the hater dupe reveals himself. An ignorant, totally misinformed, functional moron. At best.
And the hater dupe reveals himself. An ignorant, totally misinformed, functional moron. At best.

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